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Thread: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

  1. #1
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    Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    The internet fraud du jour is the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar. The Dinar will be revalued, it's current value is about 1,200 Dinar to the Dollar and the new Dinar will be much closer but that isn't going to mean that one of today's 25,000 Dinar notes will be worth 25,000 new Dinar. But that isn't what the Dinar hucksters are telling (selling) people. There are scammers selling current Dinar to "investors" at a vicious markup on the promise that each of the Dinar some day soon, maybe tomorrow will be worth one to three dollars each. Sorry folks, that ain't going to happen.

    One particularly egregious specimen of this scam is being perpetrated by Rudolph Coenen of Bayshore Capital Investments and Bradford "Brad" Huebner, serial MLMer and owner of Brad uses that site to sell Xango, a few other similar deals but he also sells Iraqi Dinar. I'm sure he offers volume discounts but if all you're buying is 100,000 Dinar you'll get 588 Dinar to the Dollar (remember, fair price is closer to 1,200 dinar/dollar, this gets important soon).

    So Rudolph "Rudy" Coenen, run his name through and see that his janitorial services company isn't the only one administratively closed in that list but you see times have changed for him, he's getting set to run his very own hedge fund. or at least so he says. You see, unlike all the other hucksters in the Dinar revaluation (RV) area, he's a man of vision, he sees the further horizon. He sees Iraq as THE place to invest , the next economic superpower and that's exactly what his hedge fund will do, with all you're RV profits.

    My first thought was that the hedge fund is a scam. It's true that hedge funds aren't all that regulated but that doesn't mean it's open season. There are limits on how offers can be made and who those offers can be made to. Justin "Broker" Jones was a living breathing example of how to pretend that wasn't true (or how not to rather) and I thought they were doing the same thing here. But then i let it rattle around in my head a bit and changed my mind.

    My second thought is that the hedge fund is a scam. It's like the movie The Producers only they're never going to even put on the show. Observe, this is their "Inception Investor Seat Allocation for Iraqi Hedge Funds I and II " that's the application form you need to fill out if you want to invest money in the fund. Please note the $750 non refundable application fee. Then I point out the following statement:

    Most people will NOT be able to meet the Qualifications required by the Security and Exchange Commission until AFTER the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar. To accommodate those individuals, the inception date of the Hedge Fund will not start until 21 days after the Revaluation.
    You see, after the Dinar RVs, all the people who bought Dinars from Brad will be RICH RICH RICH and qualify under investment guidelines as "Sophisticated" or "Qualified" investors and then, and only then will they form their hedge fund. Catching on yet? Please note that the minimum to invest in this fund is a cool million, no one getting their investment advice on YouTube can swing that, which is why Rudy is kind enough to give you a full 21 days, not only after the Dinar RVs but after it RVs to a minimum of parity with the US dollar.

    But wait a minute, the only people on the planet who think the Iraqi Dinar will be revalued to anywhere even remotely close to parity with the dollar are shameless scam artists and the benighted victims they've bewitched. If Rudy will never have his hedge fund how is he making money?

    First off, there's the $750 non refundable application fee, but it doesn't end there. False scarcity is a near universal sales tactic, "act now before we run out" and Rudy's hedge fund is no different. It seems the nasty old SEC will only let him have 500 investors in his fund and he only has two funds so that's only 1,000 spots available. Brad chimes in to warn it's really only 490 spots per fund because they're saving some for "institutional investors." But with the overwhelming response this opportunity is getting they can not and will not promise that just because you sent your check for $750 you will be assured of a spot in the fund. I'll let them explain it, from the link above:

    Due to the overwhelming response for this initial offering, the only fair way to allocate Seat Positions for the Iraqi Hedge Fund, LP I and II is to base it on the total amount of Iraqi Dinars purchased DIRECTLY from The BH Group up until this subscription is closed.
    So the people who will get a spot in the hedge fund that will never exist will be the people who A: Hand over $750 and B: of all the people who handed over their $750, buy more Dinar at near twice it's value from Bradford Huebner. But again, the Dinar will never be revalued to parity with the dollar so Rudolph Coenen's Iraqi hedge fund will never happen. But Brad and Rudy will keep all the non refundable application fees and all the Dinar sales are final. That is a sick, if almost a slick con game.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

    Open up your heart...

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  2. #2
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    Iraqi Dinar (IQD) Investing - Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    GlimDropper I take serious objection to your comments with regards to the Dinar (IQD) and its revaluation (RV). Now if people come to this site just to find mud slinging without substantiation then I guess your comments are just fine however if someone is actually seeking some well thought out research then your article is complete crap. You offer no real substantiation to your comments just an opinion based on what, zip! In fact I would counter (being one who trades currencies personally) that you in fact have no real knowledge or experience in currencies what so ever. Hence my first question is what exactly qualifies you to write this in the first place? You make it sound like only hucksters are selling IQD and that sir is a complete fallacy. Would you also then call Bank of America, Scotiabank etc etc hucksters since they also sell this currency? This is a currency play or speculation plain and simple which in of itself most certainly does not qualify such as a scam anymore than buying USD is a scam.

    Now you say this is not going to happen or if it does it won't amount to anything. So give us some economic facts that support your position that is other than an edict from the mountain. Reality is the economic picture of Iraq is changing drastically as would any country in a similar position especially one holding the third highest oil reserves, some of the sweetest crude on the planet and equally large or larger gas reserves along with a crude oil price that is only heading north for as long as we can imagine. Then add precious metals deposits and major agriculture production to that mix. All of these fundamentals are what contributes to what a country's currency is worth. On the simple basis of debt versus resources, yes as much as the concept may offend you, this currency should be worth a hell of a lot more than the USD let alone being at a pegged price of 1170 IQD to $1 USD. Also if one reviews the values of all currencies in any oil rich country you will find none that trade at this level hence on fundamental monetary science this has to change and change drastically it will. The only question that remains is how much and when!
    Now I as a speculator have bought this currency (not from anyone mentioned in this forum by the way) and have zero doubts that when these chickens come home to roost I will be a most content investor. Now do I need my IQD to go to $1 to $3 to be most content? No not in the least! Just the same I see that there is indeed a very real possibility that the IQD will in fact do just that. One thing I am just as dam certain of is that my ROI will be much higher than if I was to bet on shorting the USD. The USD is a certainty to go down just as the IQD is to go up and both of those assumptions come from economic reality and policy that is abundantly obvious. The buffoons and con artists in Washington and especially the FED are determined to do exactly that and if any reader chooses to doubt such best start reading all the interesting con jobs exposed in the 29,000 pages of bailout documents released by the Fed under court order two weeks ago.

    The other fact left out of your factless article is that the IQD traded at $3.20 prior to the war under Hussein so then I ask why does it seem so strange that this new regime sitting on the same soil could not and would not aspire to get their currency back up to that same level in their new world. I am not saying it will happen in a day but that is where this inevitable trend is heading. Now also lets consider that I suspect all of the G20 are sitting on substantial amounts of IQD hence they want a high RV so that they can then in turn buy more oil with it. We do know for a fact that the Treasury sits on amounts that are going to pale in comparison to what any of us small fish have hence you are deluding yourself if you don't think there isn't an interest of powerful parties for a high RV to occur. Let’s also not forget that the days of the Petro Dollar are very limited indeed this era is coming to an end and I suspect much sooner than most readers think so. Every new war and enemy created like Libya etc. etc. are in the process of jumping ship which means selling their oil for something other than USD Fed Notes. Tough to say right now what is going to take over but there is huge changes coming down the pike, the writing is on the wall if you care to look for it.

    Finally for those who think this concept of a substantial RV are impossible then I suggest that you look back twenty years to when exactly this same scenario played out with the Kuwaiti Dinar. Hence the impossible has already occurred once before. Does history repeat itself?

