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Thread: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobrott

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    Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobrott

    Tim Darnell admitted under oath the was responsible for all the following statements. Jack Weinzierl published many of these statements and received the e-mails containing them and has never apologized to my family and retracted these vicious lies as any honest Christian would have. He continues to stand by Tim Darnell and Advantage Conferences.

    Jack Wenzierl kept threateneing to sue me and Tim Darnell actually did so. In that suit he accused me of this nonsense quoted below and said I had made many threats to his family. He was not able to prove a single allegation. He never produced even one single false statement made by me. Tim and Jack are just lying trash that will stop at nothing to intimidate and harass their legitimate critics. Them losing the case in Summary Judgment says it all!!!

    Neither buffoon reported these alleged threats and stalking to the police or other authorities as they are complete fiction and they didn't have a shred of evidence. When these false allegations and the slam site were brought up in Collin County District court in 2010 Jack Weinzierl had to cry to the judge he needed to be excused because he was going to be sick. The lying pansy fled the courtroom to go vomit. His dishonesty is eating away at him, perhaps.

    Report from the AC November 2007 Conference:
    Tim told ** that you stalk him, sit outside his house all hours
    of the night and watch his family, and that you have made death threats. He told ** that the speakers who backed out did so because you personally threatened them. He also told ** that they were planning to sue you and they had a iron-clad case against you and that Satan is attacking AC.

    From Footspteps of Folly (Faith):
    ...Say the name of Jesus in the marketplace. Do
    it consistently and watch the demons of hell come out from under the bogs and out of their comfortable cesspools, spewing hideous, wretched venom. Funny thing about those demons – they always prefer to work under the cover of darkness. They’re great at espionage and covert, cowardly hit and run tactics.
    But, boy, do they hate the light.

    We’ve encountered many of those demons on the
    Internet. They can hurl their lies and hate-filled accusations, saying virtually anything they want about True Believers, their number one targets, because they can denunciate and attempt to destroy with very little fear of reprisal. Virtually all choose to remain anonymous for fear of being exposed! They’ll also resort to other methods, like making phone calls to try to malign
    and destroy a Believer’s character, business, and reputation, the content of those messages and calls always being jaded, twisted, and oftentimes, malicious lies...

    On the Internet, lies are the essence and substance of the attacks. In my case, one such attacker, a Scambuster, has
    literally and physically stalked me and my top Representative, Jack Weinzierl, for over two years now....She’s made defaming my name and character, including several of our top business associates, a career path. I’m still mystified by her hatred and obsession, but it is indeed the reality we’ve experienced....

    This woman has physically followed us on multiple
    occasions, taken pictures of our homes, taken pictures of our vehicles (why – I have no idea), our families, and most noticeably, posted negative filth about my character and every move I’ve ever made in our Christ-centered business -
    all on a regular basis....

    Stalking (I naively thought that just occurred on

    Organized Attacks (misery loves company – get
    others involved in the hate fest).....

    Death Threats – oh, yeah, lot’s of bravado on the
    From Tim's first Opposition page:

    ....She has literally stalked me and our top
    From Tim's e-mail to his reps October 2007:
    ...actually included her literal stalking of our
    homes, my attendance at recreational events, and our public conference
    From Tim's latest AC Opposition page:
    ...posting pictures of our top Rep’s homes and cars she
    “stealthfully” snapped at our events and at their home...yes, but also stalking.
    Darnell v. Dobrott | Citizen Media Law Project

    Lies, lies, lies, boys!!!!!
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    I turned myself in to the police. The lying scumbags couldn't make a report because I had never stalked them or sent them death threats as they claimed.
    Police report.pdf
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    Attacks against Advantage Conferences and Tim Darnell…
    From the desk of Tim Darnell, President of Advantage Conferences
    Attacks are to be expected. I really have nothing to complain about – followers of Christ who go into an unfriendly country or region virtually always experience persecution. Mine is mild compared to the attacks that occur daily in other parts of the world, including beatings, torture, and murders.

    Virtually all attacks against me and Advantage Conferences have come from two women who hate capitalism, despise home based businesses, and abhor people who share their faith in Christ in the marketplace. My company fits all three of those categories. Both women, and less than a handful of individuals who consort with them anonymously, are good candidates for your and my prayers.

    One of these women is a Heather Dobrott from Garland, Texas. Ms. Dobrott has operated her bashing business anonymously for several years, until her identity was finally brought to light in late September, 2007. She has been doing everything in her power to denigrate and belittle Advantage Conferences’ products, our training, and the values for which we stand. She has consistently assassinated my character, while directing the same ugly rhetoric toward our top Representative and my good friend in Christ, Jack Weinzierl.

    Most of her activity has been crude, sophomoric, deprecatory and malicious Internet postings under the moniker, SoapBoxMom. Ms. Dobrott, the other woman, or both, have seen fit to make a multitude of slanderous telephone calls as well to many people in my life - my Pastor, Speakers that we’ve invited to our conferences, Company vendors, my Parents, my Wife’s Parents, the Hotels we’ve used, and countless Representatives at AC. She has literally stalked me and our top Representatives, taking pictures in an effort I suppose to try to prove her ridiculous allegations that I’m a con-man and the company is bogus, fraudulent, and about to go bankrupt, to mention a few of the accusations.

    She has taken court records and posted everything she can possibly find about me. She takes anything said about or done by our Company and twists the truth of the matter in an attempt to make every aspect look shady and evil. She’s illegally attended our calls which require a membership purchase; and which, by the way, is illegal theft of a service. That is the least of actionable offenses she has now committed.

    All this, yet she’s never bothered to call me or talk to me face to face. I’ve never met her (that I know of) and would not recognize her if I saw her. Reports by individuals from other companies who know her state that her dubious career path apparently started with a bad experience in a well-known direct sales Company also based in the Dallas area – a Company I highly respect – Mary Kay Cosmetics – a truly incredible success story in the history of American business. She apparently has since been on a tirade against several direct sales companies - a response prompted by Ms. Dobrott’s own business failure. I’ve seen this phenomenon before: people who fail at an enterprise love to place the blame on the companies or the top money earners, who are always the target. They’ll also find others who have quit to spend time commiserating, placing blame on anybody but themselves.

