This was posted in Adland and makes me very suspicious...

"Join up to Level 3 or higher & I'll help you advertise until you qualify to earn on the levels you joined!

This business pays daily 100% commissions, up to $1,838 per signup, and many members are earning over $1,000 per day, including me...just from posting ads online!

I joined up to Level 3 at the end of June and was qualified up to Level 2 within a couple weeks, and then Level 3 about a couple weeks later, so I was earning lots of $97's and $47's all thru July that added up to $2,600 so a lot of money came in before I qualified on Level 3. I upgraded to 4 & 5 as soon as I got qualified on Level 2 during the beginning of July, before I got any signups for Level 3. Then it took me about another month to qualify on 4 & 5 and I also earned around $5,000 in August just from 1, 2 & 3 income.
I earned about $8,500 in September, and over $15,000 in October, and several thousands more in November, December, January...

...and I just earned $3,370 yesterday on February 9th!

I'm around $50,000 in just about 7 months since I got my first payment on July 7th. That can put my income near or at $100,000 by the end of my first 12 months this upcoming summer 2011!

I had days in August over $750 and days in September over $1,000 and many days since October between $2,000 to nearly $4,000. Not every day, but many days.

It's recommended to start with 2 & 3, because you won't earn much from just being in Level 1.

For your $10 monthly you get 3 sites and you can also use the EZ Wealth Mailer to contact all your tour-takers and resellers, that's a great deal because later you'll have a lot of people, I have over 150 payliners earning lots of money for me and for themselves. My sponsor has been in for 2 years and has thousands of tour-takers and hundreds of resellers.

We also contact tour-takers by personal email the same day they take the tour."

If it is too good to be true...

Feedback welcomed.