    Finally in somewhat of a defense of Rudolph Coenen I both agree and disagree with GlimDropper. Lets first qualify my comments, I do know of Rudy and have heard him speak but I do not do business with him nor would I buy his hedge fund. Then again I would not buy anyone else's either and I most certainly would not pay anyone $750 for the privilege to invest with them. In that part I agree with the administrator’s comments. However to categorically state this is a scam is a harsh judgment as we cannot know that for a fact at this time. If the fund gets registered then I would not agree but there is the catch "if" it is registered. Until such time as it is I sure would not send him or anyone for that matter any amount of funds until it is proven so. Now stupid SEC rules state these types of investments are only for sophisticated investors. Well using their definitions if anyone who lucked into a once in the lifetime investment into the IQD then hence has the funds to qualify as a sophisticated investor as the rules go however reality is those people are not sophisticated at all. This definition does not separate lucky from sophisticated yet there is a world of difference between the two. Hence the rules are stupid in the first place but since when does SEC actually accomplish anything of real substance. Sure they report the big thieves (maybe) after the horse is already stolen yet they have an abysmal track record of ending any scam of any real significance E.g. S & L, Enron and Sub Prime Mortgages etc. etc.

    However unlike the comments presented by the administrator I will say that Rudy at least knows something about trading currencies and what goes on to make up monetary science and clearly knows what is going on in Iraq. Even with that said I still would not touch his hedge fund personally but no one can prove or disprove at this moment that such is a scam. I will also add that big players are indeed eyeing up Iraq to make large investments as it joins the free market and modern world as it has been stuck in a time warp really for the past thirty years going back prior to Hussein hence they have a lot of catching up to do. Additionally the fact is representatives of large mutual fund companies and hedge funds have been in Iraq looking to invest in the New Iraq. Those are facts and ones substantiated in main stream media hence without question there are those that are and will invest in this country. If you doubt look it up on YouTube.

    One final point with regards to the price that people are paying for Dinar by the various traders and banks. First of we are talking about an Exotic Currency here so do not think for a second that the spreads are anything like the top 30 traded currencies are. It ain't going to happen now or ever, if you think otherwise you are dreaming in Technicolor as you cannot use your experience of buying common currencies to exotics. With that being said would I pay 588? No absolutely not since if you do some investigation you can find IQD running in the 820 range. Thus far I have found none better and I accept that since I am not about to fly to Iraq to find a better deal. You will find that Scotiabank charges considerably more than Bradford does hence we could infer that since you say Bradford is running a scam then Scotiabank is running an even bigger one since they charge $2181 for a million or 459 per $1. However there is a difference between gouging your customers and a scam! I reiterate I do not know nor have I done business with Bradford I just choose to question the verdict that has been given on such skimpy evidence.

    Hence GlimDropper my challenge to you is this then, you must report on your site Scotiabank as a fraud and scam too since they charge even more than Bradford does! Then we can all laugh our asses off as their lawyers cut through your anonymity like a knife through butter and sue your ass off for slander. While you are at it you might want to check on what Bank of America is charging for IQD as by your measure they may well be scammers as well since I have not researched their rates I will not comment. As the internet evolves out of the era of the wild wild west we find the FTC and courts being less than kind to people who post anything they feel like on their sites hence you might be well advised to watch much more closely what you say as it can and will come to bite you in the ass.

    For your article to carry any credence or value to a reader you need to provide a lot more experience, facts, figures and a whole lot less opinion for your writing to be considered any more relevant than the bathroom wall at the gas station. Meanwhile I guess I am just a fool who saw what I believed to be coming as the perfect storm for investing, based on my own research, economic facts, monetary science and experience that lead me to that conclusion. Obviously our opinions differ greatly but at least I arrived at mine based on something other than hot air and that sir is all you have provided in your post!

  3. #3
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    Re: Iraqi Dinar (IQD) Investing - Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    WOW !!!

    What an incredibly complicated and involved way to say absolutely nothing of substance.

    A self described "speculator" Mr "suenos" demands facts, but gives none.

    I'll tell ya what, "suenos" instead of waffling on about the "suenos theory of currency speculation" how about we concentrate on the target/s of Glims' post, and what THEY are doing ???

    "But that isn't what the Dinar hucksters are telling (selling) people. There are scammers selling current Dinar to "investors" at a vicious markup on the promise that each of the Dinar some day soon, maybe tomorrow will be worth one to three dollars each. Sorry folks, that ain't going to happen"
    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

  4. #4
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    Re: Iraqi Dinar (IQD) Investing - Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Quote Originally Posted by littleroundman View Post
    WOW !!!

    What an incredibly complicated and involved way to say absolutely nothing of substance.

    A self described "speculator" Mr "suenos" demands facts, but gives none.

    I'll tell ya what, "suenos" instead of waffling on about the "suenos theory of currency speculation" how about we concentrate on the target/s of Glims' post, and what THEY are doing ???
    Thumbs up on that one LRM!

  5. #5
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Greetings suenos, welcome to RealScam.

    Let me thank you for inviting me to clarify a few of the statements I made in the first post of this thread. Iraq is a nation with political, ethnic and religious problems that I'm sure we all hope will find some civil resolution. Iraq is also sitting on vast oil and natural gas reserves and has some of the most productive agricultural land in it's region. It also has an above average literacy rate and it's average of educational attainment is higher than most of it's neighbors. In short, if they ever get their crap together there are many good reasons to believe the Iraqi Dinar will be worth more than it's current 1,170 Dinar to the Dollar.

    You are correct in saying that I am not a currency speculator, I haven't spent years studying the markets and possess no learned insight into them. Instead I've spent years studying fraudulent sales pitches and the sort of verbal sleight of hand people use to make your money disappear. It does occur to me that I could have been more careful in the words I first chose to describe what undoubtedly is a huge amount of fraudulent solicitations to invest in the Iraqi Dinar and differentiate them from legitimate investment advice.

    If someone is saying that a small amount of risk capital invested long term in the Iraqi Dinar might yield a profit I'd take no position on that statement. It may or may not prove to be a wise investment but it's in no way an unrealistic one. I'm sorry that I didn't make that clear in the initial post. But honestly, realistic investment advice is the furthest thing from what I started this thread about.

    The Central Bank of Iraq has an english language website (Link) and it presently lists 1,170 Dinar as the exchange rate to the US Dollar. I'm sure you'd point out that that rate is for large wholesale purchases and if you wanted to buy only a few thousand dollars worth you'd pay fees and premiums above that. But the "BH Group" website offers to sell you 100,000 Dinar for $170 or a bit better than 588 Dinar to the dollar (this is a link to their sales page but I'm reasonably certain you need to register to the site to view it). suenos, as an experienced currency investor would you pay one US dollar for only 588 Dinar at today's rates? I rather imagine you wouldn't, if nothing else your investment would need to near double in value before you'd even break even.

    So why in the would would anyone pay near twice the exchange value for a currency as speculative as the Iraqi Dinar? Well they either know something i don't or more likely, they only think they do. Search YouTube for Iraqi Dinar and you'll find a near endless stream of "informative" videos telling you that near any day now the Dinar will be revalued (RV'ed) to anywhere from parity with the USD to far above that level. I'll use this link as an example because it has "Dinar Daddy" interviewing both Rudolph Coenen and Bradford Huebner. Rudy starts talking a bit after the 14 minute mark and Brad chimes in at around 21 minutes. Rudy opines that the Dinar will "RV" from parity to 1 Dinar equaling 2 1/2 USD in "45 to 60 days" from that recording on March 31st. Again, as an experienced currency trader do you in anyway find a statement like that supportable or even remotely possible? If so please do explain your reasoning because I sure don't see it.

    Can you see now why I started this thread? It wasn't to say that anyone selling the Dinar or even viewing it as an investment are scamming someone or being scammed. It's to point out that totally unrealistic expectations of the near future value of the Dinar are being sold by some people who just so happen to also be selling Dinar at near twice it's current value.

    And thanks again for stopping by.

    A somewhat late edit to add:

    Finally in somewhat of a defense of Rudolph Coenen I both agree and disagree with GlimDropper. Lets first qualify my comments, I do know of Rudy and have heard him speak but I do not do business with him nor would I buy his hedge fund. Then again I would not buy anyone else's either and I most certainly would not pay anyone $750 for the privilege to invest with them.
    I would be fascinated if you were to provide any verifiable information about Mr.Coenen and particularly about his background. I have heard some rather impressive claims he's made about himself but in the limited time I've taken to investigate him i haven't found anything other than the "Dinar RV echo chamber" repeating his claims. Any information you could provide would be appreciated.
    Last edited by GlimDropper; 04-16-2011 at 11:27 AM.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

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  6. #6
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    And just a quick shout out to the State of Utah's Division of Securities for their Top Ten Investment Alerts for 2011, weighing in at number nine is:

    9. Iraqi Dinars ‐ Since the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003, speculators have sought to profit by purchasing Iraqi Dinars. Unfortunately, the likelihood of investors seeing any return on their dinars is slim to none. This scam comes in three parts: the hyped returns that play on an investorʹs greed, the deceptive practices of Iraqi Dinar dealers, and the fundamental misunderstanding of international finance. Currently valued around 1,200 dinars to 1 U.S. Dollar, any appreciation in the value of the Iraqi Dinar would theoretically generate profit, but many websites selling Iraqi Dinars boast these returns could reach up to 1000 percent. Investors need to understand these figures for what they are: speculation and hype. Websites selling dinars also exaggerate or misrepresent history as proof that such profits are possible, but history teaches a vastly different lesson. First, the rapid appreciation of any currencyʹs value is extremely rare (the opposite is much more likely), meaning investors should consider this a long‐term gamble not a short‐term guarantee. Second, investors may confuse the appreciation of a currencyʹs value with demonitization, which is the process of governments replacing their old currency with a new currency. While Iraq is not likely to do so again (Iraq demonitized from October 2003 to January 2004), exchanging old currency for new currency still keeps the value in U.S. Dollars roughly the same. So new currencies do not generally indicate a new value.

    While hard currency scams are not new, the methods have evolved. Currency dealers previously avoided regulation by relying on the currencyʹs numismatic value (treating the currency as a collectorʹs item), now these dealers often register with the U.S. Treasury as a Money Service Business (MSB). An MSB registration is nothing more than a check‐cashier or a money transmitter; it does not reflect any experience in trading currency nor entail any qualifications on the part of the dealer. The reason dealers seek this meaningless registration is to lend legitimacy to their scam and avoid proper regulation, which would entail oversight and require full disclosure be made to investors. Additionally, since no exchange exists for the Iraqi Dinar, dealers can charge whatever they want to sell and buy back the dinars. Investors should fully understand that a small increase in value will not likely be enough to breakeven after these fees are considered. Worst of all, some websites have even been selling counterfeit dinars. Ultimately, however, the power of hard currency scams come down to a subject most are unfamiliar with: international finance. The market determines currency values based on numerous factors. In the case of Iraq, many of these factors are political and unpredictable, making dinars a risky bet at best. Of all the risks though, inflation is the greatest. As an economy improves, workers find jobs and earn more money, increasing demand and, therefore, prices. As prices rise, the value of the currency falls. Another inflationary pressure may be the Iraqi government itself. As the Iraqi government seeks to improve conditions, it may be tempted to monetize their debt (essentially, print more money) and drive inflation further. Combating inflation is difficult for established governments and economies, let alone one emerging from a dictatorship, a war, and an ongoing insurgency, so even the best scenario of an improved Iraqi economy may not lead to profits for investors in Iraqi Dinars.
    Emphasis added as a way to direct your attention to the BH Group's MSB registration.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

    Open up your heart...

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  7. #7
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    The following is the text of the Bayshore Capital Investments PDF for their Iraq funds I and II:

    Any potential investor with Bayshore Capital Investments, LLC and the Iraqi
    Hedge Fund, LP I and II must be a Registered Member of The BH Group:
    The BH Group - Dinar Education and Procurement Specialists (Free Sign-up). The BH Group is the exclusive marketing agent and will solely determine the eligibility of every participant in the initial two Hedge Funds, which have a total of 1000 seats.
    All communication for these seats will be through the following E-mail: and not Rudy Coenen, CEO of Bayshore Capital Investments. Rudy will be communicating with individual investors once their eligibility to partcipate in the fund has been determined. Due to the overwhelming response for this initial offering, the only fair way to allocate Seat Positions for the Iraqi Hedge Fund, LP I and II is to base it on the total amount of Iraqi Dinars purchased DIRECTLY from The BH Group up until this subscription is closed. All BH Group members will receive a questionnaire asking you to confirm the total amount of Dinars you’ve purchased from The BH Group and if you’re interested in participating in the Iraqi Hedge Fund I or II. Please complete and return the following document immediately to determine eligibility.

    Most people will NOT be able to meet the Qualifications required by the Security and Exchange Commission until AFTER the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar. To accommodate those individuals, the inception date of the Hedge Fund will not start until 21 days after the Revaluation.


    BayShore Capital Investments, LLC., incorporated in the state of Florida in 2011 by
    Rudolph Coenen, CEO, serves as the General Partner of the Iraqi Hedge Fund, LP
    I and II. These private investment funds have been created for sophisticated investors
    who wish to invest in long term financial growth vehicles based on the emerging
    Iraqi economy. The objective of the Iraqi Hedge Fund is to seek long-term capital appreciation over a broad range of securities primarily listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) but also have the flexibility to invest in a number of multi-global American companies and emerging privately held companies that provide services and raw materials to facilitate the rebuild of Iraq’s infrastructure over the next twenty years. As a new Democracy, Iraq still faces daily distractions in its effort to re-build and reform. The managing directors of BayShore Capital Investments, Inc. believe the post-war re-building process of Iraq will provide investors tremendous opportunities. There is dramatic economic growth potential from both foreign and domestic investment in the fossil fuels sector, upgrading Iraq’s infrastructure, restoring their agricultural industry and developing a tourism industry.

    The Iraq Stock Exchange was formed, incorporated
    and began operations in June 2004. Beginning
    with only 15 listed companies in 2004 with orders
    posted on chalk boards, the ISX now trades over
    100 companies electronically. Modeled after the
    New York Stock Exchange, the exchange has taken
    great lengths to modernize its execution, regulatory
    oversight, and transparency.


    The Investment objective of the Iraqi Hedge Funds I and II is to seek long-term capital appreciation
    and superior returns over a broad range of securities primarily listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) but also have the flexibility to invest in a number of multi-global American companies and emerging privately held companies that provide services and raw materials to facilitate the rebuild of Iraq’s infrastructure over the next twenty years.
    The core of the Iraq Hedge Fund, LP I and II portfolios will be the Iraqi Stock Index. The portfolio will diversify by purchasing all securities within the index but weight holdings either upwards or downwards, favoring the most attractive sectors and companies that comprise the index. Qualitative analysis will be used to identify trends in both the market and economy and identify companies which have outstanding quality of earnings, transparent management, generally accepted reporting standards and better than average profitability.

    Fund Structure: Hedge Fund I and II
    Frontier Market Investment: Iraq Focus
    Accredited and Qualified
    Investors Only Yes
    Domicile: Delaware, LP
    Minimum Investment: $1,000,000
    Maximum Investment: $5,000,000
    High-Water Mark: Yes
    Lockup: 24 Months
    Redemptions: Quarterly, with 60 days notice
    Management Fee: 2.5% Annually
    Incentive Allowance: 20% of profits, subject to high-water mark
    ADMINISTRATOR: Apex Fund Services 10 Mechanic Street, Suite 240 Red Bank, New Jersey
    07701 United States of America Tel: +1 732 936 8420
    IRAQI CUSTODIAN: Dar es Salam Investment Bank (Dar es Salaam is 70% owned by HSBC Global.)
    U.S. CUSTODIAN: Not Disclosed at this time

    City: State: Zip:
    Phone: E-mail:
    MAXIMUM INVESTMENT: up to $5,000,000 YES Amount
    • Minimum investment is based on a Revaluation (RV) of the Iraqi Dinar at a minimum value of $1USD.
    • Investors have 21 days to fund their account from the day the RV is announced.
    • If the minimum initial investment is NOT met by the Due Date, client will forfeit their Seat and Position.
    • This contract only holds your Seat Assignment until all requirements have been met.
    Application Fee Check #:
    Signature: Date:
    Un-refundable Application Fee: $750 (Enclose Check payable to: Bayshore Capital Investments, LLC)
    Sign Name
    Print Name Clearly
    Bayshore Capital Investments, LLC
    10347 Nakema Dr. West
    Jacksonville, FL 32257
    ATTN: Rudolph Coenen, CEO
    The BH Group Other (please fill in below)
    capital investments, llc
    Copy and pasting from a PDF gives some fluky formatting issues, I tried to clean them up. I didn't change any text but is some of the paragraph or lines breaks aren't correct I apologize. And some E-Mail updates:

    Hello BH Group Members,
    Here's all the latest from The BH Group........Check it out!

