The A&M-Commerce Vocal Division mourns... - Texas A&M University-Commerce Choirs | Facebook

Real schools, like my Alma Mater Texas A & M Commerce, highly value their alumnae and community member singers. Melissa Logan has destroyed the Dallas College Richland Campus Choir program. I left Richland with a vocal scholarship to Texas A & M Commerce. I had that scholarship for 4 years while completing my B.M. and earning hours toward two Master's Degrees. She kicked me out of my own choir twice and threw me out of Opera Workshop as well. Since when were degreed sopranos not qualified to sing in Freshman and Sophomore level classes?

Logan has run off all of the community members and made it crystal clear that alumnae are not welcome in their own choir. That coupled with her predatory and totally incompetent advising should have had her canned a long time ago. The program is a complete embarrassment and disgrace. Why should we taxpayers fund a program that is harming the young students and that we cannot benefit from?