THESE are instructions from the California Attorney General "In cases of statewide significance, we can bring legal action when substantive evidence is accumulated which indicates that a firm is systematically violating California law."
So, everybody that has lost your money that you have paid to these fraudulent companies, should email complaints about these cheating companies to your state Attorney General. Email complaints to (for example) California State Attorney General
Remember, governments won't investigate criminal fraud unless they receive thousands of complaints from us "substantive evidence needs to be accumulated which indicates that a firm is systematically violating California law."
So get all your family, friends, and acquaintances, who have been cheated by these companies to file complaints.
Copy and Paste this statement of help into Comments and Posts on all Social Network websites - and all the others.
We can get some HELP if we file tens of thousands of complaints.
Email us at> and let us know if you will(and have) filed complaints.