Flabu-lessly Yours

One of the newer players on the market, a multi-level marketing company called Isagenix, has recently gained a lot of press. Isagenix promises health, wealth, and weight loss with their detoxification and internal cellular cleansing system. I let myself get suckered into this one last July. Over the next 6 weeks on the program, I lost a whopping 30 pounds! Well, needless to say, that got my attention -- but, so did the chronic diarrhea that went along with it! Oh, and don't forget the hunger pangs. I was constantly starving on this program because all you're allowed is two shakes a day, some herbal pills that are supposed to help you burn fat, two snacks (more on those later), and one "sensible" meal of your own choosing which, for me, usually meant some kind of salad with protein in it.
Think maybe it's those weird herbs that's causing the brown stuff to trickle down your pant leg?

A rather nasty way to lose weight - **** yourself thin.

... Oh, oh, and how could I forget the most amazing thing about Isagenix? You can buy an entire three-ring binder full of Isagenix success stories for the bargain price of $25! Like any other company that is trying to make a quick buck, Isagenix has plenty of people singing its praises. One of the most extraordinary claims I ever heard was that the folks who have achieved dramatic weight loss (in excess of 100+ pounds) on Isagenix have no loose skin! ABSOLUTELY NONE!! Imagine that! Now, this I would like to see! Although, I guess we'll never really know will we? Unless...maybe...hey, do ya reckon some of these folks might be pursuaded to take off their clothes on stage at the next Isagenix convention? Hmmm...just a thought...

Yeah, that loose skin thingy - that's always puzzled me.

You lose a hundred pounds and you're going to look like a Shar Pei, no two ways about it. Skin doesn't magically spring back.

Think maybe the "After" photo in the "Before & After" photos is actually the "Before" photo? You know, taken before they packed on all that lard?

Hmmm...just a thought.