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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Simple Truth from Me - Jerry Weinzierl

Here is the TRUTH. Something you will not get from some of the defaming, slanderous posts you will find on the internet.

A few years ago my son and I decided we would give a business idea a try so we joined a company my brother was involved in. The entry and event fee was substantial and my brother graciously decided to give his commission back to us so we could use it for marketing, etc.

After a fairly short time being involved, we decided that with pastoring a church, running a school and, at that time, fully involved in a massive new building project for our church, we should not invest any more energy in an outside business venture. It was the right choice for THAT reason.

THAT’S IT! THAT’S ALL! You now know the entire story of my son’s and my involvement & investment in this endeavor. We’ve done NOTHING wrong.

We have been called liars, thieves, deceivers, etc. etc. by a few that have literally said they will not stop “exposing our deception” until we have been ruined and our ministry shut down. I’ve been questioned in an accusatory way regarding my family, my honesty and my level of pay, which I assure you is very reasonable, and actually even low, by national standards! I have a Board that sets my salary and have no family members on that Board.

For a time I actually answered EVERY question these people raised, but it did absolutely no good. They ignored my answers, call me a deceiver and made further accusation and insinuation against my son and I.

My wife and I have pastored Grace Christian Church since May 1983. We operate within a set of strict corporate by-laws and Board established structures filled with “checks and balances” beyond what most would even think were necessary. We have never been accused of impropriety or indiscretion of any nature.

Our reputation in this community and beyond is very important to me and we would never do anything to jeopardize that.

In this day of internet communication sometimes all something needs to be “true” is that it be “said”. I pray that this helps you in discerning the TRUTH and appreciate your time to read my side.


Pastor Jerry Weinzierl
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It is not nearly that simple, though is it:













