Hucksters love the split, reminds me of the internet bubble of 99.

In a recent book, ''Wall Street Money Machine,'' Mr. Cook -- a former cab driver whose proverbs include ''God wants us to prosper'' -- has an entire chapter devoted to buying options on stock splits. He also has an Internet site that, among other things, markets his IQ Pager. And a growing number of investors are taking his advice. New Frenzy - A Split, a Beep and an Option -

Wade Cook gets 88 months in prison -

Better to follow the lead of a wise Yogi than any of these gurus...

"You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat six."

Yogi Berra

Read more at You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I'm not hungry enough to eat six. - Yogi Berra at BrainyQuote