Quote Originally Posted by Edmund129 View Post
You have debunked absolutely nothing!!!, This Temperature plot has been reproduced by literally hundreds of Climate research centers around the world, except on the sick twisted Marxist Michael Mann at Penn State University's hockey stick graph, that was clearly proven to be a complete fraud and the laughing stock of the scientific community since 2001, disagrees with this graph.

100% of all other Climate Research centers have confirmed the existence of the 500 year long Medieval Warming period and the 700 year long Little Ice Age. And is widely excepted by all Climatologists. Only Michael Mann's Hockey stick graph has been 100% rejected by all Climatologists.

ED.....What do you call Posts 6-14 (6 points, you rebutted 2 of 6, than 0 of 6)

For instance why do you keep using screen shots from the Swindle movie instead of the actual source graphs. Is that because the graphs from the movie have been doctored?
Solar activity & climate: is the sun causing global warming?

Also as we previously discussed the fact that earth warms and cools is not the problem. It's the fact that it's happening 10-100 times faster than any natural event.

Then there is also the B.E.S.T. Study funded by the conservative Koch brothers.
Berkeley Earth
Gee that graph looks similar. As do the hundreds of other data sets from across the globe.

Also Kelderek and I would like to know if you have the source for that 17,500PHD Petition yet. I've been waiting since October for that. However, I suspect that's because it's the same as the 31,000 study from the Oregon Institute study. Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine - SourceWatch