Quote Originally Posted by Wouter Hol View Post
Let's say that you have 10 dollars. You give those 10 dollars to me. Then I give you back 2 dollars. A normal person would say he'd just made a loss of 8 dollars. But a Flexkom person would explain this as a profit of 2 dollars.
A normal person would say you just ripped me off.

Quote Originally Posted by Wouter Hol View Post
The commisions that justlogicnohate is talking about are being paid entirely by shops such as the baker, the petrol station and the car wash. Flexkom people are generally unable to understand that their system is causing massive unnecessary loss to the shops, because of the commisions that a shop has to pay to other shops and, more important, to the Flexkom licenceholders/franchisers/agents/pimps. Not that that matters, because every shopowner can see that, thus there is no chance for Flexkom to ever get started.
Why does Wouter Hol think the larger stores have loyalty programs? Why do airlines have loyalty airlines miles? Wouter Hol is arguing something that is obviously working everywhere. So the reader is looking at your post wondering if you are serious or just joking. It would be like saying why would stores want to give a coupon to discount their merchandize? They would lose that money wouldn't they? How do you guys feel qualified to even comment on FlexKom when you don't understand basic business principals. FlexKom has the customer so the stores want customers. What part of that is so hard for these bloggers to understand. Customers love cash back they love free stuff they love prizes so the system drives the customer to the FlexKom business. Geeeeeeeezzzzz! Did you ever think there are maybe 5 bakers in town. So When FlexKom customers chose their baker it could maybe be the FlexKom baker over the Baker that has no deals. Or the super market that doesn't have a cash back program. Marketing 101 I am tired of this nonsense.

Here in USA AAA has tons of stores that give it's members discounts because there are so many members the corporation gave them a discount. My buddy works for boeing and he has discounts with lots of companies including 15% on his cell phone bill. FlexKom is based on volume discount . I guarantee that in a town if there are 6 pizza parlors 2 join FlexKom those 2 will make more profit than the one that don't join even though they give cash back. Why because we will have the customers and the customers like deals.

I have been working with small retailers for 5 years now. Creating websites and online marketing. Google has done well with it's local program. Smart phone sites have worked for them. But still in USA the yellow book is pretty much over. So now reaching new customers is pretty much all about smart phone marketing. People look on their phones to find what they need locally. FlexKOm is a local solution for small businesses. The fee is in the discount. The business can chose to give 1% back if they like and still reach a lot of people with their message. But if they want to get good response they may want to offer more.

Here is a question that needs to be considered. If I came to your store and I said I would like to buy 1 pizza how much is it? 10 dollars. Ok so I am having a big event and I need 100 pizzas but I would like to get a discount for buying that many. What can I get? Can I get 100 pizzas for 900 dollars? If the store says yes did I just take $100 from the pizza shop? Or did I make the pizza shop $900 less the cost of goods? The guys on this board think I just took the pizza shop for $100 according to their logic. I keep saying we will bring them new customers and help them keep the existing ones. We will increase their volume just like my pizza example. More volume more money in addition we will pay them income from the customers they sign. We eliminate the cost they would incur sending flyers and taking out adds in the paper and other marketing costs.

Speaking of pizza. I am here now in USA and I could use a pizza now. What comes to my mind are the big chains not the small stores. I will be able to search on my phone FlexKom pizza places. And what they offer. I will only find the ones that are close to me so it will be simple. I like the cash back and I like the points towards my prizes. I also like to support the smaller retailer So now I am at least aware of another possible place I can buy the pizza. Now if I buy the pizza from the FlexKom place instead of Dominoes wouldn't that be a great service for the pizza place? I like my Flexmoney I like my rewards so now Dominoes has real competition from Jhonny's Pizza place. Johnny got a new customer that he most likely would never get without FlexKom. If I searched google I may find Johnny's Pizza parlor but why would I pick him over the others?

There are tons of reasons to offer loyalty rewards I found these articles

Loaylty article #1

Loyalty article #2

Loyalty article #1 sba.Gov

The problem with the cards that you get a stamp on or the cards that you clip is most people forget to bring their card and it ends up being a bad experince since the customer will be upset for forgetting the card at home. FlexKom's terminal can read your phone, card or even you finger print. So you never forget your card. It is alos more powerful since it tracks you in multiple places and the reward gets more exciting. I mean how many yogurts will you buy in a year? With FlexKOm everything is tracked and you end up with a prize you care about. A vacation at 5000 points. All of it will not cost you the customer anything it is just a thank you you get for choosing our store. When that Vacation gets sent out it will be sent curtesy the the store that signed you up so the store truly gets the credit for the reward you earn.

FlexKom brings technology, the service, the commissions and the customers It's perfection