Poor Justin Jones / Broker The Joke is melting all over his Facebook page. That link to his rant against me is his new status. He is a bigger drama queen that Kerry Lee Hein / Ohein56. Len Clements is going to be thrilled to be tangled up in this MLM bum's online and very public meltdown. He has bitterly complained about how I mistreat MLMers, but has yet to quote what it is that I said about him and Oceanside (before his fan page about me went up) that set him off.

He is all the worst of MLM in one package. He is a shining example of why MLM has such a poor reputation. No legitimate companies and their executives would ever conduct thenselves in the manner he is. Business Suicide!!!!! All those well heeled and accredited investors will be high tailing it out of Dodge!!!
