Susan Komen CEO's salary draws fire as donations drop, races are canceled - Open Channel

Paying the CEO of the Susan G. Komen, Nancy Brinker, $684,000.00 a year is outrageous. She is supposed to be leading a charity to help cancer patients and fund research. She is lining her pockets and living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Until that salary is cut by 2/3s, not another dime in donations should be made. There are other worthy organizations that have a clear mission to actually spend the donations on services.

Compare that with the salaries of the family that runs the Terri Schiavo Foundation. The Schiavo's have worked tirelessly to help those who are cognitively disabled. These folks are on a mission to truly make a difference. Their CEO Robert Schindler is paid only $49,000.00. His mother and sister make $23,000.00 and $39,000.00 respectively for working full-time.

The Susan G. Komen group could learn a lot from these folks who are truly operating a charity and handling the money responsibly!!!