-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of eastbounddown@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 1:32 AM
To: Realscam
Subject: RealScam.com - Is it, or isn't it? You Decide. Contact Us Form - Site Feedback

The following message was sent to you via the RealScam.com - Is it, or isn't it? You Decide. Contact Us form by ( mailto:eastbounddown@gmail.com ).


The person going by the name of path2prosperity was sued for her posts made in World Law Direct. There is no truth to what she posted and the case was won by the suing party, not her. She tried very very hard to connect this program with another she was in that was screwing her out of her money. This turned out to be false and a complete lie. She has absolutely no evidence to back up anything she is saying and is not a part of nor a member of the program that she has tried so hard for so many years to tear down and destroy. She was told to put up facts for all of her followers to read or shut up. She chose to not only shut up but to run away and bring her garbage to your doorstep instead. Be cautioned and be wary. World law Direct should be contacted by your forum here to find out how much it cost them to post her malicious comments. You could be next in line for the same law suit. The posts in World law Direct were removed due to lack of evidence and malicious behaviour by this person. They were also sued for allowing the posts to be made with no basis or proof of fact to back up anything that was said. The same could apply to you here. Background checks should be done on those posting in here. She is just a troublemaker from England who has nothing better to do with her time than to attempt to destroy those programs many people do profit from, just not her. Ask her to produce proof and the evidence with which she is getting her information from. She will quickly scurry away and run back under her rock until she finds another poor unsuspecting forum who is willing to post her lies and garbage. You cannot hide behind the law to protect the IP addresses of those who post here and you can be held accountable in a court of law for everything that is said.
When the site gets a message that is businesslike, it is answered politely and privately. Threatening goons that make up court cases and laws get a public answer like this one!

Path2prosperity was sued? Really??? What is the case / cause number and who were the parties to the suit?

Originally Posted by wserra

Bzzt! False. The writer probably ought to take a look at 47 USC 230. In relevant part, it reads: "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider." In other words, the "scam site owner" is not liable for what others post. Moreover, since this is a federal statute, it preempts any state law to the contrary.
It didn't cost World Law Direct a dime in damages. Federal law protects the site owners and administrators / moderators. The poster himself / herself is responsible for what they personally post. So, all your babbling about that is pure fiction and you know full well you are lying.

We do have staff here that can remove any posts that violate our rules and guidelines. The staff also has the discretion to remove or edit as they feel is prudent and necessary. Nothing else is removed without a court order or documentation that shows there are false statements of fact published. Let's have those false statements, bigshot.

Path2prosperity isn't going anywhere! Any information this forum possesses will only be turned over with a proper court order. To get that there must be criminal activity, which would not include defamation and libel etc. as those are torts, or a civil suit filed. Good luck with that, scammer!!