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Thread: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

  1. #176
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    So, the previous post talking about making 40 grand a month and wild success is a total lie. The automatic builder for Nutronix / Berry Tree was a total scam and everyone lost money except little nutcase Ronnie. "Out of 4,000 distributors, I was the only one that found a way to succeed in my previous company" says Ronnie. And, Ronnie thinks that the FDA and law enforcement won't nail him and his fellow Shaklee scammers making medical claims that they can't substantiate with double blind clinical studies.
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    He got you all to watch it. that is all he wanted. he will be back with more I am sure.
    I would rather use my 5.5 minutes to jack off than to watch a jack offs video
    Actually I do these videos to make people laugh, there is to much bad going on this world in my good man and its nice to take your mind off from things.

    You should watch my Don Lapre Video on my youtube channel... The infamous guy who helped you land your first million dollars...

    Your friend in Truth & Light,
    Ronnie Branch
    Originally posted by pitbull

    So you operate a professional business that's been around since the 50's!

    Lol dont make me laugh ponzi's and pyramids have been around a hell of alot longer than that.
    Did your daddy pass down the ponzi i mean business to you ha ha?

    Hey ronnie was your daddy also a cult member like yourself, lol.

    PS i did not know the insane asylum let wackos have access to the internet

    Not your friend

    Actually my dad drinks a lot I had to get away from that... I turned out to be the only good son in the family. Cult members are not humble and likely don't follow the scriptures in the bible. They also don't give money to people either ... I was in my crusader armor walking around town giving people money it was an awesome feeling my good man. I recorded it Just let me know if you want to watch another good show.

    Your friend in Truth & Light,
    Ronnie Branch
    Originally posted by Unregistered

    I would like to see you dressed up as a woman and take your show to a local supermarket. Oh Oh, better yet - take your jester show to the local prison with a bucket of butter and a few really good romantic songs.

    I double dog dare ya.........
    Ah it wouldn't suit the theme of the entertainment. Good fruits and Bad don't mix to well my good man... If you have any real suggestions I'll be glad hear them from my fans.

    Your friend in Truth & Light,
    Originally posted by Unregistered

    Would you rub your head on my shiny bottom and make a wish?
    Righteous men are in love with God my good man... The body and flesh is weak, if your eye balls cause you to sin pluck them out for the sake of saving you from sin

    Or better yet ask for Jesus for forgiveness to keep your eyes.

    Your friend in Truth & Light,
    Ronnie Branch
    Originally posted by Unregistered

    Yes, I am 9, Why don't you post your address and I will visit you and show you just how bad this 9 year old is going to beat the **** out of you, it will be a good warm-up for when I find Nick.
    I'll bet Ronnie gives you a great big stiffy - I can picture the 2 of you in the shower frolicking with a bar of soap.....

    Oh - by the way, what do you usually wear when you're out beatin' the living sh*t out of people from the internet - yo mama's great big gaunch? You're probably a 5' 4" skinny little girlie pr*ck that couldn't beat himself out of a wet condom.
    03-04-2009, 04:24 AM

    I'm not in this program you guys are in, but if you lost money I am quite sorry friends. If your open to the possibility of building long term residual income from a man who has done great things and learned from in the past on what we must look for to build sustainable income for the longterm I'd be happy to help you.

    Serious inquires can add me on skype : ronniebranch

    If you like peace, the real deal fun friends who all work together to build checks that come in each and every month I'm your man to help. Out of 4,000 distributors, I was the only one that found a way to succeed in my previous company and later went off to do great things in a new company just went up 3 ranks. Of Course God gets the Glory I just be a good steward. Details will be provided once u add me skype only!

    I can teach you how to have people call you and express interest in what your about. After doing it for 3 years I can safely say I have cracked the code through trial and error so if you want to learn this stuff its not to hard but you need a mentor who can show you and keeps things real without having dollar signs in their eyes which makes them totally blind.

    I've tried hyip,autosurfs and have lost.... I did something about it and am quite glad I did about 3 years ago...

