
In an announcement purportedly from ultralightfs:

UltraLight FS terminated our relationship with MH Pillars dba Payza in early June, 2013. The US Department of Homeland Security subsequently seized all MH Pillars dba Payza money on deposit with UltraLight FS. If we receive additional information from the US Department of Homeland Security we will publish to our website.

We will update our website when we get information from DHS. Your agreement is with Payza though. We have not had a commercial agreement with Payza since early June, 2013. I assume Payza processed your payments recently as we had no relationship since June, 2013.
UltralightFS says on its' website

State licenses: UltraLight FS maintains state money transmission licenses and registration with FINCen and is in compliance with all state and federal money transmission laws.

UltraLight FS has an active anti-money laundering program.

If you are a consumer with a complaint with any of our products, please contact us.

If you would like to offer our products to your customers or use our products with your service, please contact us.
So, if ultralightFS was the licensed money transmitter and ultralightFS terminated its' agreement with Payza in June 2013, how has Payza managed to continue doing business in the USA with US citizens without a Money Transmitter License ??