    What is striking and truly sad is how someone could spend a single day, or in this instance, their entire life on a path of malicious destruction. Ms. Dobrott seemingly has nothing productive to do other than to bash people with whom she doesn’t agree. I don’t mind disagreements or even objections about what I do. However, she makes outlandish assertions with obviously very little understanding about our business, our industry, our products, and especially about me personally. Thankfully, her smug, know-it-all comments have always been, not only incorrect, but also so biased that most easily see through her misdirected agenda.

    I don’t bother to monitor the postings, although from time to time I’ll hear snippets from friends and AC Reps about Ms. Dobrott’s latest hate initiative. I know that she’s consistently predicted we would go out of business; she gloats that the Company is broke; and is sure to include rhetoric about people leaving in droves, and I’m filing bankruptcy, etc. I’m sure she is disappointed that her predictions with definite timelines of doom and gloom for us over the years have, embarrassingly for her, failed to materialize. She’s made the accusation that I’m not a United States citizen and that I took my former company, All-Star Entrepreneur into bankruptcy. The fact is I am indeed an American citizen; and my former company went out of business almost a year after I had resigned as President – long after I started Advantage Conferences. I was long-gone as an officer of that company when it declared bankruptcy.
    As for Reps leaving in droves, one should ponder a simple question, “do representatives for companies quit?” Of course they do. It is a fact of life, the rule more than the exception, and it is true in any and every business and any and every industry where sales exist. They quit in real estate, insurance, home improvement products, cellular sales, financial services, mortgage financing offices, retail stores, multi-level marketing, and any and every industry or company that employs, hires, or contracts with sales people.

    They quit other institutions as well. For instance, it is well known that one out of two marriages end in divorce. One or both partners chose to quit. Quitting is, unfortunately, a way of life for far too many people. It happens at Advantage Conferences. It happens everywhere. I don’t care for that reality, but it is indeed the reality of business and all organizations for that matter. Many of the accusations I hear are indictments of our collective shortcomings, not something intrinsically, or diabolically as Ms. Dobrott would have you believe, wrong with our Company.
    Sales Reps who understand that the sale of any product requires time to build up a client base and time to create profits – those who understand this fact and stand the test of time are the ones who are successful. This is no mystery – no secret. We teach on that very fact constantly. We all have heard the schoolyard maxim as kids, yet too few adults retained this simple message, “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”

    In any event, I actually count it a privilege to be the brunt of the multifarious lies and hatred. If you are a believer in Christ and take time to read Scripture on a regular basis, you know that fierce opposition is an expected reality when the choice is made to represent Christ and boldly speak about the gospel amidst a hostile environment.

    Your Questions:
    If you have a question about anything regarding my business, me personally, or any postings that you have a concern about, I welcome a call or e-mail from you. I would be honored to talk with you one on one. Our office phone number is: 972-727-4995 or toll-free, 1-888-832-7635. You can also e-mail me at:

    We are building a wonderful business at Advantage Conferences. The process has not always been easy, certainly – business never is. But the journey has been tremendously rewarding as we continue to see lives changed across the globe. At this writing, we are half-way through our fifth full year in business and have great enthusiasm and excitement about our continued growth and the future of this Company and our excellent Rep Team.

    The Apostle Peter says, “Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” I Peter 3:13-17a
    Christ died for me and He died for you. He also died for Ms Dobrott and her friends that they should have life. She should know that and be heartened by that incredible message. I pray for her daily.
    God is good - and I thank you for your attentiveness in reading this message.

    Contact your Pro Rep at:
    or complete the online Interest Form
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    Different Types of People…
    Throughout my life I have met hundreds of people who have little if any material wealth to speak of, and yet their lives are filled with the greatest peace and joy imaginable. It is obvious that they have un-jaded perspectives of thankfulness and gratitude for what they do have – for their life and circumstances in spite of dire and stark conditions. They are pure, sincere, and have a warmth that literally draws you to them. Their love is so evident, and their inner personas are displayed via the most wonderful smiles I’ve ever seen. They are appreciative for what they have, and are unconditionally loving of others. They are God’s wonderful, wonderful creations.
    Unfortunately, not all possess these kind and humble demeanors, especially in the world of business. If you’ve been in business long, you’ll find that ‘right of passage’ into the business world includes unfortunate encounters with people who don’t have that joy, but rather possess the exact opposite psychology. They are on the opposite end of the spectrum from those who bring joy and love into whatever environment they inhabit, like those described in the previous paragraph.

    I wish it wasn’t so, but there are a handful of individuals who are distrustful and highly skeptical; who spend a significant portion of their time demeaning, and condemning others. They consistently choose to imagine the worst about others, their intentions, their business, their products, their faith, or any and every aspect of another person’s life. They are consumed with hatred and take it upon themselves to put a group of people, or one or two individuals in their demented cross-hairs of contempt. They choose to even take on the role of a sworn enemy, even if they’ve never conversed with the targets of their hatred by phone or had a conversation with them face to face.

    The fact is: fear runs rampant in the marketplace – fears that are easily fed. Wild accusations and statements are consistently the order of the day throughout much of the marketplace, and for those who are not acclimated to this crass environment, being exposed to elements of this evil intent and verbiage scares many people to the point of making unsound judgments and counter-productive business decisions. Many simply choose not to enter the business world for this reason, an understandable choice.

    The good news is, most of this negativity is perpetrated by only a very small minority of people. Not many people devolve to the point of making base, rude, and despicable commentary the focus of their life activities. Most people would certainly not want to be known for this garbage and destruction, but some truly do want it to be the essence of their identity and their daily schedule.

    My company and personal situation are no exceptions in that I have encountered one such person who apparently has no mission in life other than to destroy me personally, the lives and livelihood of our Representatives, our business in general, and at least one other business that we know of that is similar to ours.

    We’ve tolerated one such person’s slander and libel for over two and a half years. She has hidden behind and written under the moniker of ‘Soap Box Mom’. She remained anonymous for the bulk of this time, although she finally (accidentally) revealed her identity in November of 2006 - a Heather Dobrott from Garland, Texas. Ms. Dobrott has purposely and consistently defamed, libeled, and attempted to destroy every aspect of my personal character and business, and has extended her sarcastic and pompous demonization to several of our company’s Representative leaders’ character and lifestyle as well. She has proactively and consistently issued defamatory statements to as many people as she possibly can, including our Pastors, Speakers, Vendors, existing AC Representatives, AC Representative Candidates, church members, family, friends, and the public at large through constant Internet postings and sites she has constructed using our company name.

