I had warned Steve to cut out the excessive use of profanity in his posts. If he continued to use profanity in his posts after being told to stop, then his posts were only going to be edited removing the offensive language for a period of time. But if it still continued then he would be given a cooling-off period to think about it and to change his language when allowed to post again.

Since Steve chose to ignore my warning, and after repeated edits of his posts for offensive language, he has now been given time to think about his excessive use of profanity when he posts. So he will not be posting for around a week. Hopefully he will take to heart this time-out, and cut out the offensive language he has used on the forum thread and in his PM's on his return. It is the only reason why he can't post now. He will be able to post once the cooling-off period has expired.

I know a lot of people from New York, as well as I have a lot of friends from New York, and they don't use potty mouth language. His claim that because he is a New Yorker (implying all New Yorkers talk this way) is why he talks this way is all BS. It is a total lack of manners. The ball is now in your court Steve, so when your cooling-off period is over, it is up to you how much longer you will have the ability to post here.