    My products have improved my eyesight, health and peace of mind. Our infrastructure is the only one that the FDA would never touch because we are classified as a food packaging company. About 90% of the company's out there would be shut down because they are pharmacitual drugs stimulant vitamins. If they ever passed a law to prove their products get in the blood stream and this is due to becase there products are not in clinical studies and or not legally structured right for longterm... More details will follow later for serious inquires... If not no worries...

    Happy investing !

    Your friend in Truth & Light,
    Ronnie Branch

    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me: soapboxmom@hotmail.com

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  2. #177
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    This Ronnie is sure singing a different tune than the one viciously attacking me for sharing the truth.
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    Ronnie Branch.. I thank you for your honesty and love my brother. Please post as often as you wish here, I truly enjoy your posts.
    In this world (and forum) full of hate and bitterness your posts are a refreshing breath of air.

    Best wishes,
    Rick, make sure to collect your free koolaid on your way out of ' The Way of the Holy Ronnie ' Assembly. Also, be sure not to ask any intelligent questions. Just drink it.
    Originally posted by Unregistered

    Same ol' BS from the P2P distraction club.They can't face the reality! With each passing day the likelyhood of a P2P resurrection is fading away.

    Where your master Nick? Admit it,you dont have a clue. Wheres the refunds?

    It's own up time, P2P is up sh*t creek without a paddle.
    I'm starting to think ' Ronnie Branch ' isn't even really Ronnie Branch, but just a desperate gimmick used by the depraved ponzi shill club. It's quite simple to ' steal ' an identity when playing around on a forum. WLD does not even require a legitimate email address.

    I've searched for Ronnie Branch on other forums, and although the persona matches the assumed identity witnessed here, it does not seem to include such ridiculous, irrelevant references to religion. In other words, the real Ronnie Branch doesn't seem to represent himself as an absolute Bible thumping lunatic, except within his own ' video ' productions.
    03-06-2009, 06:59 PM

    Glad you folks enjoy a good laugh, I realize I can't please everybody but I love them just the same. We are commanded to love our enemies and if you think about it if we hate in return we really are hypocrites.

    I will surely pray for all the people who have not taken Jesus in their life because for the non believers and having the Wrath of God on them is something more serious then precious metals,power and pleasures in life to enjoy now.

    When we die and it will happen every action we take, we will look back and likely will wish things could of been different. Now is your chance to take Jesus in your life and lift your worries from the world and cast it on the Lord.

    You will Thank God & Your brothers and Sisters for helping to spread this message it can save you!

    Spread the love and joy, God knows what is good for us he is perfect truly wants us to live a fulfilled life.

    When I was homeless back in the 90's my family really did not care for me, it was the kindness of a stranger that transformed my life to be who I am today to make a long story short.

    The compassion and humility helps us shine in business and God will bless that.

    You are powerful beyond belief, but only if you utilize your potential.

    Just felt like sharing some thoughts that's on my mind.

    Your friend in Truth & Light,
    Ronnie Branch

    Originally posted by Unregistered

    I AM mouthing off from my computer, never said I wasn't. The only difference here is I am NOT speculating like the naysayers do - only asking for proof.

    If you know that P2P is a scam please provide us all with the proof. That's all we want.

    I think that gerbil is tickling your ****** to the point of distraction and you're not getting the point.
    Mouthing off is your right. Mouthing off and constantly making a complete fool out of yourself is another issue, but as we've all been able to witness, it's also apparently another on your list of rights.