    She has gone to great lengths to prove her ludicrous assertions by, for example, posting pictures of our top Rep’s homes and cars she “stealthfully” snapped at our events and at their home. This was, I guess, supposed to prove something, although we haven’t been able to figure out exactly what that something was. She paraded the pictures on the Internet in gleeful “victory?” Silly, yes, but also stalking.

    I don’t know this woman. As far as I know, I’ve never met her. She has phoned many of my closest relationships to trash my character, but won’t talk to me person to person. Her postings are filled with bravado and are designed to create the impression that she is one tough woman. Hmmm…, anonymously lurking in the shadows for years; never calling me or talking to me face to face; spreading lies and statements with the obvious and purposeful intention of character assassination - all within the ‘safety’, distance, and anonymity of blog postings – obviously the modus operandi of true cowardice.

    We don’t know her background, although it will be intriguing to find out why someone would carry this much anger and hatred around for years. There has been speculation from leaders in the direct sales industry about her background, but I don’t know what the truth is about her past. Frankly, it doesn’t really matter to me, although we will soon find out, and perhaps allow Ms. Dobrott to taste a little of her own medicine should we choose to share more about her through our own blogs. Her reaction to my single posting revealing her identity indicates that as much as she enjoys dishing it out, she apparently can’t handle the slightest comments about her. I find that to be typical of those who tear down others, but her’s is not just a letter to the editor, no, she makes attacking me and our company a vocation. She’ll very likely take on the victim role now after years of one-sided attacks – yes, very typical.

    What does matter, way beyond any damage done to me, is that she has poisoned many a good person who has had the courage to start a venture with our company and another sister company in the home business industry she has also targeted to demonize. People have fears, and the least breath of a rumor creates panic and immobilizes many well-meaning people. Ms. Dobrott has stepped in to feed those fears as the self-proclaimed expert on Tim Darnell, my company, and the other company with her convoluted version of her purported ‘truth’ websites and blog postings. SBM feels it is her life’s duty to scare everyone out of and away from their home businesses, and then rally the handful who buy into this “suspicion as lifestyle” orientation together to build a case as to why they were warranted in quitting – misery loves company. By they way, it’s never their fault, always somebody or something else. There is never any hint of self-responsibility or culpability in their mentality.

    But time will show vividly – it always does – that there is never a good outcome from quitting, especially if quitting is based on tainted and inflammatory information the likes of which Ms. Dobrott spews regularly. The stark reality for those who quit is that they lose every time. This is the travesty here – the wrecked live of those who have quit due to her fear-based postings.
    Quitting is the exact worst single thing a person can do in business. When a person quits, they lose their contacts, their money, their time, and much of their credibility. Their very futures are sabotaged. Their chance for success is at the very best delayed, and in many cases, completely negated. Their self-image is often lowered to the extent that they never try to do anything constructive again. SBM loves to see that happen and has provoked many into that extremely ill-advised move. Fear will easily cause people to be paralyzed and/or quit; and SBM is the self-appointed merchant and publisher of fear, hatred, and rumors. I, personally, have never seen anything like her and the campaign she has waged, and I hope others never have to deal with the likes of her either. Business is difficult enough as it is.

    I have lived my life with the expressed purpose of building people up, encouraging them, and helping them see past their perceived obstacles, past hurts, and imagined fears. This is naturally who I am and what I do. I believe in free enterprise and the concept of “building” businesses, and edifying people. Thousands of people know that this is a consistent and correct characterization of my life, and many have been vocally appreciative of that fact. I am so very thankful for the thousands of good, positive and Godly messages of gratitude and support that I receive each year. Ms. Dobrott takes the exact opposite stance – tear people down.

    I am the first to say that I’ve made mistakes in my life, and will probably do so in the future. I am the first to point out that I am nowhere near perfect. Paul says it best in Romans: We all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 Paul goes on to say, “and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ.” Romans 3:24 I claim that rich gift of God’s grace, and the ‘justification’ that we sinners so desperately need!
    Some are unsurprisingly dubious of my sincerity. Suspicion is rampant and an integral part of society’s complex tapestry. But if you get to the root of suspicious peoples’ thinking, you’ll many times see that they have trouble identifying with someone who does have noble intentions due to the fact they can’t identify nobility and true intentions in their own life. Never has Ms. Dobrott pointed to anything good that I and my company have done over the years – the day in and day out work and ministry that has been faithfully carried out in our professional and private lives. That glaring omission points to, and can only point to, the obvious – a seriously malicious, devious, and destructive purpose on the part of this person.

    I detest the situation that this woman has created. I totally dislike having to write a word of this message. I sincerely wish I did not have to write a word of this message. And I pray for her regularly – prayers that she will come to grips with the root of her anger, and that she will identify the hurt in her own life that causes her to lash out at undeserving targets in smug accusations and a constant barrage of degrading language. She needs to come to grips with the “why” she has become the person that carries on this ridiculous and damaging path of destruction.

    If she was really concerned about so-called “scams” in the marketplace, there are a multitude of silly and illegal money scams out there to choose from. Why she has chosen an obviously legitimate business that has done nothing but consistently build people up with the Word of God (the Bible) as our guideline - with business, marketing and sales mentoring and training our theme and product, is simply an indication of a convoluted and perverse perspective.
    The apostle Paul understands this fact well. He says, “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” Titus 1:15 I’ve found through years of prison ministry that, although there have been many promising changes of heart among many of my student prisoners, I can rarely have an influence on one whose mind is truly corrupted. You can’t negotiate or even carry on a civil conversation with someone whose sole intention is to see evil in someone, and work diligently for their demise.

    The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus Christ can and does affect that change. Although that change has not happened yet for Ms. Dobrott, based on her latest barrage of garbage and filth, I pray that the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ will intervene on her behalf, because that is the only way she’ll experience the change she so clearly needs to make.

