Gee... now there's a blast from the past - Isagenix. It must be a couple of years since I've squabbled with those yahoos and their "weight loss" nonsense!

It's nice to see Dr. Harriet Hall is still active. I know she got quite a bit of flack from the Isagenix crowd for her original piece. I had some correspondence with her, congratulating her on that expose. I can't remember what else she shared with me, but it had something to do with hate mail she got, something like that!

Speaking of doctors...

I read on Livestrong that "the "Isagenix Cleanse," a product shown on infomercials, is fronted by gastroentrologist Dr. Becky Natrajen".

What is the Dr. Becky Natrajan Cleansing Diet?

Never heard of her, but a link at the bottom of the above article gives some more info about her:


There's a picture of the skinny bimbo and her husband on that page. I can tell she never had a weight issue and she admits it: "We were already healthy and very physically fit, but even then,after 9 days on the program, we felt 15 years younger".

All that aside, here's the interesting part...

"At last, after 12 months of extensive research looking for the “perfect” wellness company and Affiliate opportunity…"

Dr. Becky and Dan Maes have joined forces with TriVita to bring Wellness to the World!

Renowned Medical Doctor and award-winning Marketing Executive have teamed up to bring wellness to the world by harnessing the power of a proven Affiliate opportunity of a lifetime! Dr. Becky Maes (formerly Natrajan) and Dan Maes have embraced TriVita’s mission, superior quality products and proven business model. They are 100% dedicated to your success and helping you experience wellness and create wealth for your life purposes.

“For us, we know with our hearts that Trivita is our family and we will create a legacy for our children and their children.”
–Becky Maes MD

Man, it makes your head spin trying to keep up with these characters!

It appears after all the hoopla with Isagenix, she's not only ditched them - but her main squeeze as well, if I read that correctly.