    Check out the HOME page of our website The BH Group - Dinar Education and Procurement Specialists (lower left corner). Leave your "thumb prints" on friends and family by directing them to our Dinar 101 and we'll do the rest!

    Our newest feature! Sign up for FREE Text Service to announce the RV and other news from The BH Group (carrier rates apply)! To activate your account: Text to the number 90210 and then type the message: the bh group You'll receive an auto text back confirming you've been registered by The BH Group for future communications via text. You'll receive an instant reply! This service will give you instant notice of the pending RV right to your cell!

    The BH Group continues to offer the most competitive rates for Dinar on the Internet with outstanding service and education to match. If you have a traditional IRA or Roth IRA please consider the HUGE tax savings when you self-direct Dinar purchases from The BH Group to your IRA account. Ask us how this works!

    Under "Contact Us" you'll see the ability to have a live chat with one of our staff! We're here M-F 9am-6pm EST. Please respect our time and only ask pertinent questions that you can't find answers for in our FAQ Section.

    We're glad to help you with a periodic email question regarding the Dinar BUT this is not a "Chat Service" where you send in a list of questions! PLEASE respect our time

    You can check your Dinar shipment online by visiting: USPS - Track & Confirm - Put our delivery information to work for you

    Please use the links available under the "Register/Login" tab for "I forgot my Username / Password" or "I have not received my Activation Email". These are automated links and these services are available 24 /7. If you're still having trouble accessing our website, please send us an email to marked "Website Access Difficulties" as the subject line. In the body of the email please include detailed information regarding your issue.

    Our conference calls are pre-recorded every Monday evenings featuring Rudy Coenen, Currency Specialist and posted by 10:00pm EST. You can locate our call by accessing our website at The BH Group - Dinar Education and Procurement Specialists. Once you're registered, Log In to "Iraqi Dinar," "Weekly Conference Call." Additionally, you can call directly to 712-432-1085 and enter pincode 157219#. This weekly call will be available for you throughout the entire week.

    The BH Group is the exclusive marketing agent for two new Hedge Funds focusing primarily on Iraq, created by Bayshore Capital Investment, Rudy Coenen, CEO. There are only a total of 490 Preferred Investor Seats authorized for EACH fund. For further information go to The BH Group - Dinar Education and Procurement Specialists HOME age or OPPORTUNITIES section. Application Fee checks ($750) we've received and cashed thus far from BH Group members have a Seat. You'll receive a welcome packet with your receipt and Seat Number before the end of April. Hedge Fund I will be complete before the end of April and remaining Inception Allocation Forms received will automatically be seated in Hedge Fund II. When funds are complete, investors who did not receive a seat will receive their $750 back.

    Here is the upcoming road schedule as Rudy will personally be meeting with potential Hedge Fund Investors:
    April 13th, Charlotte, N.C. Guest Host: John O'Neil Cell: 804.687.7550 Email:
    April 21st, Lynchburg, VA Guest Host: Mike Byers Cell: 434.546.0211 Email:
    April 30th, Northern, VA (D.C. Area) Guest Host: John O'Neil Cell: 804.687.7550 Email:
    May 07th, Toledo, OH Guest Host: The BH Group Phone: 419.740.5220 Email:
    May 14th, jacksonville, FL Guest Host: The BH Group: 419.740.5220 Email:

    BH Group members invited to Open House parties at Corporate HQ's: April 14th and 15th!
    April 14th: Party starts at 2:00 p.m. EST Double header starts at 4:00 p.m. EST vs. Columbus
    April 15th: Party starts at 5:00 p.m. EST Game starts at 7:00 p.m. EST vs. Columbus

    Address: 19 St. Clair Street, Toledo, OH 43604 2nd Floor

    The BH Group
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

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  8. #8
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    I wonder if this is the same Rudolph "Rudy" Coenen of Jacksonville, Florida:

    It would be a HUGE coincidence if there were two Rudolph "Rudy" Coenens residing in Jacksonville, Florida with both of them having an interest in Iraqi Dinars.

    Unfortunately for this particular Mr Coenen, his predictions seem have have amounted to nought, and his blog has disappeared.

    Maybe he has been too busy reinventing himself or registering Bayshore Capital Investments in February of this year and living up to the stellar reputation BH Capital says he has.

    Maybe there IS a different Rudolph "Rudy" Coenen living in Jacksonville.
    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

  9. #9
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    I have already reported BH and Bayshore to the SEC and FBI. BH is not a licensed securities dealer and Bayshore does not even have a PPM. Rudy has never worked for Chase. Usually when you work for a company for 15 years you include them in your linkedin or plaxo profile Chase is on neither of his. What are BH and Bayshore going to do with the 750,000 they collect if there is no RV? I asked Brad this question and he hung up on me.

    It is not possible for the IQD to RV anywhere close to parity with the USD without a LOP. As of March 9th there is 24 Trillion IQD in circulation. Brad and Rudy are lining their pockets and will disappear with 750k.

  10. #10
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Yea, that is our Rudy. I think I lost count of the number of companies he's the president of but taken together he seems to change company names the way most people change their socks. In his present incarnation he's an International Currency expert and introduced himself this way:

    My name is Rudolph Coenen, i am the person who spoke to Hannity, 2 weeks ago on his radio show. Everyone was wondering who i was, and where did i get my information. I live in Jacksonville, Fl and have been in the Banking business for 15 years. In 1982 i joined the Marine Corps, and had a wonderful 12 year career, Semper Fi. You can google my name and look at my background. I studied International Finance at the University of Colorado, and recieved my masters in economics. My last position was with JPMCHASE in there cdo dept, and i had a 420million dollar portfolio. I also owned a mortgage company called DIRECT LENDING, we did loans thru out the U.S. I am well known in the banking industry and have had my own radio show and also have been a contributor to fox news.
    My life has been very transperent, and anyone can check on it.
    Funny thing is, I can find no connection between his name and JP Morgan that's more than a few months old. He had a liver transplant in 2005 and on one of his calls he mentions that was the the time he left JP Morgan and his 420 million dollar portfolio behind him. So he was a high level manager with one of the largest financial conglomerates and didn't get a single mention in any news source or anywhere that Google can find? Not likely. I also find no evidence that he ever had a radio show or is a "Fox news contributor."

    But he did own a mortgage company named Direct Lending when he was in California, he mentions it on his long abandoned MySpace page. Interestingly enough even as he was running his mortgage buisness he also used his MySpace page to sell Monavie. So he's a VP at JP Morgan, running a mortgage buisness and building his MLM downline all at the same time. He's still multi tasking, and building his downline, Youngevity this time.

    It looks like his primary income was as a mortgage broker, he was hip deep in the Alt-A and subprime loan buisness (one sample from 2004). He went through several company names and two states (Florida and California) but when the real estate bubble burst it seems he needed to reinvent himself. That's when he stopped telling people about his 15 years of experience in the mortgage industry and started telling them about his 15 years in the financial industry. It doesn't seem Forex was his strength, there's no date on this site but he left the following comment to someone's Forex training video:

    cant wait for the next video, i am in the newbie quadrant, doing what you said, looking for free educ, and testing the waters with demo accounts, feel lost. look forward from hearing from you
    His story doesn't hold together very well. A Vice President at JP Morgan in charge of a 420 million dollar portfolio who watches free into Forex videos online?

    By the way there is a Rudy Coenen in Brussels Belgium who works for Dexia Asset Management, they are two entirely separate people but when asked on the "Dinar Vet" forum Rudy (rudy1167) lied and claimed to be the Rudy Coenen who really does work in the financial industry.

