Sorry but where does 'hard work" figure into the equation for "passive income" in Willowy Steve's world? Hard work I take it means recruiting other suckers, watching them lose money they probably can't afford to lose, placating them with pithy tropes , and finally blocking them. Really hard work requires a stomach to destroy people's lives more than once hence earning the title Internet Marketer or BitCoin Con King.

As for "risk", for that to be anything less than certain wipe out presupposes Skinny is peddling something with a positive expectation. Ponzi schemes have a negative expectation from the onset since the only revenue comes from recruiting (hard work) and the commissions insure with each new recruit the amount owed gets bigger. A $50 investment paying a $5 commission leaves $45 in the kitty for the piker expecting $55 next month. Less risk exists in Monte Carlo.