    Until that happens, and I’m hoping and believing it will, Ms. Dobrott continues to purposely lash out and smugly tear people down, most noticeably, yours truly. It is indeed unfortunate that anyone would have to deal with someone like her. The simple fact is that my business is absolutely none of her business. But she has consistently and purposely inflicted so much hurt on so many Representatives who depend on our business to grow, that the time has come for her business to indeed become my business. The records of her attacks are unmistakable, clear, and fully documented – stacks of records, and we will of necessity expose her activities and foul words and mischaracterizations. These types of attacks, made by anybody and on anyone else, MUST be stooped. Freedom of speech is one thing, but when so many lives are at stake and in the name of human decency, decisive action must be imposed against those whose intent is anything but noble.

    I am open to any civil discussion about any aspect of my life or business. I am open to and welcome that kind of dialogue. I am open to disagreement and consciously choose to genuinely respect those who disagree with me on a wide range of topics. But verbal assault, malicious defamation and the constant demonization from Ms. Dobrott places this woman in an entirely different and unacceptable category. She has crossed not only ethical lines, she has also crossed legal lines in several documented cases.

    People like this, along with her cohorts, who see and use the Internet as a means to egregiously excoriate their fellow human beings, definitely will be halted; and our Representatives and Customers can rest assured that this has become a well attended and fortified aspect of our business direction.

    Tim Darnell
    Advantage Conferences

    Contact your Pro Rep at:
    or complete the online Interest Form

    Backpeddling sure backfired for our scamming boys!!! I kicked their butts in court and I will not rest until I am sure no one else will be victimized.


    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 01:41:25 -0500

    My love to each of you this morning! We are full-steam ahead and anticipate an excellent, exciting conference weekend after next!

    See: Titus I:15 “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.”

    With business, we have wonderful times of fulfillment, fellowship, and reward. We also have times where we have to deal with unsavory situations and even ‘dark’ characters. This communication is for internal use (Advantage Conferences Reps) only. You have a non-disclosure responsibility regarding all postings from corporate to the field. Please read the following carefully.

    Many of you are aware that we have faced opposition from loosely organized attackers, people vehemently opposed to our concept and growth – determined to do everything possible to undermine every aspect of our ministry and business. They have anonymously demonized, mischaracterized, and found fault with virtually every single announcement, initiative, and direction we’ve taken, and through a barrage of communications, have been effective in thwarting our efforts to some extent. However, that situation has taken on an interesting and significant development this week.

    We are pleased to announce that the identity of one of the most vocal ‘belligerents’ to AC has been uncovered. Operating anonymously, an outspoken individual who has called herself, Soapboxmom, has organized an ongoing, destructive assault on the AC business. She has also assassinated the personas and character of myself and several AC leaders and our families for over two years now with inflammatory, disgusting, always completely negative blogs, messages, and phone calls. She has been identified as a Heather Dobrott from Garland, Texas. This, to say the least, ‘misguided’ woman has been quite vigorous in her attacks, and while I don’t mind disagreement regarding our being a Christ-centered company, how we market, or the validity of our concept, products, opportunity, and compensation structure, etc., her efforts have far exceeded the boundaries of civil discourse. Her opposition has now crossed the line, turning to legal, actionable events.

    Here is where you come in. Several Representatives and Mindset Mentors (guest speakers) have been contacted by her. If you have had any contact with this person, you are obligated to provide a complete, comprehensive, and detailed report regarding any aspect of “soapboxmom” contact and/or communication in writing. You will need to send those via e-mail to Please include dates and the nature and content of her communication(s) with you. While we regret the inconvenience, we are thankful for the opportunity to put a stop to the incessant and vitriolic poison that this woman has spewed over the last two years.

    While I have, personally, for the most part, ignored most of her efforts, which have actually included her literal stalking of our homes, my attendance at recreational events, and our public conference events, the time has come to deal decisively with this self-appointed enemy to our company and cause.

    Again, I apologize for having to even bring this up, but we can’t ignore these ridiculous assaults any longer. IMPORTANT: your participation is not optional. You are obligated to issue a full report regarding any past, present or future dealings with “soapboxmom” via e-mail, phone, personal meetings, or any type of communication – in detail. I am also compelled to state that withholding, or not fully complying with this request – not reporting any information of this sort could indicate complicity on your part and create further problems for you personally. Even if your involvement has simply been to look up postings on one of the negative blogs, you must report what, when, where, and the effect the postings had on you personally and/or on your Candidates.

    Forwarding any internal AC communications to other non-AC parties, other than the Messenger, Company approved public broadcasts, or a generic “ministry oriented” communiqué is strictly prohibited. While this should be understood without an announcement to that effect, forwarding, disclosing, or sending messages that are private to our company, staff, or Representative team is a serious violation of corporate trust and unfortunately could require action against any Representatives who have been engaged in such activity.

    On the positive side – let’s make MMC, Number Six, the very best event possible! I am highly encouraged and excited, and I look forward to seeing each of you there. I’ve got a special hug just for you!

    __________________________________________________ ______________
    Jack Weinzierl and Tim Darnell are doing nothing but lying to their reps and threatening them. How Christian!


    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  6. #6
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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    Subject: Fwd: Footsteps of Faith Messenger
    Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 09:24:54 -0600

    You will find this interesting how Tim managed/smeared your name and reputation
    in his weekly outcry.

    From: Advantage Conferences <>
    Date: November 1, 2007 5:09:23 PM CST

    Subject: Footsteps of Faith Messenger

    Purpose:Spreading Good News to the World!

    Cover to Cover Campaign
    One of the greatest and most rewarding tasks you can ever accomplish is the reading of the Bible from Genesis all the way through Revelation. If you would like to start this journey (we read slowly), you are welcome to join an ever-growing group! Simply signify your intentions by clicking here. You will be blessed!
    NEW TO THE BIBLE? If you are a new Christian or just haven't done much Bible reading yet, prior to committing to the Cover to Cover Campaign, I suggest you read three books in the New Testament for starters. Read the books of Matthew, John, and James. These wonderful books will give you a great introduction to the Christian faith and will be very eye-opening for you! Starting here will allow you to have a fresh perspective to begin the Cover to Cover study.

