Ronnie Branch was in one of the sleaziest wellness MLMs on the planet with none other than Broker Jones of Oceanside Wealth fame. Ronnie, tell us again that you were not associated with this vile scammer.
ViaViente - Jungle Juice from Vilcabamba, Ecuador
Oceanside Equity Partner's Broker Jones calls Our Own Bunky and Soapboxmom CAWITs!!!
Oceanside Network is a scam..
Justin P. Jones the Con-Artist Formerly Known as "Broker Jones"
Gain Capital / Glenn Stevens / Bill Schneider + Oceanside Justin "Broker" Jones
Broker Jones - a friendly question


<title>ViaViente – ViaViente

ViaViente: All Star Alliance Team

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January 16, 2008 · 10:29 am
“Could it be…ViaViente scam?”

Is ViaViente a scam? Find Out!
I ran a few search engine tests the other day, and I noticed two words that immediately grabbed my attention: ViaViente scam. The word “scam” just so happens to be the most popular search word following “ViaViente” in popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, altavista…you name it.
This makes perfect sense. In fact, you’ll probably find that the same is true for nearly every other company with a MLM aspect. Many people hear about a supposed “good opportunity” and immediately want to see if there are any negative reports or reviews about the company or products. And since there are so many scams circulating throughout the internet today, “scam” is an ideal search word.
However, the majority of people around the country do NOT understand the difference between a legitimate MLM business opportunity and it’s popular, evil brother, the “pyramid scheme.” Most people look at a compensation plan, notice the resemblance of a potential pyramid shape, and immediately run away crying- “Augh! Pyramid, pyramid!” Chances are that High-school or college didn’t (or won’t) teach you the differences either. Therefore, I figured it would be quite beneficial to write an article explanating how to identify the pyramid schemes and illegal stacking scams, versus legitimate business opportunities.
In this report, I’ll even show you how the company ViaViente and it’s business model contradict the illegal pyramid nature.
So, if you’re interested in learning how to “spot a pyramid” or how to explain the differences to your own prospects and business partners, I encourage you to read this new article on our main All-Star Alliance site:
For those of you who regularly check my blog and read my recent article “Don’t freak out ViaViente customers,” you may still be wondering “What’s the big deal?” If so, you will want to read my latest article on pyramid schemes and other scams. Section 2 explains why unethical pressure should be never be used, because it is the trait of an illegal scam. Check it out for yourself!
Website Note: This report is the first of a new series; All-Star Alliance Articles. Within a week, or potentially less, you will see links on the side of each page of our website allowing you to access these articles. I’ll explain more about this new feature in the near future.

– Ryan
ViaViente’s All-Star Alliance Team, Co-Founder

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Tagged as All-Star Alliance, pyramid scheme, ViaViente, ViaViente scam

January 13, 2008 · 11:16 am
Some Encouraging ViaViente Testimonials

I thought you guys and gals (the viewers and readers) would enjoy a few testimonials about the ViaViente juice from some of the people on the All-Star Alliance Team.
Of course, I realize that some of you will only take these ViaViente testimonials with a “grain of salt,” because you may be thinking- “As if they’re going to bad-talk a product they promote!” But I do want to re-assure you all that these testimonies are both 100% true. We’re not trying to hook you on hype. These are real experiences from real people. Enjoy!
As an internet marketer, I do a lot of typing every day. I ended up building inflammation in my wrist due to excessive typing on programs such as Yahoo messenger, Myspace, and many community forums.
For a period of time, I actually had to refrain from typing and give my wrist a break. This wasn’t good for business, as I use many internet communities to connect with my team. I started taking the ViaViente juice according to the “12 Weeks to Optimum Health” plan. The next day, my wrist was already feeling better and I was able to type freely.
Within a couple days, I discovered that the ViaViente juice had removed the pain. I’ve been taking 2-4 oz. of ViaViente every day since.
Ronnie Branch

I’ve been a body builder for several years now. This product cured 9 years of back and neck pain that I had experienced.
I was addicted to vicadin, tylenol, advil, you name it! I took it daily to prevent myself from being in constant pain.
I love this product and I can honestly say that I would be using it even if it wasn’t attached to a business opportunity.
Broker (Justin) Jones

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January 11, 2008 · 10:19 am

Don’t freak out ViaViente customers!

So, picture this:
You’re searching for a quality health product to help reduce inflammation, and you come across the ViaViente company while conducting research online. You like the sound of the product and its benefits, and you find the contact information of a ViaViente distributor…oh, let’s call him Joe.
So, you give good ol’ Joe a call. He seems like a nice, knowledgeable guy. You like what you hear about the ViaViente juice product, and say- “Great! Can you set me up as a customer?” However, Joe replies with, “You know…you should seriously consider looking at the business opportunity. You can earn some good money.” You’re caught off guard a bit, but simply answer, “No thanks, Joe. I’m just interested in the juice for now.”
However, to your surprise, Joe comes back with- “You don’t want to earn some extra money? ViaViente has a great payplan!” And, at this point, you’re thinking- “HUH?! I just want to use the product! What is wrong with this guy?!
Seem like an awkward situation? Well, it is! And I’ve watched many affiliates and distributors for various companies act just like Joe; i.e. they are so caught up in recruiting other distributors, they forget to show appreciation for the product(s) they represent and the prospects that are drawn to them.
It’s imporatant to understand that although a company such as ViaViente provides a wonderful MLM opportunity, not everyone is going to be interested in building a business. And it’s an absolute shame if we turn away excited customers just because we’re too obsessed with immediately plugging every prospect we meet into the business.
Loyal customers can do wonders for any MLM business, especially through the ViaViente opportunity. Did you know that if you can sponsor just 5 customers on the typical 3-bottle autoship, your business is essentially paid for every month! That’s right- 5 customers earns you $125.00 monthly commission. A 3-bottle order costs around $125-135, depending on the shipping location.
Another reason you should never take your customers for granted is that many people who fall in love with the ViaViente product begin to consider and inquire about the business opportunity. They figure- “I’m using the product each month anyway. I also know others who would benefit from ViaViente. I might as well join the opportunity and earn some extra money!” Remember: Your customers can always upgrade. Sometimes they just need to be re-assured that the ViaViente product is worth recommending.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, everyone should always remember that a quality product/service is the true meat and potatoes of any business opportunity. Without a unique, effective product, you’d have nothing but a masked pyramid scheme. The product you represent should not go unappreciated. It is the very aspect that seperates our company from the bad guys and scam artists.
So, with a final plea, I will simply say: Please don’t freak out your ViaViente customers!!!
Respect ViaViente by respecting your customers.
– Ryan
ViaViente’s All-Star Alliance Team, Co-Founder

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January 10, 2008 · 10:33 am
MLM – Is it a “Business”?

I hear a lot of people criticize MLM opportunities, saying- “How can you possibly consider MLM a ‘business?’ You don’t control the company, you don’t control the product, and you don’t control the prices!”
In my opinion- whatever that may be worth to the critics- different people are going to fit in with different MLM companines and models. Just because one person or group enjoys the opportunity doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone else will. And, if you disagree with the quality of an MLM’s product/service or the price set by the company, then you shouldn’t be promoting it; plain and simple.
However, should we refrain from calling the relationship with our company a “business” simply because we don’t have absolute control over every aspect of our endorsed company?
Well, let’s evaluate that. In terms of the word “business,” I think of an organized system that allows you to sell and distribute product/services to other individuals for profit. You can do that by attempting to set-up the next Microsoft. You can do that by setting up a retail store in a nearby mall. And you can also do that by effectively working an MLM system.
And, no. Not everyone succeeds in MLM. This is true for ViaViente or any MLM company. There will always be people who join a MLM opportunity for the wrong reasons, or discover that it’s just not their cup of tea. Sometimes, they simply choose to promote the wrong type of opportunity. But, just as there is an inevitable failure rate among MLM builders, few people in the world today could develop their own traditional “brick and mortar” business and expect to receive significant passive income within 2-3 years.
So, is MLM a business? It really does depend how you define “business.” And even if you believe the answer is “no,” perhaps you should ask a more important question- Does it work?
And the answer to that is, “Yes.” If you’re able and willing to work it.
– Ryan
ViaViente’s All-Star Alliance Team, Co-Founder

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January 10, 2008 · 9:41 am
Keeland Speaks – “Built to Last”

Encouraging words and explanations straight from mouth of the mastermind and founder of ViaViente himself, Craig Keeland!
“ViaViente was designed for the long-run by being build to last. My commitment was to establish a company that would be around a long time after I’m gone and for the next generation to pass it on to even the next generation. That’s what I mean by ‘built to last.‘”
The Vision and Mission, Craig Keeland

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January 10, 2008 · 7:43 am
ViaViente Team Introduction

Hello everyone!
(How cliche is that for an introductory statement?)
I’m Ryan, Co-Founder of the All-Star Alliance Team for ViaViente. This is quite likely the first blog I’ve ever started that I will take seriously. In the past, I admit that I viewed blogs as never-ending rants about random people’s lives. But, I suppose I shouldn’t have initially been so stereotypical, as I’ve recently discovered that blogs have become a powerful tool in the New Age world of marketing.
The purpose of this blog is provide information and updates concerning our new team development, All Star Alliance Team of ViaViente.
For those that don’t know, ViaViente is a company founded by Craig Keeland. The product is a health juice rich in Anti-Oxidants. Keeland was actually so particular about getting the juice formula right, he spent 12 years developing this high-class product: From 1991-2003.
The ViaViente juice product has been clinically proven to significantly reduce joint pain, joint stiffness, blood pressure, inflammation, and more. One of the key words there is “inflammation.” In other words, if you damage an area of your body by bruising or a sprain, taking 2 oz. of this juice twice in the same day will actually reduce your pain when you wake up the next morning (or afternoon, depending on your schedule ).

Nearly everyone on my team, including myself, has at least one specific story in which the ViaViente juice product actually helped reduce pain levels to a very significant degree. That’s right, folks- We all believe and know that ViaViente juice works; this isn’t just some everyday sugar-water dressed up to please business seekers. This product gives you results.
This is why our team chose to build ViaViente.
Each leader on the All-Star Alliance Team has had experience as a successful marketer in the past. Therefore, with our experience of the “good” comes the knowledge of some the treacherous aspects of internet marketing. It’s very painful to watch over people fail because they’re part of a hopeless organization- such as a pyramid or ponzi scheme. It’s equally painful to watch positive people fail because they don’t know how to effectively market to the masses; nor do they have a knowledgeable upline that can teach them the tricks of the trade.
This is why the All-Star Alliance Team of ViaViente was formed. Our goal is to train leaders, who will in turn train other leaders, who will in TURN…...well, you get the picture.

ViaViente is just starting to expand its influence toward internet marketing. The time to join and take advantage this growing company- with not only a unique, competitive product, but also a lucrative business opportunity- is NOW. The advantages that will flow to all members of this new team are not seen often in this industry.
Our goal is to teach our team members how to take full advantage of this timely opportunity.
So, it appears the blog is up, presentation and design configured, and my first post is now visible to the entire world. Sheesh…I’ve done a lot today, haven’t I?
Take care for now. Look for more updates in the future!
– Ryan
ViaViente’s All-Star Alliance Team, Co-Founder