The other day on Facebook someone posted a question about another profile and a few things occurred to me:

1. Not everyone truly knows how to research a potential scam/scammer.
2. Other than scammers preying on get rich types, there are scammers preying on people who are lonely or want to fall in love.
3. A lot of these scammers are currently using pictures of military personal in their scams which is distasteful on several fronts.
4. Ribshaw due to his own case of mistaken identity has 40 extra hours a week to fill. (I did not know I was flirting with the bosses daughter )

Since I am absent minded, attention seeking, and absent minded, please join in and help out if you come across anything of interest. My plan is to add things that come across my Facebook News feed, in that they may be the more current pictures going around. There are several sites I will link as they come up if anyone wants to look for other photos that have been used in the past.

AS A GENERAL RULE, if someone you barely know is asking you for money to invest, cover medical expenses, their trip to visit you or some other "expense" YOU ARE BEING SCAMMED!!!

Disclaimer: The photos posted are of people who in almost all cases have had their image and/or identity stolen. The person you see in the picture is almost certainly NOT the person you have been chatting with. (Nancy Jo Frazier and Brad Kamanski excluded, they are in fact real scammers.) You are however dealing with a criminal, so please be careful.

Quick Visual Clues:

Gifting Scammer Photo:

Sweetheart Scammer Photo:

Ponzi Scammer Photo:

Sweetheart Scammer Photo:

Someone with photo shop skills worse than mine:

clip art.JPG