Quote Originally Posted by ribshaw View Post
Looks like she took some action Scratchy, now everything is private and there is no worry about children or other offended parties viewing her content. I am shocked you got any reply at all, the only thing I was ever shown is the door.
Strange that yesterday I received an email to join a petition against Facebook for banning a cancer victim for posting pictures showing the different stages of breast cancer surgery. Okay, here is the link to the story -

"The SCAR Project is a series of photographs of young breast cancer survivors shot by photographer David Jay. The SCAR Project is an exercise in awareness, hope, reflection and healing. Its mission is to raise public consciousness of early-onset breast cancer, and to help young survivors see their scars, faces, figures and experiences through a new, honest and ultimately empowering lens.

Yet Facebook has been removing photos from The SCAR Project page. They've even banned David Jay, internationally known photographer and founder of the project, from posting for 30 days. They also asked Anne Marie Giannino-Otis at Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer to remove post-mastectomy photographs from her Facebook page.

Facebook says these photos violate their policy -- essentially putting these images in the same category as pornography. The Scar Project, Stupid Dumb Breast Cancer, and other pages like them do not objectify or sexualize the human anatomy. They document the physical and emotional toll of women and men who have undergone mastectomies. They raise awareness of the disease and reinforce the need for early intervention and research toward a cure. This is the reality of breast cancer. BREAST CANCER IS NOT A PINK RIBBON.

As a woman living with Stage IV breast cancer, photos like The Scar Project help me feel a little less alone in what I'm going through. With so many young women facing breast cancer diagnoses, I know these photos give them hope, too. By removing the photos, Facebook is sending us a message that our struggle with this disease should be kept in the dark."

YET, THEY ALLOW SEXUALLY EXPLICIT PHOTOS and PORN in some cases. Next time I see something I will clip it and show it to them.