    [And a late edit to add]:

    IF as Rudy says, he was a Vice President at JP Morgan Chase and managed a 420 million dollar portfolio, why did't he have health insurance? He had a liver transplant in 2005 (or early 06) and this is a story from a newspaper in Temecula California from which I quote:

    Life took a sharp turn for Rudolph Coenen when he found out last fall he had Hepatitis C and needed a new liver. He had to quit his job, accumulated $100,000 in debt from medical bills and may lose his Temecula home where he and his wife are raising their four daughters.


    While Coenen anxiously waits for a donor match, friends and neighbors are rallying around his family, planning fund-raisers to help with the burgeoning debt.
    Two have been planned so far. The first is Wednesday evening at Stadium Pizza on Highway 79 South. From 5 to 10 p.m, 30 percent of the sales from customers who say they are there for the fund-raiser will go to the family, manager Erika Thomson said.
    On Saturday, the Rummage for Rudy community garage sale is scheduled at Red Hawk Elementary School, where three of Coenen's daughters attend. The garage sale was the idea of Coenen and Kelly Ortiz, who works lunch duty at the school. Ortiz also set up the pizza fund-raiser.
    I'm not making light of Mr.Coenen's personal tragedy or the hardships it caused and I'm glad he seems to be in much better health today. But the article states he had to quit his job because of the illness and he now claims the job he left was as an extremely high paid position in the financial services industry. Does the article make it sound like Rudy was a wealthy man?
    Last edited by GlimDropper; 04-19-2011 at 08:41 PM.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
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  11. #11
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Quote Originally Posted by tmcgraw View Post
    I have already reported BH and Bayshore to the SEC and FBI. BH is not a licensed securities dealer and Bayshore does not even have a PPM. Rudy has never worked for Chase. Usually when you work for a company for 15 years you include them in your linkedin or plaxo profile Chase is on neither of his. What are BH and Bayshore going to do with the 750,000 they collect if there is no RV? I asked Brad this question and he hung up on me.

    It is not possible for the IQD to RV anywhere close to parity with the USD without a LOP. As of March 9th there is 24 Trillion IQD in circulation. Brad and Rudy are lining their pockets and will disappear with 750k.
    Welcome to RealScam tmcgraw. :)

    Yea, the dinar the BH Group are selling will never significantly appreciate in value but they sell them at a profit so they make their money right away. They are a registered Money Service Business but you are quite correct in pointing out that they are in no way licensed to sell securities but that doesn't stop them from hyping their investment opportunity.
    Last edited by GlimDropper; 04-19-2011 at 08:01 PM.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

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  12. #12
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    I could have sworn today was the day the new Coenen Diversified Investments website was supposed to go live, the "days till launch" counter ticked down to zero but no website yet. I'm sure Prakash will have it up in running toot sweet so in the mean time I had to amuse myself.

    More evidence of Rudolph Coenen's mastery of all things financial, his 2010 IRS tax lien. Rudy and his lovely wife owe Uncle Sam $22,804.73 and the lien attaches to the family homestead. This may be were Rudy's expertise in mortgage finance pays off, you see in October of 2005 he signed a mortgage agreement which was interest only for the first 60 months of it's term so on the date the IRS lien attached, he had accrued no actual equity in his home. Too bad the lien would follow him even if he gets out from underwater on the home but it does make the IRS's hold on him seem a little hollow.

    But when you listen to any of the BH Group's Monday night confrence calls Rudy presents an image of himself as being some sort of Wall Street wheeler dealer type with 360 million already committed to his yet to be formed hedge fund and all the big brokerages trying to pick his brain for hints about what financial strategies he'll be using. It's funny that he never mentions being in hock to the IRS or his off again on again battle against foreclosure on any of the calls.

    I'm not digging all this up out of spite or malice, I've never met the man nor am i likely ever to, but he is holding himself out to be some great financial expert on who's authority people should base their decision to invest in a highly speculative and risky (for them) enterprise. I believe he is flat out lying about having been a Vice President at JP Morgan Chase for reasons stated in a previous post and I believe he's lying about currently being a successful investor and financial manager for reasons stated in this post. It's too bad that the BH Group conference calls don't take live calls because if anyone asked him about the results of the public records search I've linked to here, I'd like to see if he'd lie about them too.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

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  13. #13
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    I found a good link explaining the basics of the Dinar scam, Here is John Jagerson's article on Learning markets dot com. From which the following video can be found and it explains the basic scam far better than I can:

    And of all the good arguments Mr. Jagerson raises and all the pitfalls he points out he did miss a significant one. He mentioned that a typical hard currency dealer will pay you less for the currency you purchased than the price he'd charge you for it, he mentions 20% but Dinar sellers like the BH Group charge an insane premium to begin with. The CBI lists 1,170 as the number of Dinar to the Dollar but Brad will only give you between 588 to 833 dinar to the dollar. So with all the same long term risks Brad is simply giving you fewer Dinar for your money. I don't think the dinar is a wise investment but if you're going to buy it, call your bank and not some putzes on the internet.
    Last edited by GlimDropper; 04-20-2011 at 08:29 PM.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
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  14. #14
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    1) Do your research

    2) Get educated

    3) Start to practice in the live market.


    and not a word about buying Iraqi dinars over the internet from some guy you have never heard of, who has a fake resume and lies about both his history and the "opportunity" he's presenting.

    Sounds like a no-brainer decision to me.
    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

  15. #15
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    you would have to be retarded to give Rudy or The BH Group a million bucks. These guys have ZERO experience in emerging markets or infrastructure development. They have ZERO experience managing money and have NONE of the contacts needed to invest in Iraq. This "Fund" is a pipe dream. BH and Rudy will collect 750k from unsophisticated poor people and never be heard from again.

  16. #16
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    That's just a bit harsh tmc, intelligent people get scammed too. All our minds play tricks on us and we're all susceptible to influence. You have to understand that Rudy is a very persuasive speaker when he finds people who want to believe what he has to say and he's been a dinar follower for more than a year and a half. He's had a lot of time to figure out just what sort of "intel" people are willing to buy and how best to try and sell it to them. He's a skilled manipulator but he makes the classic mistakes of a BS artist in the internet age, he lies about things which he can be proven wrong about.

    He's transitioned from putting his thoughts into writing to relying more on spoken word formats, that's a good move for him. I'm not talking about his horrible spelling or atrocious grammar, he's a talker by nature and the flow of what he says is more appealing than any individual point he makes. Because quite frankly even though he's a pretty sharp guy he does say a lot of pretty silly things. I forget which call I was listening to but he was arguing that the Iraqi Dinar just had to "RV" close to the value of the Kuwaiti Dinar because if it didn't the oil from Iraq would be so much cheaper that no one would buy oil from Kuwait. If he committed that thought to writing I'm sure even he would have seen the absurdity of what he was saying but in the flow of his narrative it sounded just like he knew what he was talking about.

    I am frustrated by the number of people who will lose money to Rudy's lies and Brad's complicity, hell that's why I started this thread. And while the victims here aren't without fault insulting them is seldom the best way to get them to reconsider their opinions. Brad and Rudy are starting to get noticed and not only in the ways they intended and some of their faithful members will be starting to look outside of dinar rumor sites for their "intel." When they get tired of waiting for the RV or as Brad puts it, their Blessing, they'll want some answers. The facts alone will be a hard enough slap in the face that we don't really need to add to it.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

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  17. #17
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Here's the latest from BH

    I informed Roger from DD that this fund is a scam but he likes their money more than the truth. In fact, he agreed with me the Rudy is a fraud but still pumped them on his radio show. All of these dinar sites prey on gullible "investors" by using their desperation and religious beliefs against them. It's very sad

    APRIL 22nd 2011
    Hello BH Group Members..............Here's the latest updates from The BH Group........Check it out!
    This is a MUST LISTEN call sponsored by The BH Group featuring an economist by the name of Breitling and Rudy Coenen given you a perspective to the Dinar that you have not heard before. Please listen to this entire call. Scroll to the very bottom of the webpage to the “Blog Talk Radio” box and press the play button to listen, it may take a minute to load the entire call.

