Quote Originally Posted by samuel.r View Post
Thanks Jason. So, there's nothing further than this, nothing about the monthly withdrawal level (specifically to the MasterCard) requiring additional/enhanced personal identification documents? It is simply a matter of money laundering as the reason? I thought I heard something about "premium" versus "standard" level of monthly withdrawals and some extra documentation needed on that point...but to be honest there is so much misinformation and confusion coming from both BB and their members I may be confused.
There are three possible reasons and it is likely that all apply -

1 - the first one is the Money Laundering requirements. given the values of transactions then identification and verification is a must. More and more businesses are expected to identify their customers nowadays. I can see this being genuine.
2 - In order to ensure they don't have duplicate accounts they would need to be able to confirm joint ID is not held; however, this is slightly skewed by the fact that you can have a company own an account which is separate to the individual. BB have never particularly tackled this issue well.
3 - In case of investigation from tax authorities. HMRC (in the UK) have the rights to come into one of these businesses and ask for details of all affiliates within it. That way they can investigate the individuals concerned. This is something that HMRC are tightening up on at the moment and some of you may have seen details of their Direct Sellig Campaign Direct selling businesses - HMRC targets | PAH Accountants - Banners broker would come into this bracket.

There are therefore perfectly legitimate reasons for it to require this information.