At this point I have a confession to make, I have been playing a little drinking game with this thread. One post = drink one beer. With LRM's unwitting help I am now 7 beers into a 6 pack, so I decided to switch to coffee. I would say sadly my coffee was made with non-alkaline water, well I would say that if the claims about changing your body's PH weren't bullshit.

Science people, wake the F up. Sorry that's my low PH speaking.

"No, Drinking Alkaline Water Will Not Treat Or Prevent Cancer"

If Saul doesn't delete or block this video I encourage you to write 11 minutes off your life and watch. As with the above, there are some laws being broken. People giving you advice and collecting a commission should be well versed on the law, probably more so than a garden variety low PH hater.


Saul Kaye Enagic Scam.jpg

First of all, My Advertising Pays and Traffic Monsoon were scams and the inevitable, not the bullshit Kaye claims.

Second, "results not typical" is meaningless scammer speak. Here is the actual guidance from the FTC on work from home opportunities.

Third making unsubstantiated biologically impossible health claims is illegal.

Fourth and this is important since if you repeat the kind of garbage Kaye is spewing you are breaking the law:

"Kangen Distributors promise that their $4,000+ machine will extend life, cure cancer and at least 50 other ailments, and make the participant rich beyond their wildest imaginings (insert picture of big house, yacht and expensive sports car here). The company itself would never make such claims because they would be sued into non-existence. These “independent businesspeople”/distributors/network marketing consultants cite “miracle cure testimonials” by the dozens, yet credible research and formal case studies are of course predictably absent and lacking. Enagic Kangen Water Scam? Yes It Is In My Opinion! - Ethan Vanderbuilt

Despite claiming to have made it to 4 in the company Saul appears to have moved on. Another failed system once recruiting dried up?