Quote Originally Posted by Gina View Post
And especially Elon Musk....the worst scammer on the planet. And a dumbass.
Hi Gina,

I forget how it was today that I stumbled across this thread, but it's nice to see you alive and kicking and would love to see a resurgence of some of the spirited dialogue that we all used to enjoy here. There's a lot of "long time, no see" participants I would like to see back.

As to Elon Musk: what is it about such a wildly brilliant and successful a person as he that rubs you the wrong way? I have been thinking lately that one of his most unsung qualities is that I consider him to be one of the most powerful deterrents to global war that the United States possesses.

Can you imagine being Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un or Ayatollah Khomeini and being painfully aware that because of Musk, the USA has the ability to launch practically unlimited payloads to earth orbit on very short notice?

Musk impresses me as a defender of individual freedoms and a speed bump to government intrusion into people's lives. He's currently at eleven children and counting; I would like to see him have a hundred! Our gene pool could use the counterbalance to government's headlong rush to subsidize mediocrity.


