Google Earth does not do Lenny any favors. The writer of the post was being generous as to his social status. At least he didn't have his car in his yard or driveway up on blocks.

For someone who touts how "successful" he is in all of the MLM companies he has promoted, expert testimony, his client list, etc., his home doesn't reflect any of it. I have seen burger flippers at Mickey "D's" with nicer homes. Of course he is divorced and I don't know his financial obligations to the ex or if there are any children, but that could be part of it. If like a lot of divorces, the ex gets the nice house and you have to find the cheapest home/apartment to live.

It just goes to show you that no matter how high of an IQ you have does not equate to living in luxury or being in the upper-middle class or higher class.