    Effective April 21st Fifth Third Bank ABRUPTLY announced they've stopped selling Dinars!
    USA TODAY Newspaper, Thursday, April 21st:
    Check out a front page article about how the Electric capacity in Iraq has doubled since pre-war times and demand has risen 73% in the last several years. It also mentioned how the US has contributed $4.6 billion since 2003 to help Iraq's efforts to increase electricity. In general, it was a very positive article about Iraq's future.
    Iraq has doubled its electricity capacity -
    Check out the HOME page of our website The BH Group - Dinar Education and Procurement Specialists (lower left corner). Leave your "thumb prints" on friends and family by directing them to our Dinar 101 and we'll do the rest!
    NEW FREE TEXT MESSAGING SERVICE: You must be a Registered Member of The BH Group
    Our newest feature! Sign up for FREE Text Service to announce the RV and other news from The BH Group! (carrier rates apply) To activate your account: Text to: 90210 and then type the message: the bh group You'll receive an auto text back confirming you've been registered by The BH Group for future communications via text. This service will give you instant notice of the pending RV right to your cell! Register with ALL your cell phones.

    The BH Group continues to offer the most competitive rates for Dinar on the Internet with outstanding service and education to match. If you have a traditional IRA or Roth IRA please consider the HUGE tax savings when you self-direct Dinar purchases from The BH Group to your IRA account. Ask us how this works!

    Under "Contact Us" you'll see the ability to have a live chat with one of our staff! We're here M-F 9am-6pm EST. Please respect our time and only ask pertinent questions that you can't find answers for in our FAQ Section.

    We're glad to help you with a periodic email question regarding the Dinar BUT this is not a "Chat Service" where you send in a list of questions! PLEASE respect our time

    You can check your Dinar shipment online by visiting: USPS - Track & Confirm - Put our delivery information to work for you

    Please use the links available under the "Register/Login" tab for "I forgot my Username / Password" or "I have not received my Activation Email". These are automated links and these services are available 24 /7. If you're still having trouble accessing our website, please send us an email to marked "Website Access Difficulties" as the subject line. In the body of the email please include detailed information regarding your issue.

    Our conference calls are pre-recorded every Monday evenings featuring Rudy Coenen, Currency Specialist and posted by 10:00pm EST. You can locate our call by accessing our website at The BH Group - Dinar Education and Procurement Specialists. Once you're registered, Log In to "Iraqi Dinar," "Weekly Conference Call." Additionally, you can call directly to 712-432-1085 and enter pincode 157219#. This weekly call will be available for you throughout the entire week.

    The BH Group is the exclusive marketing agent for two new Hedge Funds focusing primarily on Iraq, created by Bayshore Capital Investment, Rudy Coenen, CEO. There are only a total of 490 Preferred Investor Seats authorized for EACH fund. For further information go to The BH Group - Dinar Education and Procurement Specialists HOME age or OPPORTUNITIES section. Application Fee checks ($750) we've received and cashed thus far from BH Group members have a Seat. You'll receive a welcome packet with your receipt and Seat Number before the end of April. Hedge Fund I will be complete before the end of April and remaining Inception Allocation Forms received will automatically be seated in Hedge Fund II. When funds are complete, investors who did not receive a seat will receive their $750 back.

    Here is the upcoming road schedule as Rudy will personally be meeting with potential Hedge Fund Investors. Hedge Fund I will be sold out by April 30th and Hedge Fund II will most likely be fully reserved by May 30th.
    You have to CONFIRM Registration with the Guest Host:
    April 30th, Northern, VA (D.C. Area) Guest Host: John O'Neil Cell: 804.687.7550 Email:
    May 07th, Toledo, OH Guest Host: The BH Group Email: Phone: 419.740.5220
    May 11th, Houston, TX Guest Host: Larry & Hollis Stevens: Phone: 281-222-9776
    May 14th, Jacksonville, FL Guest Host: The BH Group: 419.740.5220 Email:

    The BH Group

  18. #18
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Effective April 21st Fifth Third Bank ABRUPTLY announced they've stopped selling Dinars!
    This is significant. I detest the unsourced rumor mongering of the dinar sites (but obviously not enough to not engage in a little of it right here) but this is being reported widely enough that I'm willing to give it some credit. 5th 3rd was undercutting the Dinar dealers by a significant amount, giving over 900 dinar to the dollar on purchases of only a few hundred dollars, compare that to the BH Group which only gave you their best rate (833 dinar to the dollar) when you'd pony up at least $2,400. But even at the rate they were selling dinar at, 5th 3rd was clearly making a profit on each transaction so the question remains, why did they stop?

    A few of the dinar floggers are claiming that it's because the RV is imminent and 5th 3rd knows that the dinar they hold today will be worth MANY times more dollars than they are selling them for and perhaps as soon as Monday. Well, the same floggers have taken pert near everything as a sign the RV is imminent so just let me offer a not in any way bold prediction. The RV will not happen Monday, a week from Monday or a year from a week from Monday. Quite simply the dinar will never "RV" in the way the promoters and the BH Group pretend it will.

    In so far as I can't find this on an official website it's nothing but a rumor but I do see it in enough different places in a small enough time frame I suspect there might be some validity to it. A purported 5th 3rd memo:

    Foreign Currency - Iraqi Dinar

    Effective Immediately, Fifth Third Bank will no longer offer the Iraqi Dinar currency for sale. Fifth Third offers foreign cash banknotes for the convenience of our customers who travel abroad. The bank does not intend for the service to be used as an investment vehicle. The increased demand for this currency due to rumors and speculation has made it difficult for us to manage within the parameters of the program’s intent, which is to provide currency for the travel needs of our customers. Due to the sourcing and customer service challenges this has caused, we are recommending customers in need of the Dinar make use of local currency exchange at their destination. All other currencies we offer will continue to be bought and sold as usual. We will continue to evaluate the Dinar as needed.
    Now if we assume the "RV" isn't going to happen (and we do) this makes total sense. The important distinction here, the one that could very well bite Brad Huebner in his butt is the legal difference between operating a Money Service Business and selling an investment. IF the above is an accurate representation of 5th 3rd's policy it seems to me what they are saying is that when all the people buying the dinar as an "any day now, strike it rich" kind of deal realize they've been lied to, 5th 3rd doesn't want to risk being added as a deep pocket co-defendant in the subsequent lawsuits.

    Understand that Brad and the BH Group are in no way licensed to sell securities or market investments. All they have is a MSB registration which at best allows Christ to drive them out of any temple they might be operating in on passover, in short they're money changers. They're allowed to earn a reasonable fee for the service of exchanging currency but when they tell you the reason to buy dinar is because it will greatly appreciate in value they are breaking the law. It seems that 5th 3rd is getting some good legal advice and realizes that what ever small fees they earn for converting dollars into dinar aren't worth the potential litigation expenses from deceived and disappointed dinar investors. Be clear, their liability is very arguably non existent but the place they'd have to argue that point is expensive even when they win.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

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  19. #19
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    From what I can see, the info about 5/3 stopping sales of the Dinar was from an email to "Dinar Daddys", c & p here:
    Email from Member:

    Today(01/30/2010) We went to a Fith Third bank here in central Ohio. We have purchased dinar there many times, but today we were told by the manager that Fifth Third is no longer selling dinar as of yesterday. I asked for an explination and was told simply they could not give a reason. I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing….I just though I would share. By the way, I did not think to ask if they were buying, only because I was not there to sell. Thanks….
    the location here: 2010 January | Dinar Daddy&#039;s Tidbits
    Important to note that this is third hand evidence, and as such mostly useless.
    It seems like in this "industry" common sense is not all that common!

  20. #20
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Right up front I will tell you, I know little about nor do I understand much of this but I have been reading your postings here. This morning I came across some strange information concerning Iraqi Dinars. Whether it has even an inkling of truth in it, people are buying into this stuff. Here is a quote from the page and you can see for yourself where this leads. I have no facts and would not trust these statements but it bears looking into.
    In a sign the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate is on its last legs, the US Embassy in Tokyo, Japan is selling Iraqi Dinars and US dollar cash bills via yakuza gangs in order to pay its bills, according to yakuza sources. The bills are being sold via corrupt officials in the Tokyo public prosecutors’ office who are then selling them to yakuza gangsters in exchange for Japanese yen, the sources say. One Iraqi Dinar was worth $3.8 before the US invaded but fell to 2 cents afterwards at which point the Feds bought them all up, according to MI6 sources. They are now selling them worldwide, along with blacklisted US paper bills in order to keep the Federal Reserve Board and its Washington D.C. subsidiary going a bit longer. Buyers beware because you will sooner or later find out you traded good money for high quality tissue paper.
    FRB selling Dinars & dollars to pay US embassy bills
    For the other part of this article, I believe a new subject could be started here in RS. The New World Order (or something).

