All very possible Ribshaw. Here's what I was thinking if the terminals do indeed exist in those amounts:

There are two types in Flexkom - The serial recruiters who get in, collect, then move on because they know it's a sham and the money is in recruiting. And then you have the schmoes (sorry Joe) who think the loyalty program is going to take the globe by storm (unlike the zillion MLMs before that were going to).

Serial recruiters will not buy terminals, duh.

The schmoes who happen to really believe will have a carrot dangled. Why collect only 20% when, if you sponsor a terminal in your territory, you can get 8% more of the revenue - You can triple down if you are a business owner too. (Shop, GTM, and KTM percentage). This of course is a special limited offer made available by Flexkom to better your business and make you huge, residual money forever.

What's in it for flexkom? Well 10 machines sold @ 400 is about 3k in their pockets. 3k MORE from the believers draining them dry. Plus remember, there has to be something to give the appearance that this is
legit. The terminals cover that and are a money maker to boot. No doubt there are some bonuses floating around too for the recruiters convincing their schmoe GTMs to not miss this opportunity.

Readers, are you a schmoe GTM? One who is not a serial networker recruiting huge teams but an individual who thinks you have struck gold in the M-Commerce business even though you're a realtor, butcher, or hairdresser etc.. Who do you think is funding those commission checks?

Worse yet, are you a schmoe GTM who has recruited a few? A believer who gathers more schmoes?