In spite of these gloomy side effects of diabetes and the common belief that this disease is incurable, there is hope, because there are medical cures for Both Type I and Type II diabetes. But these cures have side effects that you need to weigh and compare to how your diabetes is currently affecting your life:

1) Type I diabetic cure is probably worse than the disease. It is called an Islet transplant and is only done on Type I diabetics that are on their death beds dying of diabetes. This is where they graph on a healthy none diabetic piece of someone else’s donor pancreas to the diabetic pancreas. In some versions of this procedure they may plant Islet cells into the liver instead. But then the diabetic patient has to live on immune depressants for the rest of their lives. Thus curing their Type I diabetes, but trading it in for medically induced AIDS. Only about 43 institutions worldwide perform this operation; and it has only been done on 471 patients to date.

2) Type II Diabetic cure was an accidental discovery about 60 years ago in the 1950’s. A surgical procedure was developed to treat gall bladder problems, duodenal ulcers, intestinal cancers, obesity and other digestive disorders, but whenever the first 12 inches of the small intestine called the Duodenum was bypassed or removed the Type II diabetic patients were instantly and completely cured of their Type II diabetes. At first the medical community ignored it and called it antidotal evidence and said it didn’t prove anything. Because the Medical Community had convinced themselves that obesity and overweight and bad eating habits caused Type II diabetes and after thousands of years of believing this they weren’t going to change their minds. The risk factor for dying from this surgery at the time was 1 chance in 200; today the risk factor for dying is 1 chance in 2000 and still improving. Compared to 1 chance in 3600 from dying in a car accident it isn’t much different. However as the years and decades passed more and more Type II diabetics were getting cured and the numbers of these cured diabetics were increasing. So about 15 years ago in the 1990’s a doctor in Europe decided to test these claims out in the lab that Bariatric Surgeons had been talking about since the 1950’s, and sure enough, he found that if he removed the first section of the intestine called the duodenum that the diabetic rats were instantly cured of their Type II diabetes as well. And when he restored the duodenum back to its original function, the Type II diabetes instantly returned back as it had been before. Other sections of the digestive system were removed and it had no effect on the Type II diabetes even after creating greater mal-absorption. Only when the duodenum was bypassed did the Type II diabetes completely disappear. And this procedure completely cures Type II diabetics regardless of weight. After surgery a very strict liquid diet is required for 6 weeks in order for the intestines to heal and the liver and pancreas to re-establish their communications. In Chili Doctors have developed a duodenal Sleeve that inserts into the duodenum (The first 12 inches of the small intestine) and prevents food from ever touching the duodenum and is as effective at curing Type II diabetes as the duodenal bypass or switch does. The duodenal sleeve doesn’t even require surgery; it can even be done in the doctor’s office in only a few minutes. They first have to knock you out then insert the sleeve down your throat and stomach and insert it directly into the duodenum. There is a channel on the outside of the sleeve that permits the gall bladder bile and pancreatic enzymes to pass outside of the sleeve, but food is completely prevented from ever touching the duodenum. And as long as food never touches the duodenum; Type II diabetes is completely cured. The FDA approved the Duodenal sleeve for use in the U.S. on October 30th,2012; but they have decided to call it the Gastrointestinal Liner. Because “Sleeve” in the American Medical community means something different.

3) Type II + Type I Diabetes is 80% curable for the Type I part using the previously mentioned procedures for Type II diabetes if it is caused by Type II, but 20% not curable if the body’s immune system got involved with causing the Type I part, thus making it a true Type I and not the Type II version of Type I.

4) Gustation Diabetes is cured by giving birth without dying first from the pregnancy. However there is a very High risk of getting Type II diabetes within the next 10 years. In which case the previously mentioned cure for Type II diabetes will work.

So in summary Type II diabetes is a very deadly and dangerous disease that is curable through surgery or sleeve insert. But the medical community rarely talks about it, and only about half the people in the medical community know about it. Diabetes is the leading cause for blindness and kidney failure. And will leave the diabetic a much more vulnerable to cancer as well.

Since the surgery and started drinking the Marengo about 11 months after the surgery I now weigh 230 pounds, which means I’ve lost 150 pounds so far. And all of my Fasting blood sugars measure between 80 and 95 (super) without ever taking metformin or insulin. My Cholesterols measuring between 30’s to 60’s (< 200 is normal) without any anti-cholesterol medications I used to take; like Symcor or Crestor. I no longer need high blood pressure medications; I used to take as many as 3 different kinds. I no longer take Methotrexate injections for my psoriasis and Rheumatoid arthritis. All my skin psoriasis is completely gone, no more dandruff, no more dry or flaking skin and no more athlete’s foot too; that had been plaguing me since I was a teenager.

I had my annual eye exam earlier this year (2013) and my ophthalmologist says my vision is improving and that most of his patience that get this procedure have also had their diabetes reversed and have experienced significant vision improvement as the months and years pass.