Haven't heard much from the lad in awhile.

But he showed up on the Seeking Alpha forum the other day, all feisty, and looking to debate someone.

He pops up near the end of the Comments section - sorry no Comment # to find it.


29 Jan, 01:55 PM

So, Matt, you've finally acknowledged Herbalife's response to your previous "smoking gun" article, but in your zeal to expose Herbalife's disproportionately low sales in Canada (those evil bastards!) you forgot to include a defense of their rebuttal.

Was this a survey of only 46 sales leaders which, if so, would have a margin of error so great as to make the results virtually meaningless? And cause it's comparison to the much larger Herbalife survey to be completely inappropriate?

Was this supposedly internal survey that was privately "leaked" only to you actually made public months ago?

I suspect a lot of us would like to you know your response to this. Even a few Canadiens.
francois toulour
29 Jan, 03:05 PM


why not go to actionable research's website, check out the statistical significance calculator for yourself? a sample size of 46 is far more than adequate. only someone who knows zero about statistical analysis/standard deviation etc. and obviously lacks basic math skills necessary to make a relevant point to this discussion would disagree that 46 is more than enough of a sample for the purposes of this survey.

you've been peddling hlf since it was above $80, nest-ce, pas?

at some point, the intelligent thing becomes to say nothing. this war is over.

Matt Stewart

Author’s reply » read the specialists article from yesterday for your answer Len


"you've been peddling hlf since it was above $80, nest-ce, pas?"

Absolutely not! Len Clements is well a prepared advocate for the MLM industry. If you had done some research you would know Len Clements is not peddling anything. However, he has challenged Matt to live radio debate, but Matt is scared or ill prepared to face him. Why?

Matt, I'd like to see/hear you debate Len about Herbalife. You could really demonstrate how much you know about MLMs. I hope you'll agree to this very soon!

[However, he has challenged Matt to live radio debate, but Matt is scared or ill prepared to face him. Why?]

Hey Matt, why won't you do a live debate with Len? Curious minds want to know.
User 20505811

Len's resume shows his membership in MENSA, and shows his IQ to be 155.
It's like he says, he's really smart.

Why Don't Canadians Drink Formula 1?

Some funny back and forth going on there!