After giving the 3 Unregistered's posting trying their best to discredit me their five minutes of fame, I decided to expose them and budi for the liars they are. So I posted this:

Let's do a quick recap. I have been told that I am lying when I say that budi is a liar. I have been told that I have provided no evidence that budi has lied. It was then posted to prove this point by one of the Unregistered posters supporting buid's claim that no case number is assigned during arbitration by the Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration, and I lied when I said I had contacted the court was told a case number is always assigned when the arbitration case is filed. Just so there is no confusion, here is the comment posted by Unregistered, and I quote:

"He claims to have contacted the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, which reported to him that no case number had been filed by the named arbitration claimants, and, according to Edgington, there should have if the case had been filed.

No arbitration case number is ever assigned at filing because arbitration is not a legal matter, but a disagreement between private parties. Consequently, arbitration decisions cannot be appealed for the same reason.

Arbitration is a matter between private parties who want to settle their differences in private. Thus, in all arbitration matters, a case number is assigned only after a decision has been made and an award has come down, but not before.

So, it appears that Eagle Research, Inc. failed in its investigation because it did not understand how arbitration worked. But, as its president, Lynndel Edgington continued to falsely assert that no arbitration action had ever taken place because he could not find a case number for it.

So I am a lousy researcher, I did not contact the court, and I don't know how arbitration works. So I posted the email I received from Helen Pin, the Clerk of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and she said this, and I quote:

"Dear Mr. Edgington,

Thank you for your interest in the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). When a case is submitted to the PCA for arbitration and meets all the criteria for it to be administered by the PCA, a case number is assigned at the beginning of the process.

With kind regards,

Helen Pin"

So much for I didn't know what I was talking about and I was falsely asserting a case number is filed at the beginning of arbitration. This is budi and Unregistered's LIE #1

Then the story changed to and again I quote:

"In arbitration, no award can ever come down if certain issues should come up, such as criminal activity.

No award can ever come down in this case because the arbitrators discovered that the money in question had been stolen.

As a result, the arbitration claimants have made the decision to file an action in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

In addition to others, those named in the complaint will be:

1. John D Lier, alias BJH.
2. Lynndel Edgington.
3. The owners and operators of the Internet site containing this forum thread.

The charge will be "Interference With The Administration of Justice," a crime under The Rome Statute.

This criminal complaint will be filed sometime on, or before, 1 April 2018."

Now remember how budi regaled everyone with all the notices that were being sent out to all the guilty parties and the yeoman's job the First Payee had accomplished in this task, and now that the Hague Court was involved the guilty parties would have nowhere to hide and finally action would be taken. None of this happened because there was no filing made with the Permanent Court of Arbitration. But none of this story was a lie according to budi and Unregistered's posting in his defense.

Since that post, it was then stated the section of the Rome Statute myself and others were guilty of was Article 70. And of course the criminal complaint was for "Interference with the Administration of Justice." Now the best part about this lie is that you get two for the price of one. First, Article 70 was posted here for all to read. Nowhere in Article 70 does it have anything to do with what is discussed here in this thread, but has nothing on the real lie told. This lie was typical budi blowing smoke and the Unregistered's defending him doing the same thing. But the BIG LIE, the WHOPPER OF A LIE was there was going to be a filing with the Hague Court of Criminal Justice. This COURT ONLY HANDLES THESE TYPE OF CRIMES, and I quote from Article 5 of the Rome Statute:

""Article 5 Crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court

1. The jurisdiction of the Court shall be limited to the most serious crimes of concern to the
international community as a whole. The Court has jurisdiction in accordance with this Statute with respect to the following crimes:

(a) The crime of genocide;
(b) Crimes against humanity;
(c) War crimes;
(d) The crime of aggression."

Now do any of you who hate my guts still believe there is going to be a complaint filed against me and others with this court and it would accept the filing? So we have LIE #2 & LIE #3 in one post. So there will be no filing of a criminal complaint with the Hague Court of Criminal Justice just as I said there wouldn't be one filed.

Saadly all the 500+ people who want my hide broke out in their Happy Dance believing budi's lies it was going to happen have found out they were lied to by budi and they were all had again just as I said they were.

But one of the Unregistered's wasn't done. An Unregistered claimed, and again I quote:

"Edgington, in an earlier post on this forum thread, you stated that you performed a search on PASCAS Foundation but could not find anything.

As a result, you said, since you could not find anything, no such entity existed and that Budi was lying when he said his foundation was filed in Australia.

Apparently, you did not search using the correct information."

This was an outright lie. I never said it, but what I did say was "You should ask him to explain why his nonprofit charity Pascas Health Clinics, Pascas Health, or Pascas Foundation Limited (name used to register with PayPal) is not registered with the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission)."

Again the only reason was to discredit me and claim that I am a lousy researcher.

Now if I were still a believer in budi posting nothing but the gospel truth, and I have just proven without any doubt that budi has told 3 major lies, I would be asking myself what other major things has budi been lying about?

Maybe if all of you supporters of budi would start using the same amount of time trying to discredit me and spent it on doing real research on budi, you might not come here trying to discredit me and embarrassing yourselves.

Now what is interesting is that there has not been one post since I made this post in the thread almost 36 hours ago. Usually there are a flurry of posts to try and get a page or two of posts to bury the information. It would only take one post to start a new page in this thread and my post not be seen. I am just glad it has remained visible for as long as it has so more people can read it,

It sure would be fun to be a fly on the wall in budi's Skype group to see how he is dealing with this. One has to wonder if the faithful will not start challenging him instead of just blindly believing every thing he says. One can hope.