  21. #21
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Quote Originally Posted by honestme11 View Post
    Right up front I will tell you, I know little about nor do I understand much of this but I have been reading your postings here. This morning I came across some strange information concerning Iraqi Dinars. Whether it has even an inkling of truth in it, people are buying into this stuff. Here is a quote from the page and you can see for yourself where this leads. I have no facts and would not trust these statements but it bears looking into.

    FRB selling Dinars & dollars to pay US embassy bills
    For the other part of this article, I believe a new subject could be started here in RS. The New World Order (or something).
    Actually, the entire thrust of that article is about conspiracy theories, evil government acts, etc.etc. I get a little glassy-eyed when someone starts putting out crap like, "Instead, evidence that Japan was deliberately attacked with a earthquake and tsunami triggering seabed nuclear weapon is mounting."
    It seems like in this "industry" common sense is not all that common!

  22. #22
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    I was listening to yesterday's BH Group conference call, there were rumblings in the dinarosphere and it seems like word of this thread is getting out there (thanks TMC). Brad Huebner issued something of a challenge to the people being critical of Rudy Coenen. I just sent him the following E-Mail:

    Greetings Mr. Huebner,

    On this weeks BH Group call you delivered a challenge to the individuals who were calling Rudolph Coenen's integrity into question and I'm taking you up on it. Before I explain let me make one thing perfectly clear, unlike most of Rudy's critics I am not involved in the dinar scene. I do not buy them, sell them or market any dinar related services. It may seem like a strange hoby, but I'm a connoisseur of con artists and am sure Rudy is just that.

    I don't recall just now what I was looking into when I first encountered Rudy but within moments of hearing him speak I knew he was a player. As I kept the interview playing in one browser window I was digging into his story in another. Needless to say his story doesn't hold together and let me show you why.

    First of all his most important claim, that he was a VP at JP Morgan Chase in charge of a 500 million dollar portfolio is provably false and for more than one reason. First of all if he was working as a principle in a brokerage he would need to be licensed to do so, this is a point I'll return to but for the moment let me give you links to a couple websites. The first is FINRA BrokerCheck and the second is the SEC's Investment Adviser Search page. If anyone by the name Rudolph Coenen was licensed to sell securities in any of the 50 states and within the last decade, it would show up in those databases. But it doesn't.

    Also, several time when relating the JPM story Rudy makes mention that he left that position in 2005 for health reasons, he needed a liver transplant. This part of the story is absolutely true, he was living in Temecula California and later moved to Florida because the availability of donor organs was much greater than in California. I've never met Rudy or Maribel but I believe you have, can you tell me if the photo accompanying this 2005 newspaper story is indeed them? I'm quite positive it is.

    I find it interesting that the story is not about a wealthy man with the sort of health insurance a VP at a major investment firm is sure to have, it's a rather touching story about a community coming together to help out an unemployed father of four. Before and after his transplant Rudy was a sub prime mortgage broker and if the housing market didn't tank he'd still be selling no doc loans.

    Is that Rudy's only lie? Hardly. He postures himself as some sort of successful investment adviser, on one of your calls Mr. Emmenecker asked Rudy a transparently planned question about his financial situation. Rudy replied that he didn't need the dinar to RV that he and his family were already "quite blessed" in that regard. As to him being any sort of investment adviser you already searched for his name in the federal databases, just to touch all bases look to see if Rudy has any sort of license to sell securities or even to charge for investment advice in the State of Florida. He isn't, is he?

    OK, so he isn't a broker or investment adviser is there any reason to suspect he isn't as wealthy as he claims? Of course there is. Go to the Duval County Clerk of courts website, Perhaps data mining isn't you strong suit, I have a lot of practice with it so let me just give you a few of the better links. Here is his IRS tax lien, he and his wife still owe better than 22 grand for the 2007 tax year. He has a sorta on again off again battle with foreclosure and I believe Florida is one of those states where a judge needs to sign an order before the bank can repossess a vehicle and the 6th of this month a judge did just that to Rudy. Hey, the good thing is we finally have proof of a relationship between Rudy and JP Morgan Chase, they were the bank holding the loan Rudy defaulted on.

    Let me recap, Rudy never worked for JPM, he's never been licensed to sell investments of any kind and prior to finding someone to help sell his imaginary hedge fund he was close to dirt broke. Mr.Huebner let me tell you something about con artists, they make you feel good about yourself. They have that personal touch that honest sales persons would kill for, the whole Dale Carnegie deal down flat. They push the right buttons to make you feel smart and for you to feel so special that you never stop to ask important questions at the right time. Today, your professional reputation is tied tightly to one Rudolph Coenen and you don't know him nearly as well as you should.

    I help run a web forum, I started a discussion about you and Rudy a while ago, in case you've never seen it you can find it here. Rudy isn't the only one I've done some digging on but honestly, I can't get a solid read on you. I'm tempted to think you might be something like a victim here. Rudy leaves a trail of slime that easy for someone like me to spot, you don't seem to. So in responding to the challenge you issued on your recent call for proof of claims against Rudy, I feel I've done that. So I'm issuing a challenge of my own. Respond to this letter publicly. I will post it in it's entirety in the discussion thread linked above and hope that you will either tell me how what I've said is incorrect or after verifying this information for yourself, what you and the BH Group will do about it.

    And thank you sir for your time in reading this.
    I rather doubt Mr.Huebner will trouble himself with responding on this forum but in the event that the authorities realize that Rudy isn't the only one selling investments without the proper licenses I want to be sure the prosecution can prove that Brad was in fact warned about his buisness partner.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

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  23. #23
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Brilliant work Glim! There is nothing as satisfying as digging deep and exposing the truth! This will be great to watch!

    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  24. #24
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    There's been some potentially big news about the Iraqi dinar:

    Iraq’s Central Bank to delete zeros from Iraqi currency.

    Saturday, June 25, 2011 09:23 GMT

    Iraq’s Central Bank announced on Thursday that it is planning to delete the zeros from the Iraqi currency.

    This step is one of the bank’s strategic missions; the Central Bank said adding that the new currency will include the Kurdish language in addition to the Arabic language.


    “The project of deleting zeroes is complete. It will be submitted to the central bank’s administration in the next session. Then, it will be passed to the ministerial council before presenting it to the Parliament for vote. The mechanisms of changing the currency will be gradual. It will be preceded by awareness campaigns for citizens”, the adviser of Iraqi Central Bank governor said.

    “The new currency will be printed after deleting the zeros and will include the Kurdish language in addition to the Arabic language. It will bear as well photos of Iraq’s civilizations and patrimony in addition to symbols of Iraqi intellectuals and figures”, Saleh noted.
    This is pretty bad news for the dinar pimps in so far as it looks very much like, pending approval of the Iraqi Parliament, the dinar is going to be redenominated in the same way several other currencies have in the last decade and that is emphatically not what the pimps were selling.

    Imagine the US had gone through a period of hyper inflation. The McDonald's dollar menu is now the $1,000 menu and the Big Mac meal costs six grand. But it's ok because minimum wage is $7,000 an hour. One, ten, and fifty thousand dollar notes are what we carry for daily use and on the way out of the super market you might hand your kid a $50 bill for the gum ball machine. That's not all that far from the current state of the Iraqi economy with nearly 1,200 dinar adding up to a single US dollar.

    Well, after we stabilized the economy and brought inflation under control it would be a practical step to re-denominate our currency. Print up a completely new set of notes and have banks exchange the old ones for the new ones at a rate of 1,000 to 1. One new dollar would have the same purchasing power as 1,000 old dollars, small fries at McDonalds are back to 1 buck but minimum wage drops to $7/hr but the number of small fries one hour of minimum wage work can pay for remains unchanged. That is how a re-denomination works.