    Footsteps of Faith Messenger - Issue 178

    Choosing Sides
    Luke 12:51
    Tim Darnell
    The time is already here. It is a time where Believers and Non-Believers are so distinctly divergent in their views that multiple battles are taking place on many fronts all over the world. I vividly see distinct battle-lines as Founder of a boldly Christ-centered business that functions in a secular marketplace. And I believe the divide is going to become more pronounced and confrontational for both sides in the very near future.

    Which side are you on?
    1. Non-Believers – the world. Many in this vast population even call themselves Christian, but really don’t, won’t, and can’t stand up for anything, and they are determined to not bother anyone else. Factually, the majority of Christians fall into this category. They believe the distinction between right or wrong is a personal decision because there really are no absolutes or standards in life worth being vocal about, especially if it could lead to disagreement or conflict. These are people guided much more by the world, anything that is financially expedient, and society’s popular trends, than they are led by their belief in Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit (this very sentence is to them, ‘gobble-di-goop’). They arepolitically correct. They are much more led by and dependent on the company in which they are employed, and their paycheck than they are their convictions regarding Jesus. Virtually all of their decisions are made based on the almighty dollar, not Almighty God.

      Who are Non-Believers?

      1. Nominal Christians – Christian in name only, milquetoast observers of “religion”, but people who lack a genuine foundation in, and reliance on, the Bible - and in reality possess few convictions about anything. Pleasure seeking, they don’t have genuine joy regarding the redeemed life or salvation. They may not like evil, but they’re not really against abortion, the homosexual and anti-traditional marriage movement, or religions and entities that are not Christ centered. Discernment is not Biblically based for them, but rather a personal, day to day cognitive process (human reasoning is the real guide).
      2. Social Chameleons - adapt to whatever environment they are currently in regardless of beliefs and classification. “It’s all good…” When in church, they are Christians. When in a rock concert, they’re equally as committed to, and part of a God-less, hedonistic scene.
      3. New Agers – have an affinity for positive materials, but refer to God as the higher power, or the universe. They view Jesus as a very good person, the master teacher (if the subject of His Name comes up at all), although only one of many. The Bible is good for the New Ager only for the fact that it has some good “sayings” and quotes that can be used to support whatever mystical theory (“secret”) they are promoting at the time.
      4. Agnostics – it doesn’t matter whether or not there is a spiritual realm or the ‘so-called’ God of the Bible.
      5. Atheists – there is no God.
    2. Believers –Christ-centered individuals who believe and live their life according to their belief in Jesus Christ, the Word of God - every day of the week. They are not perfect by any stretch, but they believe that there is such a thing as unwavering truth - solid absolutes that can be ascertained via the Bible and revelation from the Holy Spirit, and that those directives can be lived by and lived out. They believe that these absolutes are worthy of maintaining and striving for. These vibrant, Politically Incorrect people are not ruled by the world’s standards or by what the world thinks of them, but rather, rely on the Word of God on a daily basis for direction, strength, and discernment. They believe Jesus Christ (not just God, and not the church, the Pope, a political party, or a church’s constitution) is central to, and vitally important for, every aspect of their life.
    If you haven’t made distinct choices about what you really believe in life, then it’s easy to migrate in and out of any business, club, church, organization, country, etc., without any problem at all. You can be a social chameleon, changing your beliefs to suit the people with whom you are currently in contact. The ‘easy’ thing about being adaptable as a social chameleon is that no one will really be threatened by you, because you are someone who really stands for nothing. You strive to be liked by whomever you are around at the time and that is exactly the kind of person most people prefer. Fitting in is the goal, rather than following Jesus.
    Non-believers simply look for comfort and pleasure for themselves and their family. They sometimes will reach out to help others, but that is usually a short-lived, sporadic lifestyle when not prompted and sustained by genuine Godly strength.
    The world is not threatened by Non-Believers, only by true Believers - strong individuals who know to Whom they belong, in Whom they believe, and Who they serve. To the dismay of the world, Believers are courageous enough to take a stand in their life. These are the Warriors – reminiscent of David’s mighty men. (Many of these Believer/Warriors are strong Christian women, lest you think I’m gender biased – which is not at all the case.) Warriors are individuals who go into the secular world with their message, beyond the four walls of the church, living their daily lives on the front lines. They are the ones who can be counted on to lovingly and firmly speak up for King Jesus and the Truth of the Bible regardless of environment or circumstances.

