"Warning! Your Computer Is Infected!"


I knew that something was wrong when my computer suddenly got very slow. I suspected that I had a virus, and my suspicion was confirmed when I got a pop-up alert that said, "Warning! Your Computer Is Infected!"

Thinking it was from Microsoft, I clicked on it and it asked me to click something else that would scan my computer. So I clicked that, too. After a long scan, it said that my computer was indeed infected.

I decided to download software called STOPzilla, which costs $39.95. STOPzilla claims that it "detects, blocks, and removes Spyware, Adware, Trojans, and other malicious infections." It sounded great, and it was just what I needed.

After I downloaded STOPzilla, I thought that my problems would be solved. Unfortunately, they weren't. After I started my computer back up, I continued to get pop-up alerts telling me that my computer was infected. Plus, my computer was even slower than it was before. STOPzilla not only failed to remove the malicious infections, but it made the problem even worse.

Now in a state of panic, I stopped trying to solve the problem myself and went to the store and bought myself a new computer. I also changed all of my passwords to protect my financial accounts and other sensitive information. And, I paid a computer expert to come to my home and install new security software to protect my computer. All of this cost me hundreds of dollars.

After that, everything was fine.

Then, one year later, I got my credit card statement in the mail. On it was a charge that said this: "YRLY RENEWAL STOPZILLA 877-877-9944 FL."

I never used my credit card to renew anything from that company. Why would I do such a thing? Their software was worthless.

In addition, I was never notified by STOPzilla that they were charging my credit card again, even though they had my e-mail address. The fact that they secretly charged my credit card without any notification was proof to me that they were hoping that I wouldn't notice the charge on my credit card statement. Sneaky bastards.

I called the number and I told the woman who answered that I never authorized STOPzilla to charge anything else on my card, and that it was done without my consent. The woman insisted that I did give my consent a year ago, but I had no recollection of doing that. I didn't want to argue with her, and I told her that I just wanted a refund. She said that she would cancel my subscription (What subscription? I didn't know I had a subscription) and that I would get a refund.

I was surprised when I got a refund for the renewal charge days later. I didn't think that I would get one. However, I still lost money when I initially downloaded their useless software.

So, the next time you get a computer virus, never purchase anything from STOPzilla. Their software does not work, and it will end up slowing down your computer. It's a waste of time and money.

And, if you already purchased STOPzilla, keep in mind that they will charge your credit card every year for $39.95, even if you're not using their software anymore. And they will not notifiy you of the charges, to prevent you from knowing about them. (Unless you check your credit card statement every month.) You may need to get yourself a new credit card with a different number on it to stop them. (I have a new credit card number, so they can't do this to me again.)

It's now time for my rating. As usual, a low rating (0 stars) means that the product/service is worthless, and a high rating ( 10 stars) means that it's extremely useful/valuable.

Based upon the fact that STOPzilla is about as useful as a steaming pile of dog ****, I give this product 0 stars.