Hi again all, I am still interested in finding out more about World Business Builders (WBB), their facebook page seems to have a lot of Onecoin posts prior to it now being called WBB.
They have just run a zoom session where they have now named someone as being the founder, her name is Emma Wasfi (Australia).
So far I've seen approximately 3.7K people on the facebook group called world business builders, but I became interested in this when they created a facebook page to promote WBB that was called "wealthy women's club" which had 7k members within a a few weeks of starting and then the page was removed by facebook (lol to the excuses that WBB gave for this) and they simply started another page called "wealthy women's community WBB", they also have chat groups via facebook. All these facebook pages and groups are all asking people to join the same WBB though. They have changed the terms and conditions and requirements/terminology several times since starting a short while ago.
My main concern is they are now promoting people to buy several positions in what they call a "straight line" so they can "receive" from all memberships, one person testified they have 36 memberships, and Emma herself has noted that she has "bought" several as well. The predicted "receiving" for members is that each $10 membership fee will end up allowing members who have "cycled" through all 11 levels to receive $40,950 total "receving" to withdrawal see their latest brochure (2 versions so far) at this link

Does anyone know about Emma Wasfi??