Dani Stout over at Ancestral Nutrition isn't afraid to let her views about Herbalife be known!

An Unbiased Review of Herbalife


Seems she's pissed off a few Herbadeaths..

Louise says:

Resort to “wit” if you want as Ive clearly upset you, but throwing a wobbler at me is not helping your cause.

The 1st line of your article is contained within an image by the herbalife named logo…stating its gm soy protein. It does not say on the website that the shake is gm protein, you’ve assumed this from that snippet you uploaded about the majority of soy protein in America being gm.

Ive reported your ‘facts’ and comments to our ethics and legal team.
dani stout says:

I’m glad you’ve reported me to your ethics and legal team, because you still clearly have no idea what a fact is. I simply copied the ingredients directly from the Herbalife website and highlighted the unhealthy ingredients they use. I am not understanding your issue with this. Is it because I pointed out that the ingredients in Herbalife are complete garbage and you sell/use the products?
Then there's this hilarious exchange...

Hannah Healy @ Healy Real Food Vegetarian says:

On top of all the unhealthy junk they’re selling, Herbalife is also a pyramid scheme!
Dani Stout says:

Whaaat really? I didn’t look at the business model, just the shitty products. What a terrible company.
Some major funny stuff there in the article and the comments.

Dani Stout rocks in my books!