Peter Fan via
Aug 19 (1 day ago)

to me
Hey I just got some BAD NEWS that I wanna share with you.

Usually I'm not one for dwelling on sob stories but it's
important for you to know that even though life is pretty
sweet these days...

... **** still happens to all of us.

There are unexpected curve balls in life that we all have to face.
That's just the way it is.

So I got a message from my mom on Whatsapp this morning,
which is how I stay in touch with her since relocating to the

And she told me that a close family friend who used to look after
me as a child, had passed away...

... Which is not the sort of news that anyone wants to wake up to.

Not exactly sure what happened yet. I'm guessing I'll get more details
over the next few days.

Why am I sharing this all this with you?

Because you're blessed my friend.

If you woke up this morning with the strength to get out of bed then you
still have the hope of accomplishing whatever you want in life.

But there are people who didn't wake up today.

There are people who passed on unexpectedly with unfinished plans and
incomplete dreams.

... Who kept on saying "tomorrow I'm gonna do this"...

... But one day tomorrow never came and it was too late!

There are people who wish they could come back and do life all over again
but they can't.


Because 3 things in life are certain:


So I'm feeling extra blessed today.

You should feel extra blessed too.

And neither of us should take another moment of life for granted. It's simply
too short and far too precious.

Make every second count.

Maybe you're still STUCK in a JOB that you hate.

Maybe you're struggling in your business and wondering if Lady Luck will ever
shine on you.

Whatever the case may be I know one thing for sure.

If you're reading this email you're alive. And that means there's still time.

Thanks to my internet business I was able to meet my soulmate. We were also
able to relocate to a tropical paradise here in the Bahamas.

And because we have an Automated System that generates multiple six figures
each year, we're able to spend our precious time together... doing the things
we love.

That's the beauty of this

It isn't about the money or getting recognition all over the internet.

It's not about having people pay as much as $12,000 to learn from us.

This is about creating UNLIMITED time freedom so we can experience as many
happy times in life as possible.

That's what truly counts in life.

And it's about giving back to others. Showing them how to live this lifestyle too.
It's about donating to dog shelters and helping abandoned puppies find great
new homes.

You my friend have a special gift inside of you that's waiting to be unlocked.

And you owe it to yourself, to your family and to the world as a whole to unlock
it sooner rather than later.

Here is your key and combination code

Don't put off until tomorrow what you have the power to do today.

Tomorrow may never come.

Peter Fan
Still Traveling!
Work Smart.Profit Fast.Live Free!

2212 Bruce
Canberra ACT 2617