we’re going to my parent’s biker friends’ house today. knowing my parents and thier friends, we’ll be there all day. thanks for talking about it with me first, mom. ya know, i only have to pack for a week of camp, and do all those chores your making me do before i leave.
Permalink · 1 year ago....

dear ian,
it scares me how much you look up to me. i worry about you alot. you have such a low self esteem and you’re so sensitive. you’re always paranoid that people are making fun of you. you’re a pretty awesome little brother. i wish you’d realise how awesome you really are. love you bubs.

Day 3 — Your parents

dear mom,
you’re always there for me- you may complain about it, but you are still there. i like that you’re really honest with me, and you never really flip out. it makes me feel like i can come talk to you about anything. i love how you just let me be me, you don’t try to change who i am. you can be stubborn and hard to deal with, but other than that i happen to think you’re pretty amazing. love you mama!
dear dad,
i wish we got along better. you really know how to piss me off. i know we’ve both said alot of hurtful things to each other, but i really do love you. i know you don’t always think i do, but i really do.
Permalink · 1 year ago......

i solemnly swear that i am up to no good.....

i had this crazy dream last night that i like pulled a virgin mary. i was pregnant but nobody would believe me that there wasn’t a dad. so everyone got mad at me and wouldn’t talk to me. then a vampire framed me for this crime because i pissed him off and i ended up getting the death penalty, but luckily they wouldn’t give it to me because i was pregnant. the judge that was trying to give me the death penalty was my mascot coach. instead, the punishment was going to cheer camp even though i was pregnant. so i had to be in the cody the cougar suit in the middle of the texas summer heat while pregnant, instead of dying. i’m pretty sure i have the weirdest dreams ever.
Permalink · 1 year ago.....

holy frickin ****! i started talking to my grandparents about the crappy $600 truck i was gonna buy and the job at big bass towing i was gonna get to pay for insurance and they flipped out. they didn’t want me in a crappy car and they didn’t want me working with a bunch of “redneck convicts” so they are giving me thier third car. it’s like a 2007 ford 500, and they’re paying for the first year of insurance. im about to pee myself with excitement! excuse me while i happy dance!!! :D
Permalink · 1 year ago......

dear mom,
i’m almost 18. i’ll be leaving next fall, as hard as that is for you to believe apparently. you can make your jokes, but it doesn’t change anything. i’m gonna drive. im gonna get a job. im not gonna put up with you babying me anymore. it’s driving me insane. i know it’s hard for you because i’m you’re oldest kid, it’s your first time having your kid get older. i have not done anything at all to give you a reason to not trust me though. i don’t drink. i don’t do drugs. i don’t smoke. i don’t hang out with the wrong crowd, at least not anymore, and even when i did i made it clear to everyone i didn’t agree with what they did. i’ve never run away. i havent dropped out of school, like dad and jacob. i don’t sleep around. i don’t sneak out. i don’t do anything, so why don’t you trust me? you can’t compare me to jacob either. i did not blow up my school and get deported. i’m not getting married at 17… hell, i haven’t even had a boyfriend yet. i didn’t dropout. i’m also not a dumbass, so other than age and growing uptogether, we really don’t have anything in common. you can’t shelter me anymore, it’s getting rediculous. i love you, and i know you’re only doing this cause you love me too, but seriously… it’s time to stop.
Permalink · 1 year ago.....

my mom just told me she’s taking a pregnancy test. she’s ~late and she’s been feeling bad lately. i think she’s literally insane. i looked at her and said “whatever, i’ll be moving out soon anyways, so i won’t have to deal with it.” i think she’s mad at me now. please please please NO BABY.
Permalink · 1 year ago.....

ugghh my mom is in bitch mode at the moment. somebody save me.
Permalink · 1 year ago......

for like the past week i’ve spent like an hour a day working on cleaning my room, and today, since i didn’t have homework, i worked like 4 hours. it’s still not clean.i’m pretty sure i am the biggest slob ever.
Permalink · 1 year ago......

we’re on chapter 3 in chemistry summer school and it’s already kickin my ass. AGAIN.
Permalink · 1 year ago....