    But you see, this isn't the delusional "blessing" the dinar pimps have been selling. Under a re-denomination the value of each unit of currency increases in direct proportion to the decrease in the notes face value. In my little example above one "new" dollar is worth 1,000 times more than the "old" dollar but you have 1,000 times fewer of them. What the dinar pimps are selling is that the value of each dinar will increase by an order of magnitude but without new currency being issued or any reduction in the face value of the dinar. In short they are claiming the total value of Iraq's currency will, at the stroke of a pen be 1, 2 or 3,000 times higher than it is today so you should run out and buy as many of them as possible today, from them, at a vicious mark up.

    The dinar pimps are already hard at work explaining how the news story linked above doesn't mean what it says. Several cockamamie irrational answers are already being floated, my personal favorite in that only the dinar physically inside Iraq will have the zeros removed and all the 10 and 25 thousand dinar notes the dinar fans are holding will appreciate the same way the in country dinar will only without the corresponding reduction in face value. Others are denying that new currency will be issued but rather smaller denomination dinar will begin circulating. This despite the article clearly stating that new currency which will include the Kurdish language is all part of the plan. I'll be interested to see which ones Rudy will latch onto for tomorrow's BH Group call.

    And as to Mr. Huebner, he did in fact get back to me. He didn't ignore me or dismiss me out of turn but he asked for a little time to address my concerns. Given the tone of his reply I'm inclined to give him a small amount of time to do that but I am expecting to hear back from him further.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

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  25. #25
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    Re: Bayshore Capital Investments and the BH Group

    Et tu Hueber?

    Dude had me snowed. The first e-mail I sent him is posted above and he did reply. After the typical tirade against internet screen names he voiced some genuine concern over what I had shared with him. He told me he does value his professional reputation and told me he would hire an independent third party to investigate Rudolph Coenen's background and qualifications. He pointed out that Rudy was his friend as well as his buisness partner so asked I didn't make mention of the investigation until it was completed and I was willing to give him a little time to perform his own due diligence. I'm dealing with a few personal issues so I didn't get an opportunity to listen to this weeks BH Group confrence call till last night.

    This link is a bit clumsy but it's a clip from that call.

    So, Mr.Huebner didn't perform any due diligence after all. It looks like he just asked Rudy if Rudy was lying and Rudy said no. That must be good enough for ole trusting Brad. And for archival purposes that was Xango's own Charlie Emmenecker playing cheer leader at the end of the clip.

    Mr. Coenen, I think you're mistaking me for someone who buys into your hype and refuses to ask questions. All your "RV Intel" sounds great if you have an emotional need for it to be true and that outweighs any desire on you part to think rationally about it. You and Brad are making a lot of money off of people like that but I'm not one of them.

    I have many opinions about you sir but I honestly don't think you're stupid enough to sue me. It might be amusing if I was wrong about that but I don't think I am. Truth is an affirmative defense against a claim of defamation and I back up all my claims against you with proof. You ought to try that some time, say something and then prove it's true, it might be a refreshing change for you. Now I admit being a plaintiff in a law suit would also be a refreshing change for you but I suppose all your many trips to the court house in the last few years may have acquainted you with the word, Discovery.

    You see, for all the things I can prove about you there are several things I can not. But if you were to be so incautious as to make anything I've said on this page the basis of a lawsuit it all become material to that suit. Your tax records, including your IRS lien will be entered into evidence. As will your banking records, including last months Judgment in Replevin which allowed your truck to be repossessed. The buisness records for your string of businesses which were administratively dissolved will be asked for and the records for your active businesses as well. You see, I can't prove that you've earned more money in the last few months off of non refundable application fees to a hedge fund which will never exist than you have earned in the last 3+ years combined, unless you sue me that is. Balls in your court Rudy.

    One point I'll quickly correct you on in your reply to me on this weeks BH call, I never attacked you personally. I only attacked you professionally. Your professional credentials do not exist in a field where every consumer protection website on the planet agrees, beware of unlicensed investment advisers, a whole hell of a lot of them are scam artists. I stake my reputation as a researcher that you do not now nor at any time in the last decade have you ever held any professional license or credential in the fields of investing or finance. I'd be astounded if you could prove me wrong.

    There's another reason threatening to sue me is kinda stupid, I was getting bored with you and the dinar scene. My remaining interest was the completely unfounded notion that Brad Huebner may have been making an honest mistake in trusting you and using you to help sell his dinar investment. Please understand, I still think he's making a mistake only now I know it isn't an honest one. So you go and issue threats, such a wealthy and accomplished individual as yourself is a person to be reckoned with so what would you expect me to do? I make sure I have my facts straight.

    Funny thing about retracing your steps, you sometimes find some things you previously missed. A simple search over at the Duval County website did give me a list of your court cases but I had been overlooking their ShowCase search utility. I was, and still am only interested in information about you that refutes your claims to be a wealthy and accomplished investment analyst and the peccadilloes of your life didn't serve that objective so I never mentioned them. But ShowCase gives me the docket entries and that changes things just a little bit.

    (Note on the following links, you need to sign into ShowCase to see them, just click the Public Access button and you should be good)

    Let's start small. here is one of two citations Rudy earned for housing code violations on the same date. Please note the last line:

    I wonder if Rudy will give us a list of rich and famous people who incur fines and interest penalties for failure to pay their housing court fines in a timely fashion. .

    Now This is a clear example of the sort of thing I was previously uninterested in because I didn't see how it impeached Rudy's "I'm a rich man" story and quite frankly, we all make mistakes. I've personally never had a DUI arrest but in my wayward misspent youth I might have been eligible for one. But please note the following:

    So, there's Rudy facing a property damage DUI and he swears to the court that he can not afford his own attorney and requests a public defender. I wonder how many wealthy people do that? But surely, that was a one time thing.,...

    Now, this one I'm not going to joke about or even comment on. I've known about it but until Rudy encouraged me to dig deeper I didn't think it had any relevance to his financial situation so didn't find it worthy of discussion. But again we see:

    Once again, Rudy was facing a situation of significant legal consequence and he responds by swearing to the court, under penalty of perjury and signing an Affidavit of Insolvency that he could not afford to pay for his own attorney.

    Was he lying to the court then (and a year and a half later) or is he lying to all of us now?

    In Rudy's little tirade to me he mentioned that he was using the foreclosure process as a tactic to renegotiate his mortgage. Let me congratulate him on his success in that endeavor. One quick note, he claims to own "many" buildings in the Jacksonville area, I can only find one in his name and it is he personal residence and the one previously facing foreclosure. Perhaps he owns many more in names other than his.:

    So, after paying the bank a sum of money, their court costs, expenses and reasonable attorney fees they agreed to a new payment schedule and Rudy is no longer being foreclosed upon. I find the date interesting given the original notice was filed nearly two years ago. Why, it's almost as if Rudy recently came into a serious chunk of change. Could it be the $750 application fees from what Brad tells us were nearly 1,000 people hoping to join Rudy's phantom hedge fund?

    Did Rudy use part of the $750,000 (or near to it) people invested with him to pay what are clearly personal expenses? Unless Rudy tries to sue me I can not prove he did. But the fact that he was only able to pay his note holder enough money to get them to cancel the foreclosure AFTER he began advertising his hedge fund on Brad Huebner's BH Group calls does look a little suspicious. In my opinion at least.

    There are other cases I could link to and other topics I could delve into, with people like Rudy I get the feeling that the more you dig the more you find. But I think I made my point, the things that can be verified about Rudolph Coenen directly impeach what he says about himself on the dinar calls. He is emphatically not licensed to sell investments or investment advice and a great deal of people who market unregistered securities are con artists. As far as me giving Rudy a phone call? I hardly see the point. When I download the BH Group calls I can listen to him lie any time I like (and save it for archival purposes) I feel no attraction to hearing him do it to me directly. Besides, if I am motivated to call Florida it would be to the Florida Office of Financial Regulation.
    So your prophets of finance have fallen on their collective proverbial face, and you hear muffled voices calling: Welcome to the human race.
    You made a killing dealing real estate at NASA selling cemetery plots in outer space til some falling coffins crashed upon your doorstep: Welcome to the human race.

    Open up your heart...

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