Quote Originally Posted by freighttrain View Post
I guess it was something like this;

MR. justlogicnohate hosts some meetings for Flexkom. Normally he'd had no problem signing up new people to become what he calls sales reps for Flexkom. But over time, more and more people were complaining about what they'd read on what they called Internet. They told poor old justlogicnohate that they'd read these blogs full of facts about Flexkom. These bloggers supplied them with facts wich learned them that Flexkom was nothing but a piramid scheme. The people wanted their money back and new people were unwilling to sign up with Flexkom.

So, mr. justlogicnohate decided to make a stand. He purchased a computer of his own so that he could explore this thing called the internet to tell all those bloggers out there how things really are!!

And now we are here. Mr. justlogicnohate thinks that he is dealing with these bloggers right here and thus he calls every member a blogger. Makes you wonder how much knowledge this guy really has when it comes to m-commerce or maybe even business in general. I believe to have read that he has burned his hands before on another MLM scheme, so I doubt we have to deal with someone who actually has some knowledge about anything. MLM people generally don't have really much knowledge of business. They're mostly personae non gratae at serious business meetings.
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