Quote Originally Posted by AshKen1 View Post
Here's a little tit-bit for you guys

"No affiliate may create documents that portray earnings that have not been sanctioned by the company. " Especially if they use the following banned words:

1 Investment
2 Doubling
4 Compounding
5 Interest

Usual threats of termination of account etc apply.....

Ah! So you can bamboozle by words, but put nothing in writing... how cunning is that?

The sanctions for anything where you cross BB are always threats of removing accounts, banning someone from re-applying etc, etc.

Bit like the cancelling of traffic packs mentioned above - I really do wonder if there is a facility to cancel them and whether anyone has used it yet. If so, what happened next? Can anyone find out?
The word 'investment' is the one that riles. BB always go on about you are buying a business. Well if that is the case what does anyone that puts money into a business do, they 'invest'.

You don't see the Dragons on Dragons Den saying, 'I am going to put inject some funds in to your company, sorry I can't say investment in case I get regulated by FSA'