The problem I have with FLEXKOM is it has NO PRODUCT. The FLEXKOM cards are BROUGHT by the retailers, who give them out to there customers so that they can get discounts from OTHER retailers (if they can find another one in the vicinity).

Just for a second, close your eyes and imagine the shops/businesses in your area?
My town is made up of about 70% chain stores like Marks & Spencer, Next, Boots, Primark etc etc. These multi national stores WILL NOT sign up to Flexkom.
Another 20% are banks/charity shops/estate agents. The remaining 10% are small, specialist independant stores like picture framers/gift shops/niche fashion stores, a sandwich store. Why would they all join this scheme? They are basically handing over there profits to Flexkom for the priviledge of swapping discounts with each other?

And who in there right minds would sign up to have spam (sorry, SALES INFORMATION) texted to them at all hours of the day and night?

When the cards are swiped through the terminals, the customer gets money, the retailer gets money, FLEXKOM gets money, the world and his mother get money (apparently), but where does this money come from?

The money comes from NEW people joining. That would make FLEXKOM a pyamid would it not?