    And Warriors are the very ones who will consistently bear the brunt of attack and persecution. Why - because people who truly believe in Christ present a disturbing challenge to those who have not taken a stand for the Truth. The message of the Gospel is Good News to those who believe, but it is horrifying to those who don’t. True Believers attend and support the church, but they live their lives outside of the four walls of the church in the light of His love smack dab in the middle of the dog-eat-dog world. Their light is evidenced in service, courage, diligence, work, consistency, congruence, patience, and tireless ministry away from the safety of the fortress of the church. But True Believers are irritating to the world. Their light is abhorrent to those who have chosen to dwell in the shadows. And Non-Warriors/Non-Believers certainly aren’t willing to go through what Warriors are willing to face and endure.
    Warriors dare to speak up for Jesus in places that have formally or informally outlawed the mention of His Mighty Name. The marketplace is with few exceptions, one such place, if not the most needed place for this to happen. Say the name of Jesus in the marketplace. Do it consistently and watch the demons of hell come out from under the bogs and out of their comfortable cesspools, spewing hideous, wretched venom. Funny thing about those demons – they always prefer to work under the cover of darkness. They’re great at espionage and covert, cowardly hit and run tactics. But, boy, do they hate the light.
    We’ve encountered many of those demons on the Internet. They can hurl their lies and hate-filled accusations, saying virtually anything they want about True Believers, their number one targets, because they can denunciate and attempt to destroy with very little fear of reprisal. Virtually all choose to remain anonymous for fear of being exposed! They’ll also resort to other methods, like making phone calls to try to malign and destroy a Believer’s character, business, and reputation, the content of those messages and calls always being jaded, twisted, and oftentimes, malicious lies.
    “But, a good man, when attacked, allows time to prove him right.” (unknown)
    Demons of the Internet remind me of road-rage drivers who feel like they have license and power to attack others while in their cars. Those same people would never be involved in those kinds of attacks if they were person to person, not empowered by the machismo and shelter of their automobile – a strange, almost unexplainable phenomenon. People have aggressive tendencies that are dormant under certain conditions, yet are released and expressed in others. It is clear that there is more pent-up anger and hatred roaming around than we care to admit.
    On the Internet, lies are the essence and substance of the attacks. In my case, one such attacker, a Heather Dobrott from Garland, Texas, has literally and physically stalked me and my top Representative, Jack Weinzierl, for over two years now. We only now know her name after she called many of our Guest Mentors, hotel management, our Pastors and Staff of our churches. This has gone on for literally years, although she finally made the mistake of leaving her real name and contact information with one of our speakers. She’s made defaming my name and character, including several of our top business associates, a career path. I’m still mystified by her hatred and obsession, but it is indeed the reality we’ve experienced.
    Well, Tim, that’s certainly not politically correct to share her name in a published document. Exactly. That’s what the enemy relies on – nobody taking a stand; nobody enunciating the truth. The enemy relies on our abdication of the podium. The problem with our not speaking up is that it turns the microphone over to the enemy, front and center. If I knew a thief that was clearly robbing homes in your neighborhood, would you prefer that I not expose him and let you discover (the hard way) his real name after the fact - after you’ve been robbed? Those who stand for nothing believe you shouldn’t speak out. But Warriors understand the importance of knowing who the enemy is. When the enemy chooses you as a target, you’d better clearly understand, acknowledge and react to the fact of who they are and that you are indeed in a battle. In fact, naming your enemy is the first step to Slaying Your Giant©!
    This woman has physically followed us on multiple occasions, taken pictures of our homes, taken pictures of our vehicles (why – I have no idea), our families, and most noticeably, posted negative filth about my character and every move I’ve ever made in our Christ-centered business - all on a regular basis. It brings to her an apparently needed sense of importance, and functionally raises the particular blog and website higher in the search engine rankings. Not a word has to be true, yet it still gets to the public. She presents a case based on some truth, but twists each fact to make me and my associates look like the negative opposite of what we really are.
    Is that not the exact way the way the enemy, the father of lies, teaches his pupils to operate? Take the truth and twist it just enough to still appear plausible, but present it in such a way as to tear that person down. Never say anything positive. Cast aspersions. Make demeaning remarks constantly. Question their intentions continually. Deny any good they’ve ever done. Condemn their morality. Deny their Christianity. Say anything you possibly can to make them look bad. Make fun of their business acumen. Berate their ideals. Talk about their clothes, their hair, their children, their parents – whatever, just be sure to put them down. The enemy does all of these things as a way of life.
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  7. #7
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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    Non-Believers treat Believers in a variety of ways:
    1. Ignore
    2. Avoid
    3. Dialogue and Respect (thank God – there are many civil Non-Believers!)
    4. Gossip (anonymously posted on the Internet)
    5. Lies and character assassination (about any and/or every aspect of a person’s life)
    6. Stalking (I naively thought that just occurred on television)
    7. Organized Attacks (misery loves company – get others involved in the hate fest)
    8. Political Agendas / Lobbying (the homosexual lobby has been and still is the most powerful, highly organized group in Congress)
    9. Elect Liberal Judges (Justice? – a figment of our imagination. If you don’t believe this one, you’ll be welcomed with a wink and open arms in the courtroom.)
    10. Pass Laws that Outlaw Truth and the Word of God (is it now illegal to use the terms, “husband and wife” in California – no, I’m not making this up)
    11. Death Threats – oh, yeah, lot’s of bravado on the Internet!
    The courts, at least in Texas, are filled with liberal judges, so the anti-Christian, anti-Capitalism, and anti-Republican movement is for all intents and purposes, sanctioned. If you fall under two or three of these classifications, then, all I can say is good luck in a court of law, you’re going to need it.

    The problem with the Heather Dobrott’s of the world is that they will definitely have an influence on folks in the Non-Believer category. Since Non-Believers are the majority, then she’ll be somewhat successful, even in the midst of their obviously biased, one-sided, negative stance. The world loves negativity and destructive language. It’s what they understand and literally pay to hear.
    The goodthing about the Heather Dobrott’s of the world is that they help cull (that’s a farming term meaning ‘picking out the bad plants or animals’) the Non-Believers and Non-Warriors out of my business and out of my life. Why is that a good thing?
    Because Non-Believers are value-less on the front lines. They hinder the cause of Christ and hinder those who have taken that stand. Confronted with the difference in my message and her message, each person has to take a stand. They have to make a decision as to which camp they’re really in. You can’t believe me and Heather at the same time. One is right and the other is wrong. Whichever one you believe indicates who you serve – the world or Jesus. So, she unwittingly serves a valuable service for my family, my business and in truth, all of God’s kingdom! You see, I really don’t want and can’t use Non-Believers in my business. Nor does God allow them into His kingdom, although He does use the enemy at times to further His kingdom. (see: Romans 8:28, Genesis 50:20)
    Non-Believers fall for anything, usually flat on their face when making decisions. They simply don’t have the backbone or ‘ankle strength’ needed to accomplish what could, and should be, their God-given agenda.
    Non-Believers consistently avoid anything that could harm their income or current lifestyle. So, if they see that I, for instance, am under attack while standing for Christ, they’ll not choose to support me, nor will they support anyone else in a similar situation. No, they’ll tuck tail and run in order to avoid any potential confrontation or conflict. Their guiding mechanism is to protect the mammon (worldly possessions and money) to which they dearly cling and on which they depend. They prefer to placate and empathize with the enemy rather than stand strong against the enemy.
    The fact is, Jesus Christ, came to divide. He said so Himself in Luke 12:51, “Do you think I have come to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division.” Have I seen this in a very real and personal way?!? Yes, I certainly have. And if you choose to follow Him as a True Believer and a Warrior, then don’t expect everyone to treat you the affable way to which you’ve grown accustomed. Pleasing the world is easy. It’s a free ticket into any environment. But that automatic glide you’ve been on in “please the world mode” is really nothing more than a free-fall. You’re going to face and join Jesus now or you’ll be forced to make the “side” decision at impact or some point soon. The latter is not what Christ wants for you. He says the right timing for you to choose to enter the “narrow door” is now, and that door will soon be shut. (see: Luke 13:22-30)
    So, which side do you choose to be on? You’ve got to take a stand against the lies and deceptions of the world and determine what “truth” really is for your life. My truth is Jesus Christ, the very best and only viable choice – the only side on which to stand. If you choose your own thinking as truth, you’ve missed the mark. You’ll be on the wrong side. If you listen to and fall for the Heather Dobrott’s, cynical, satanic attacks, you will have missed truth completely. But when you start reading God’s Word, and get on your knees humbly seeking His voice, you’ll begin to hear the very voice of God and come to know Jesus Christ personally. His voice is soft, often barely a whisper. The world’s voice is loud and brash. Yet, He is the only “Truth, Way, and Life” (see John 14:6), and you’ve got to choose which of the two voices you’re going to follow. This is a very clear distinction of no small consequence. The choice is indeed a dividing line for life and death.
    Once you’ve firmly chosen the side of Truth – Jesus Christ, you’ll start recognizing other men and women of God who have taken a stand along with you. My message will ring true with you because you’ll recognize truth when it is spoken. That is in no way to elevate or glorify me at all. It is rather to God’s glory that you turn off the voices of deception and listen to people like myself, though imperfect, who lead their lives guided by His truth. You will support them and they will support you in the struggle.
    I have prayed for Heather for two years now. I believe that even a person with her past has a good side and that she will soon show that side. I believe she will be convicted of the folly of her words and ways, become a True Believer, and repent of the scoffer and mocker mentality and personality she’s exhibited for so long. Her life is in God’s hands, not mine. We know that Truth - Jesus Christ, wins in the end. In the meantime, we are fully aware that Warriors and True Believers will face persecution – that is a given, and it’s OK. That’s the life of a Warrior for Christ, and we are very clear as to which side we’ve chosen.
    If you are facing persecution because of your stance for Christ, then I know whose side you are on. Praise God for you and your choice. If you’re not facing persecution because of your stance regarding Christ, then that’s a very good indication you are not a threat to the world because you are really no different than those who have chosen the world’s side.
    In our life, we have to choose sides. Which one is it for you?
    If you would like to commit your life to Jesus Christ, you can do so, and thereby experience the most important gift ever offered to mankind! You don’t have to be perfect – I’m certainly not and I know you aren’t either. In fact, we all sin and fall far short of perfection. Won’t you make the greatest decision you can ever make? I pray that you will do so today.
    To accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, click this link:
    Tim Darnell is a Christian business owner, professional recording artist, and most importantly, husband to Cathy and father to Lindy, Hannah, and Caleb.

