When I was first asked about SI, we were in the middle of working with the Secret Service and several other law enforcement agencies on several Ponzi's operating at the time, so I really didn't have the time to really look into SI, and it had already collapsed. But it was very clear to us this was a Ponzi and we told anyone who would listen it was.

I had remembered seeing some figures after they ran with the money of having taken in $10-$15 Million Dollars. Based on existing Ponzi's at the time, this was really an average Ponzi based on the numbers I had seen. I was going through some documents the other day and found a document that contained the number of people involved, the amount taken in and supposedly the amount the investment had accumulated in profits. These numbers were: Total Investors: 15,698 Total Invested: $10,042,187 Total Profit: $11,431,093. Instead of this being the numbers when it collapsed, these were the numbers when it launched. The problem is they had inflated the numbers to entice people into joining making them believe this was a real investment and they were successful at investing. How much of these numbers were real is unknown.

Having found this document, it made me want to look further and using the Internet archives I was able to find not only those numbers but the numbers reported right before this collapsed. This was a real shock as I never thought this had grown to the size these numbers were reporting. Here is what was "claimed" at the time this collapsed: Total Investors: 98,930 Total Invested: $285,034,772 Total Profit: $439,827,003.

The problem with SI from the very beginning was they were fudging the numbers to entice people into joining, which in turn make the final numbers highly suspect and questionable as well. If I had to guess the real number was somewhere close to 70% of what they claimed at the end. Still this was far bigger than I had thought SI had taken in from both the number of people joining and the amount invested.

But for the sake of argument, let's use the final numbers as real. What is interesting about these numbers are: 1. Where did Don Quixote come up with their were 35,000 members that needed to be paid? There is no way in Hades that this paid out 63,000+ members as this didn't last longer than 15-18 months before they ran with the money. 2. How could this payout $20 Trillion Dollars between 2008-2009 when the total take was less than $500 Million Dollars? 3. How could there still be $20 Trillion Dollars still left to be paid out?

When SI launched, they said they were investing in Bank Debentures, Medium Term Notes (MTN’s) and PPP’s (Private Placement Programs), as well as Hedge Funds. They said they were not investing in the FOREX markets, yet Hedge Funds are FOREX Market investments. Of the programs they claimed they were investing in the only two that were real were Private Placement Programs and Hedge Funds. Neither of these could generate the rate of return they had to have to pay out the amounts they claimed they were earning from their investments. Now the claim is that they got those returns because they were investing in Derivatives. Only one problem with that story. No one in SI, let alone if SI was included in an investment pool would qualify to trade derivatives, let alone hedge funds. They could not meet the qualified investor rule to do so. There is not a legitimate trading company in the world that would allow them to trade in hedge funds or derivatives. Even if they could there is no way in hades that they could generate the returns to pay out $20 Trillion Dollars and still have $20 Trillion Dollars still to be paid out.

To keep this charade going every time a FACT is presented proving their last story was a lie, they change the story. When that is shot down, they change the story again. One would think the few remaining faithful would finally wakeup and realize this was happening and none of it is true. But not true in the cult of Don Quixote.

This is why all of us who expose these Ponzi's keep telling people to do real due diligence and not just buy all the hype and spin of the major promoters of these Ponzi's and the people who run them. They are all lying to you and real due diligence exposes it every time. It also pays to listen to all of us who have years and years of experience exposing these Ponzi's that we really do know what we are talking about.