when you drive off pissed and leave your boyfriend stranded at his friends house all feelin like a badass and then feel bad and call him and tell him you’ll pick him up when he’s done hangin out.....

my grandma took me shopping today. ohmygod. i actually have bras that fit now. you have no idea how nice it feels.
Permalink · 2 weeks ago....

so we’re having to stay at my grandma’s. again. cause our apartments fucked us in the bootyhole. again. get to go talk some **** tomorrow on my day off and demand a new apartment that’s actually livable, and go through all my ruined ****. meanwhile i’m coughing so hard i think i’m gonna cough up the baby any second, and my doctor won’t fuckin call me back and tell me what my pregnant ass can take to get over this ****. i mean i’ve only called his office three times this week. nbd. oh an imma kill this new bitch at work. /endrant.
Permalink · 3 weeks ago

i’m craving chocolate chip cookies like a mothafucka, so i’m making frankie go to walmart with me.
Permalink · 3 weeks ago

Permalink · 1 month ago

i got someone to cover for me at work, went to war with medicaid AGAIN and won this time, BECAUSE I WILL NOT RESCHEDULE MY DOCTORS APPOINTMENT AGAIN, so I get to hear my baby’s heart beat tomorrow and im so flippin excited! and in two more weeks i’ll be half way through and be far enough along for a sonogram! aghhhh!
Permalink · 1 month ago

ya know what irks me?

people from my highschool. everytime i get on facebook i wonder why i didn’t delete all of them the day i graduated instead of just most of them. baiscly if i went into detail about all the ways they irritate me, i’d be here all night… but what recently has really pissed me off is their response to the kony 2012 stuff. people who last year thought invisible children was the ****, sported invisible children shirts, helped me with my invisible children fundraiser garage sale, cried their eyeballs out when i got invisible children to come and talk to them during chapel. how do they respond to this? they act like typical canyon creek students and follow the popular trend right now, which is to make fun of invisible children and kony 2012. all “kony hasn’t been in uganda since 2006 BLAH BLAH BLAH” and posting all those memes making fun of kony. you dumbasses. they fuckin told you that when they came and talked you. they told you how the LRA left uganda and has now spread to other countries. they even fuckin mention it in the ******* kony 2012 video, or was your tiny little brains not focusing well enough to catch that. all of you fuckin make me sick. you don’t even know what you believe or stand for. you’re pathetic. you only care about what’s cool right now, and what everyone thinks of you. you make me embarassed to even know you.
as for me, i’ll be staying true to what i’ve been taught, what i believe in, and what i stand for. because for me, that doesn’t change based on popular opinion. i’m gonna be covering the fuckin night, and reppin KONY 2012 like nobody’s business.
Permalink · 2 months ago