A minor and uninformative update from Brad (but his attorney would have no other kind):

Dear BH Group Members,

We are sending this email for those of you that did not see the statement we posted on our website, www.thebhgroup.org or listen to the one posted on our Conference Call line.

Due to pending alleged legal issues, I’ve been asked by the Court to suspend conversations with BH Group Investors including our weekly Conference Call until further notice.

This action has NOTHING to do with the sale or legitimacy of the Dinar and you’ll be informed what appropriate actions to take when the Re-valuation occurs!

I look forward to having a chance to defend myself but until them thank you for your prayers and support.

Brad Huebner, Chairman
The BH Group
And I'm sorry Mr. Huebner, you HAVE legal issues in which you are alleged to have done many things but you are not "alleged" to have legal issues.

I wonder when the court date is, I have some friends in Toledo (OK, "Alleged" friends), maybe I could couch surf.