Not everyone can be a BossBabe!

Quote Originally Posted by Karen Johnson

Here’s the hard truth: the percentage of women who truly succeed in an MLM business is low — extremely low. As in 1%. ONE. PERCENT. That’s right, folks. Remember those horror stories about women who’d been duped into buying hoards of LulaRoe leggings and then couldn’t sell them and were out the money they’d invested? Their story isn’t unique! That’s the MLM model — trick people into joining “the team,” get them to invest their time and their money, and then let them sink (or be the 1% who swim.)

This percentage isn’t a made-up fairytale number for dramatics. A study conducted by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) revealed that 99% of MLMs fail and end in a loss of revenue, not a gain.

MLMs Aren’t Just Bad For Your Finances — They’re Bad For Your Friendships

The Reddit post says that after responding several times that she “was not interested” in all the parties her “friend” kept inviting her to without her permission, the MLM-er “replied with a bunch of hunbot ‘I’m too busy building my empire for your negativity # byefelicia.'”

Your empire?! Umm sure.