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    1. Pray for divine guidance and understanding each time prior to reading scripture. Remember, you are reading God's Words written to and for you! This is extremely powerful, so get ready to be empowered!
    2. If you will resolve to read two chapters (or more) per sitting, you can easily accomplish the monthly assignments. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
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    4. Be sure to underline and/or highlight passages that stand out to you. You can even circle a verse or sections that really speak to you!
    5. If you have questions, feel free to e-mail me at: Dialogue can be very helpful.
    6. Reading the Bible is like developing a new muscle. The more you work out with it, the more you'll "get it". Don't get discouraged - be encouraged! Some books are easier to read than others. Every book contains incredible material - and soon it will start coming together into profound new understanding and revelation for you.
    7. I'm praying for you daily. You can do this, no question about it. God bless you immensely!
    In His Service,

    Tim Darnell
    Publisher / Editor
    Footsteps of Faith Messenger

    Slay Your Giant

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    __________________________________________________ ___________________
    Jack Weinzierl and Tim Darnell, I am the truth and light! There is nothing truthful or the least bit Christian in that sickening diatribe.

    I expect Coram Deo will question why their staff member Stephanie Weinzierl is a part of these lies, false criminal allegations and unChristian attacks. I expect a full retraction, apology, and repentance shown by refunding and reaching out to the victims in need.

    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  8. #8
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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    Advantage Conferences is a great company with two opportunities. The first is the Mindset Mentoring products which will change the way you think about finances and teach you the responsibilities that come with great wealth. The second is an opportunity to build a business that will create wealth for you and your family. Advantage Conferences will change your life if you are looking for that change.

    We are committed to building our Advantage Conferences team based on honesty, integrity, and a commitment to help others. This foundation of mutual trust has served me well in my traditional business career, and it serves us all well here.

    One of the things I am most excited about is the fact that we teach every person, regardless of marketing or internet skills how to make $7,000 Over and Over Again. This is not a bunch of theory that someone reads about—these are the tools and strategies that helped me qualify and then earn $28,000 my first month with Advantage Conferences. In fact, we were able to use the same 3 Simple Steps to generate $109,700 in our first 120 days in this business and over $95,500 in our 5th month alone. And FOLKS, this is from a person who has never earned more than $4,500 a month in a home based business, SO I know it was not Jack Weinzierl. It was our 3 Simple Steps where I have not made 1 sales call or 1 cold call. We are now approaching $1 million in commissions in our first 27 months with Advantage Conferences and I have a passion for mentoring others to use their God-given gifts and talents to the fullest.

    I have my MBA and I was in the medical technology business for over 15 years. My wife, Stephanie, is a gifted teacher and we are actively involved in our ministry in the greater Dallas area. We have three children under 10 years of age and we are building this business to help people change their lives, giving them both time and financial freedom.

    You can meet our family at:

    It is time to believe in you! Ignore the skepticism of friends and family and build a business for yourself, not by yourself.

    God has a buffet of promises for all of us and we need to get out of our seat and receive those blessings. Let’s start your future, today!

    In Service,

    Jack and Stephanie Weinzierl

    Flower Mound, TX

    Contact your Pro Rep at:
    or complete the online Interest Form
    __________________________________________________ _______________
    There is scammer Stephanie who is now at Coram Deo Academy. No doubt the Weinzierls scamming days have been brought to an end by the court documents and facts coming to light right here. That page was up as these hideous death threat and stalking fabrications stating I had stalked the Weinzierls were published and as Jack was preparing his chapter 7 bankruptcy filing. This is the height of dishonesty. I will get a full retraction, apology and reimbursement for the attorneys fees spent. I will not rest until justice is done! Children and the public in general must be protected from these sick, exceedingly dishonest people.

    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  9. #9
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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    Who is the deranged stalker????

