Even the most casual observer of the 'net fraud on which we report will be aware of the Arch queen of ponzi pimpdom, Sharon James.

What many don't realize, however, is that far from being the guru she presents as, Sharon James has a perfect record - for picking failures.

Check it out

Sharon James and her mentor Septic Simon Stepsys in their Banners Broker days

That would be the same Banners Broker shut down by Toronto police in 2015, leaving hundreds of thousands out of pocket

Not to be deterred, Sharon James moved onto IMarketslive

Next for Sharon, came Traffic Monsoon, shut down by the SEC in July 2016

And then we have Sharon James' latest failure - USI-Tech.

Subject of multiple government warnings and two Cease and Desist notices, as well as throwing it's US and Canadian members under the proverbial bus

People are going to play the ponzis, we all know that, but, Geez, people get smart.

Sharon James picks failures.

She profits on you signing up anywhere in her "downline"

She doesn't care if her latest pimp job goes the way of all the others she's pimped.

If you're going to throw your money away, find some other way of doing it, rather than enriching Sharon James