The quote below this video makes me call into question if Forbes Riley was paid to do this story on Vfinity? As with Americans Serving Americans disclosures surrounding her remuneration are hard to come by.

Vfinity Review: Buy a pak, recruit others who do the same

"The show has nothing to do with Forbes Magazine. It's called Forbes Living TV because the host's name is Forbes Riley. They claim to broadcast on WE Network and Discovery channel, but they just film the episodes and put them on Youtube. At first my partner was going to go on for the hell of it, but they set up phone meeting and asked the company for $14,000 just to be on the show. :^O

Who the hell is stupid enough to fall for this ****? How do these people even exist? "

Lulz, this fake TV show called "Forbes Living TV" contacted my company and tried to scam me | IGN Boards

"SpinGym: you can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter"