The failure in MLM is totally a math game due to the structure. Only the creators and few early entrants at the top of the pyramid ever profit.
Ronnie Branch
A warning sign for one’s failure doesn’t mean others will fail. Warning folks why we suck in a business is a sure way of never attracting smart builders and leaders is a big tip for you folks.
It is ok to suck and fail or say it just didn’t work for such reasons. People make a commitment and see it through to the end rather for good & bad..
Marriage is a perfect example of that. I love the vow that is made in sickness & in Health..
People only know the Health Aspect and suck in the other.
Folks know how to count the money but do not know how to make it. Every MLM the entire industry the record is 90-97% fail because they give up to easy and to soon. I have made 2 powerful videos I will post the links soon it is all about value to help you become a better person regardless of what business you choose to do.
Ronnie Branch
“Homeless Rebel”
Thank you Ronnie, I was unaware that you are the person that determines who is a failure and who is not. I have never failed at anything that was worth succeeding at. Leading people into a death trap is not my idea of being a positive person. Being married and making vows with your wife is a far cry from sending money to a program that has lied and deceived people from its very existence. I have been married 1 time for 31 years and am still very happily married to my beautiful and lovely wife. I guess I am a failure their also in your eyes.
If having people sign up into a program that promotes deception will make me a better person then the morals and values that my parents and grandparents instilled in me have certainly changed through the years.
Not once have you ever addressed that fact that the leaders of the Berry Tree has constantly failed at everything they have done, never keep one commitment they have put out, Yet they are great and anyone who decides that it is not for them is a loser, a complete failure, and will never succeed at anything.
But I guess for them it is OK because they have never quit trying to deceive people. One last thing I would have never left Nutronix and the Berry Tree if only one time the leaders would have passed up on their own greed and kept one commitment to the people that they made them to.
Ronnie Branch
Richard the Leaders have not failed with Ab & Berry Tree until the Show is over.
The saying goes it is not over until the Fat Lady Sings. They are very committed to making adjustments and always improving the business. As a matter of fact there will be fun times in bahama’s
Explain how that is failure?
You choose to accept defeat and therefore fail for yourself. It starts with a thought and unfortunately it gets contagious fast. If a company was not committed to improving the company to be a great opportunity then I have a serious problem with it, but this is far from the issue.
This is why I love this company they make adjustments and listen to their people and always looking to improve. I just feel sorry for the ones who are gonna lose because they got into the contagious storm of mis belief.
Remember these folks do not pay your bill’s it is strong advice like I give that can make a different in helping folks live a better quality lifestyle.
I think your a good guy Richard I respect you brother.
Take care of yourself have a powerful day!
Ronnie Branch
“Homeless Rebel”
I am sure you will have a good time in the Bahamas, I have been there twice myself. I also had a good time in Orlando last year.
let me see if I can go over this. The Berry Tree started out with the very best idea that I have ever seen in any MLM. A way for everyone to have success, it made no difference if you wanted to work the program or be passive you could succeed . That is the selling point of the BT. Great Great Idea. I loved it, very powerful. Then it started changing, company advertising kept getting put off, the launch kept getting put off. People having invested into the program starting to doubt it. I do not believe the advertising has really ever started after all of these months. Then came the 1st bad idea, the free trial offer, worked great in Nutronix, it gave the new people a chance to look at the business, a real business no passive members you have to work it to have any kind of success, in the Berry Tree it was different, sure people were joining in the free trial but the upgrades were very slow in coming. Very low upgrade ratio. I don’t have room here for all the reasons. Then came the selling of the members that came in through the sparse advertising for $111.00 each, what a disgrace to ask people to pay $111.00 for a free trial member and the person would not even be placed in there tree. Next all of the bonus pool predictions that were never even remotely close. Matt Yonin told me in Orlando last year that the bronze, silver and gold combined would be well over $2000.00 by Jan 08. Not a rumor that someone told me, He himself told me when I asked him face to face. He also sent out emails with the crossover pools that were about %20 of his projections, never has any explanations been made. Then this new matrix that is completely designed for the top people and offers no chance for the new people to succeed. Now they are going to work on this one. I cannot keep shelling out $200.00 a month for Nutronix, the Bt, and AB plus another $200.00 a month or more for advertising until they get it right. Matt Yonin and the Phelps are making the mistakes and the members are paying for them. If I were putting a window in your house and bought the wrong size would you just say gee thats OK Richard here’s some more money for the replacement. Of course not and I wouldn’t expect you to. I would tell you I am sorry and go buy the correct window with my money. I do not make mistakes and ask someone else to pay for them. It’s called integrity. The Berry Tree has none. They wont even take down the chart where it shows that you can be making $1300.00 a month by being a passive member after 2 yrs. They don’t care, they are misleading everyone any way they can. If it brings in another member that is great for them. Who cares if it is lie, certainly not them.
The Berry Tree would have been a great success if just left alone. If they would have advertised as they said. Placed members as they said that they would. The way it is now is like a upside down funnel with all the real money going to the top with little or no chance for the new members to have any success.
I know with your mindset you will fail to see what I have said and say that they are trying to make it better. Why reinvent the wheel.
Have a great time in the Bahamas, I am going in Feb with my wife and family.