Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 00:29:08 -0500
Subject: RE: Former AC Rep-Will you help me?

SBM - See Below. I was starting to wonder if you read this email. Glad you finally did.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Elizabeth Templin"
To: "AC Scammed"
Subject: RE: Former AC Rep-Will you help me?
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 00:27:53 -0400

Dear Acscammed,

Thank you for contacting me. I am very sorry to hear you were harmed by getting involved in Advantage Conferences. I have been communicating with former reps, family members of reps and folks close to Tim and Jack and I am painfully aware of the devastation in their wake. One rep almost lost his life because of what his involvement with these scammers did to him. I will protect your privacy as I have all the others that have come to me.

Yes, I am close to quite a number of former reps (talke to them on a daily/weekly basis) and know of a couple who have become homeless, others whose homes are in foreclosure, some spending their kid's college funds, using up their retirements as well as my own demise to bankruptcy. As one rep put it Tim has the ability to get people to jump into the deep end when they don't even know how to swim.

Just to clarify . . . are you saying that anything I share with you will not be posted on scam unless I tell you I am comfortable with it being posted? Also, are you saying you would not reveal my name to anyone?

I keep everything I do above board. If you truly desire to see others are not harmed by these scammers then you will have to file a complaint just as I have done on numerous occasions. The Texas AGs office, your home state’s AG’s office, the FTC, the FBI and the BBB are some of the avenues you can pursue. If the Texas AG’s office gets enough legitimate complaints they will be able to take action against AC. When you file you will work with an investigator assigned to this particular case. I can tell you that one investigator I worked with on a scam based in Texas knew exactly who Soapboxmom was and assured me the authorities do read these threads, so I am careful what I say. The amount of attention something gets online also helps authorities decide which cases to actively pursue.

Knowing what I know now, I can't thank you enough for what you are doing. As you may have figured out they (Tim, Jack and the handful) are working via 2 of their techincally inclined, internet saavee reps to drive scam dot com off the front page of the AC google searches. DO NOT let this happen! I was on the training call a few months ago where they deliniated this technique and can give you more details if you are interested.

There will be no surprise attack on Timmy boy. I have to follow the same protocol as any citizen wishing to make a complaint. Now, that Timmy’s 1.2 million bankruptcy with All-Star and all that has gone on at AC is well publicized, I don’t think any rep should worry if Timmy has anything negative to say about them. Tim has no credibility with anyone other than his few remaining reps. Well educated, successful people in mainstream society certainly see him for the deceitful con he is and are aware religion for him is only a tool he can use to defraud the trusting, good Christian folks out there. ABSOLUTY! He uses the scripture to manipulate and control people. Myself and some other former reps refer to him as "Jim Jones" and we talk about "drinking the kool-aide.

Many reps seem very afraid of Timmy bad mouthing them or worse suing them. Timmy lost his suit against the BBB because it was groundless. He opened up virtually all his company records to discovery and gave us folks trying to bust this scam a tremendous amount of ammo. I suspect Timmy will remain all bark and no bite. I should also point out that Timmy can’t sue you predicated on the fact that you reported him and his company to the proper authorities anymore than an attorney can sue you for reporting them to the state bar.

By the time reps realize what the real deal is, they are so far down emotionally and finacially they just don't want to deal with the hassle of Tim's harrassment. They are typically putting so much effort into surviving that they just want to quietly fade away. (OK, I can't spell either)

Timmy is even playing nice with me. Apparently, God spoke to the boys and told them to love me and not sue me.” Please receive my sincere love to and for you…May God shine His face upon you today and from here on out. I ask specifically for His grace and mercy to be poured richly into your life, as well as into each of your family members’ lives….I am indeed thankful to God for you - you are greatly appreciated!
Tim Darnell”

Yes I know about this. Tim read it to me as I was actually in his office when he was composing it.

I think the only place Timmy could truly appreciate me is under a bus. He won’t sue me because he doesn’t want hundreds of pages from a new lawsuit summarized or posted in their entirety on the web. Right again. Tim told me that you are trying to get him to sue you so that you can get his bank records published so he won't be suing you anytime soon as he is broke and would not want that revealed to the ones still drinking the Kool-aid.

I figured Tim was carefully monitoring the threads. Jack himself posted like a madman under at least 5 different identities. I note our scammers won’t come on where numerous lawyers, doctors, CPAs and other professionals donate their time to alert the public to scams like AC. You are welcome to drop in there and ask some questions. Actually, Tim has his office staff, specifically Rosalyn, read scam dot com on a regular basis and report a summary to him. I'm not familiar with quatloos, but will take a look.

Whatever you decide to do I will be here to offer support and encouragement. I would very much like to correspond with you. I send you my best wishes as you determine what action you are comfortable taking.

I am going out of town tomorrow for a week so will have to put this on hold. But I truly believe I have detailed facts that can put Timmy out of business. In fact one detail in particular may just do the trick. It will probably send the FTC to his front door in short order. I do desire to file complaints and I do feel an obligation to tell the truth. Some of it is shocking.

So if my interaction with you is totally in my control as to what gets published and what does not, I would really prefer to speak on the phone at some point to share what I know and get your advise about the best strategy to use the info I have to most quickly have an impact. I would like to see AC shut down by the authorities by the end of 2007!

Do you happen to know how many official complaints the authorities have gotten? And how many more they need to take action. If they are truly doing an investigation, they should be talking to the people who have left.

Gotta start packing for my trip. I will have my laptop with me.

Catch you later.

AC Scammed
