One of the things we encourage people to do when they do their due diligence is to check out the people who are running the program and the people who are the major promoters. So let's do an expose on William, the former serf for TM, Bryant.

William likes to profess that he is this great successful Internet Marketer, just like all the other major promoters of their Ponzi's/Scams/Illegal Pyramid Scheme. But are they truly successful? Not really, but what separates the best from the wannabe's is how well they can BS the people they are conning into joining their can't miss, greatest ever, no-brainer money making opportunity. William is a wannabe player.

Here's what we know about William: He received his High School GED. No other formal education. Started his online marketing career in 2013 and his first venture was in 5 Linx. He went full in and loved being able to introduce people to a cheaper way to buy the services they were already buying seemed a no-brainer to him. He thought he could do it in his sleep. Yet after nearly 2 years with 5 Linx he never made a single sale beyond signing his home up to some of the services. His next known venture was Traffic Monsoon, and if you followed the TM thread here at RS you know he was quite vocal about how great a program it was, was the real deal and he could prove it. The only problem was Charles and his attorneys didn't listen to him.

After TM, William went searching for his next and greatest program and fell for all the hype of MDCM. Apparently he did not do as well as he claimed in TM because he admitted in an interview in Oct 2017 with Karisma that he held a job in early 2017, as he put it: doing menial kitchen work just to round up money to buy services in MDCM. He did it to keep himself busy offline and away from distractions as he worked diligently to grow his MDCM online business. He claims he made hundreds of dollar a day with MDCM and was hoping to increase it to $1,000 per day.

He believes that Revenue Sharing is the perfect business model, particularly online advertising revenue sharing. It’s the answer to most businesses problems business owners face daily. That's why he was so gung-ho on TM and MDCM because they were the perfect business model. William claims his superpower is his intellect. He has the power to discern truth across any void. His biggest fear is not sharing enough value because the problem with the world is there is a lack of value being shared and he doesn’t want to be a contributor towards that deficit.

He only listens to rap music from artists in Atlanta and not a big fan of other rappers. He only watches superhero shows from DC Comics on TV, nothing else. The only movies he watches are superhero movies preferably of the DC Nation variety.

And just think, people actually believe he is this great and successful Internet Marketer. All the above explains a lot doesn't it and why anyone follows him is a mystery. But then I realized just "who" was following him and understood perfectly why they do. They have no more clue what is a real business than he does. Let's not forget that he is a self-proclaimed person of the world and is running for Ambassador of Value. No information if he got elected.

So those of you who are followers of William, the former serf for TM, Bryant are following a person who had to take a menial job so he could afford to purchase services in MDCM after professing all the income he made in TM, only watches fantasy super hero TV shows and movies and lives in fantasyland. And now he is promoting Taurise another soon to be failed Ponzi. Makes me wonder if he had to take another menial job so he could put money into it just like he had to do with MDCM.

So much for his self-proclaimed successful Internet Marketing talents and discerner of truth.