Quote Originally Posted by EagleOne View Post
There are ways this could be done even with him in prison. One way would be through a Power of Attorney. The bank handling the wire transfer could get his authorization via a personal visit for him to sign the forms, etc..

My question is how is he going to pay it? He claims he is broke, he owes his attorneys hundreds of thousands of dollars for all his appeals filed on his and TM's behalf. If he does pay it, where did the money come from? If it was from his overseas bank account, then he would open himself up to perjury charges because he swore under oath he had revealed all his bank accounts and assets. It also raises the question as to whether he paid taxes on this money, which the IRS will want to know. And the hits just keep on coming.

LOL! It almost makes you want to feel sorry for the creep until you remember the arrogance he and his sycophantic family/followers treated the rest of the world!