so i wake up super early this morning and go to my first chemistry summer school class. i walk in the door and i see the bitch that’s been trying to cause **** with me lately. awesome. i thought i wouldn’t have to see her for the whole summer. now i get to sit next to her for 4 hours everyday for a month. then on top of all that i have a 58 question homework assignment that i’ve been working on since i got home at noon and still can’t figure out at almost 7, and i have to study for a test. my teacher told us he’s going easy on us today. FML.
Permalink · 2 years ago.......

wait so TAI is touring with KISS?! i told my dad, who is like the diehard KISS fan. he’s all excited and wants to go with me. daddy-daughter concert!
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my brother is currently pmsing to the max.
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ew mom. please never ever ever try to talk about your sex life with me again.
Permalink · 2 years ago.......

i have nightmares when i sleep by myself, and last night my little brother and sister weren’t there to sleep with me. i had THE SCARIEST and weirdest dream. i dreamt that our cat, jude, who is like our baby, ran away. my mom was so upset she hired demons to find jude for her. i know this sounds really retarded but the demons were SO REAL and super scary. they were huge like huge huge, and they were shaped like people but they didnt have any like definite body parts. they were solid looking, but they weren’t. and they were dark like a shadow, so that you could see them but it was like at the same time you kinda couldn’t. i was laying on the couch with my head by the window and one smacked into the window and then kinda slithered through the glass and started harassing me about my lost cat. i got so freaked out and my mom wouldnt make them leave so i had to move out. it was the most vivid dream i have ever had. it was awful.
Permalink · 2 years ago......

today my principle told me,”zoe, don’t let anything distract you. you have a talent that’s gonna get you somewhere one day. i belive in you. the whole school believes in you. you have the potential to do it, but you can’t let anyone or anything get in the way. the school believes in you so much that we are paying $500 to send ms. clinton (my art teacher) to an ap art seminar so she can better help you with your art. the school is low on funds this year. if we didn’t belive in you, we wouldn’t be spending that much money on you.” he went on and on about how much he belives in me. i almost cried.
Permalink · 2 years ago....

please remind me to not become friends with a bitchzilla ever again.
Permalink · 2 years ago.....

when ANYTHING goes missing my mother always ******* blames it on me. she doesn’t believe me when i say i didn’t take it. she yells at me. i end up getting pissed and saying something “disrespectful” and end up grounded AGAIN. I DIDN’T TAKE IT.
Permalink · 2 years ago.....

this week has sucked ass. im so glad it’s friday.
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the 20 questions ball doesn’t guess vagina.
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my eight year old little brother just told me a freshman girl punched him in the stomach. shits goin down tomorrow.
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i hope i have cool kids. i don’t want lame ones.......

i love this picture of my family. :) im the little kid.....

i seriously doing college stuff. it scares me. i have no clue what i wanna do, and it feels like i’m running out of time.
Permalink · 2 years ago......

i miss having bunnies. my neighbors have one, and im super jealous. there’s isn’t very cute though, so i guess it’s ok......

my mom came home from bingo with a gun sayin it’s for shootin crazies if she needs too. she said, “zoe, you just pull the trigger real hard. you shoot em once and then when they fall down you empty it in the sonofabitch.” i said,”why don’t i just shoot them in the leg once so they can’t come after me.” she said,”because you don’t play like that. then they get parole and you have to shoot em again. this way it’s all over with. i guess you can call it a life sentence without a chance of parole.”
so i’ve learned 2 things:
1) i guess when i shoot crazies i have to empty it in the sonofabitch
2) my mama is a scary lady, and i pitty any crazies that cross her path
Permalink · 2 years ago
We are the bunny rescue people. Thank you very much.

Zoe should be worried about her little brother who she tormented and humiliated for years. Girls clothes and covered in pink nail polish as Gayle was sleeping her days away and leaving poor Zoe to watch the two younger kids. Zoe resented it terribly and took it out on her poor little brother and my son. Gayle is so looney she has forbid the 11 year old boy to play with any other children in the entire neighborhood. I am forced to watch him walk around his home in a daze and see him practically in tears as the other boys go out on Halloween and other occasions and he is always forbidden to join in.

Why that family is not getting psychiatric help I can't imagine. What this girl was doing to her younger brother is serious abuse and he is in dire need of help from what I as a trained educator have witnessed. This girl was forced to be her brother's keeper and not allowed the proper social interactions with her peers. I do not blame her for her bad behavior. The blame should be squarely placed on the parents who were repeatedly told there were issues and choose to let this go on.