    Tim Darnell

    Portfolio Marketing Group, LLC

    • Allen
    • United States (Map)

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    About me

    Internet skils regarding keywords and quick Google front page ascension for new websites - usually within 3 days.

    Internet marketing

    The Reputation Management Solution. Strategy developed out of necessity - nobody, and I mean NOBODY had an answer, so I had to develop, more accurately 'discover' the answer. I have a heart for business people who have suffered damage from Internet defamation - a relatively new, but serious tort that has little legal or law enforcement remedies due to lack of laws that have any teeth, and 1st Amendment "rights."

    I finally figured it out...but not until after losing a multi-million dollar business. There is only one solution that works, and every business person who has any public exposure at all MUST get serious about this aspect of their business and personal life. A single negative comment can cost you business, and a campaign by a deranged stalker, (and they are out there), can even cost you the loss of your entire business. Serious, serious, business...

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    Timmy is truly delusional. He sued me and the Better Business Bureau and lost both in Summary Judgment. He could never find a false statement made by me. I turned myself in to the Allen, TX police. All his hideous allegations of stalking were proven to be fiction. There is plenty of protection for folks that are truly being defamed, Timmy.

    He just won't get the help he desperately needs from a healthcare (read psychiatric) professional and his evil little wife won't acknowledge just how truly disturbed he really is. He and his partner in scamming Jack Weinzierl should have been locked up years ago and the keys thrown away. Darnell is obviously the deranged one. Seriously, seriously deranged! What does Timmy not understand about he lost!!!!!

    Attachment 311

    Remember these posts that mysteriously stopped when Tim Darnell was threatened with Judge Ginsberg and the Dallas District Attorney's Office?

    Attachment 219

    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  10. #10
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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    It is time to "SLAY THIS GIANT"!

    A "Modern Day David" is here!
    I have no sling, I have no stones, I have no sword, I have no spear, I have no javelin, or carnal weapon and boldly say "I have no fear", but what I do have....

    I have authority in the Name that binds the enemy, a Name that can shut the lions mouths, a Name that transforms lives and sets the captives free. I will tread on every serpent! I will tread on every scorpion! I do have all power over the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me!

    The "REAL GIANT" here is coming down! In the Name of Jesus!

    2 Corinthians 10:4-6

    4. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
    5. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
    6. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

    I come against you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! I use the authority that I have in His Mighty Name and come against you in the Name of Jesus! I bind the lying, defamating evil spirit on this thread in the Name of Jesus Christ!

    Hmmm. Will Darnell slay himself??? That makes just as much sense as his false death threat and stalking allegations.

    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  11. #11
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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    Perhaps, Jack Weinzierl and Tim Darnell should read Psychology today. They may want to be discussing all this with their licensed healthcare providers!:
    Delusional Disorder | Psychology Today
    Diagnosis Dictionary
    Delusional Disorder

    Delusional disorder refers to a condition associated with one or more nonbizarre delusions of thinking—such as expressing beliefs that occur in real life such as being poisoned, being stalked, being loved or deceived, or having an illness, provided no other symptoms of schizophrenia are exhibited.

    Delusions may seem believable at face value, and patients may appear normal as long as an outsider does not touch upon their delusional themes. Mood episodes are relatively brief compared with the total duration of the delusional periods. Also, these delusions are not due to a medical condition or substance abuse.
    Themes of delusions may fall into the following types: erotomanic type (patient believes that a person, usually of higher social standing, is in love with the individual); grandiose type (patient believes that he has some great but unrecognized talent or insight, a special identity, knowledge, power, self-worth, or special relationship with someone famous or with God); jealous type (patient believes his partner has been unfaithful); persecutory type (patient believes he is being cheated, spied on, drugged, followed, slandered, or somehow mistreated); somatic type (patient believes he is experiencing physical sensations or bodily dysfunctions—such as foul odors or insects crawling on or under the skin—or is suffering from a general medical condition or defect); mixed type (characteristics of more than one of the above types, but no one theme dominates); or unspecified type (patient's delusions do not fall in described categories).

    Jack is melting again because I have been making truthful comments about him all across the net. Why is it he won't honestly address these hideous false allegations of being stalked that he and Stephanie published? Why is it he keeps declaring:
    For those of you who know my wife, Stephanie, she is an incredible wife of 22 years, mother, teacher and worshiper. Stephanie was never actively involved in building our businesses and she does not deserve the personal attacks.

    If she is so incredible why is that witch not speaking out and making the truth known.
    I never stalked her lunatic husband and / or her and her family. She is such a dishonest sack of dung. Why is it she, the daughter of pastor Jan and Alan Tannous is not doing what is Godly and honest and retracting and apologizing for those hideous lies that put my precious family in danger? Why is she still with that snake Jack Weinzierl. What Bible do these people read???

    1 Corinthians 5:9-13

    New International Version (NIV)

    9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— 10 not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. 11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister[a] but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.
    12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”
    Clean up your life Stephanie. Do what is right. Take responsibility for all the harm you helped to cause so many innocent victims. Do what is Biblical and send scammer Jack packing! God is watching! And, I will never rest until the truth has prevailed and the victims are getting the justice they truly deserve!!!

    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  12. #12
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    Jun 2010
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    Re: Jack Weinzierl / Tim Darnell Fabrications of Receiving Death Threats and Being Stalked By Soapboxmom / Heather Dobro

    Stalkers and Their Victims, May 2, 2001, Feldman 285 (17): 2256 ...
    by TB Feldman - 2001
    May 2, 2001 – False victims of stalking represent another variation, in which false claims of stalking are made to gain attention or obtain revenge.
    Management of victims of stalking
    False victims of stalking

    A small proportion of those claiming to be victims of stalking prove to be false victims, either as a consequence of conscious fabrications or serious psychopathology (Mohandie et al, 1998;Pathé et al, 1999) (see Box 1). On occasion, stalkers accuse their victim of stalking them, often in retaliation but also to maintain contact with the victim through the legal system.....
    The remaining group are malingerers, who feign or exaggerate victim status purely for external incentives such as financial rewards.
    Jack Weinzierl, Stephanie Weinzierl and Tim Darnell, have you gotten the money, revenge and attention you so desperately crave? How does this fit in with reputation management???

    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me:

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

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