    I'm also anxious to know if you and Ronnie happened to complete the same ' special ' educational program in your former elementary education days? I trust you will pardon me for assuming that you both passed.
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me: soapboxmom@hotmail.com

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  3. #178
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    Case in Point

    May 3, 2013 | by Jonathan Brand Under the current US Federal Trade Commission, multi-level marketing product-based pyramid schemes, (MLMs), violate plain ethical boundries with legal impunity. In creating this public warning website back in mid-December 2012, The authors of shaklee-pyramid-scam.com, including myself, acted out of an urgent sense of duty to protect the public from a confidence game that remains unregulated in the United States and costs trusting participants billions of dollars each year through the use of deciept as evidenced throughout this site, countless others including mlm-thetruth.com and 20 years of acedemic research by top pyramid scheme experts, Dr. John M. Taylor and Robrt Fitzpatrick. The heartbreaking fact is that the DSA lobbies (bribes) named, known public offcials who oversee the Federal Trade Comission. The result is that MLM companies like Shaklee, Herbalife, NuSkin and Amway can legally operate on US territory. The immediate effect is that multi-level marketers (MLMs) can use perversely unethical and seemingly lawless tactics to con people out of earnings with confidence games dressed as "business opportunities." Below, you will find the reason Shaklee hires law firms to go after its victims who speak out and tell the truth: Shaklee is rightfully classified as a product-based pyramid scheme where approximately 99.8% of participants lose their entire investment. A business that doesn't rely on the use of deceit can withstand varied public opinions being published online whereas, a business structured around a confidence game will begin to crash when the truth is exposed openly. To a legitimate business, publication of the facts is standard. To a confidence game, publication of the facts constitutes an attack.
    Again, where are those tax returns of the wildly successful Ronnie Branch???
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me: soapboxmom@hotmail.com

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  4. #179
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    More for math impaired Ronnie. MLM-thetruth's Dr Jon Taylor writes:

    3. Markets quickly become saturated with MLM recruitment.

    MLM spokesmen have argued that the expected saturation and resultant market collapse has not occurred because some MLMs are still operating after decades of recruitment –and the market is nowhere near saturated, with less than 1% of total domestic sales accounted for by MLMs. But the issue is not whether or not total saturation has occurred – which would be absurd. Why would a town of 100,000 people need 100,000 distributors? Perhaps ten or twenty would be all the town could support, with new distributors finding it harder and harder to recruit or sell to persons who had not already been contacted. It is market saturation that is relevant, not total saturation. Some have been contacted multiple times and will never buy.

    Market saturation is high in the US, and this is not just for individual MLMs, but for the aggregate collection of hundreds of extant MLMs operating. We know from worldwide feedback that MLM recruitment is both predatory and extremely viral, quickly spreading to other states and countries as saturation makes recruiting difficult in market after market.

    As far as market collapse is concerned, this is replaced by continuous collapse in MLM. New recruits are continually replacing dropouts – in revolving door fashion. And as I suggested, eventually MLMs must recruit in other countries, or the MLM may start new product divisions and start the chain of recruitment all over again – a process I call re-pyramiding. This is combined with deceptive recruitment to keep the endless chain of recruitment going. Nu Skin, for example, has done this in numerous countries and with several new product divisions, including Interior Design Nutritionals, Big Planet, Pharmanex, PhotoMax, and others suspiciously appearing on the scene with inordinate frequency.

    I hired some students to do a random survey of residents in Utah County, which has the highest concentration of MLMs in the U.S. headquartered there. We found four MLM distributors for every one customer who is not a part of the network of distributors.

    4. Attrition is high among MLM firms.

    Contrary to the representations of MLM promoters, MLM participation does not lead to permanent, passive, residual, annuity-like income, except for a few at the top or who got in at the beginning of the chain of recruitment. Attrition rates for participants in MLM companies are extremely high.
    Replacement of dropouts is accomplished by continual recruitment of a revolving door of new recruits, which is one reason “TOPPs” (top-of-the-pyramid promoters), or “kingpins,” garner a disproportionate share of the revenues. TOPPs are the driving force of MLMs.

    MLM companies are careful to keep information on attrition rates hidden. However, a Google search for “MLM” – associated with the words “turnover” or “retention” or “attrition” – reveals a great concern about the number of participants that drop out each year. And some of the most damaging evidence of high attrition rates has come from court cases in which MLM officials have been forced to reveal data they have attempted to keep from participants, the media, and from law enforcement.
    For example, according to Eric Scheibeler, author of the book Merchants of Deception, from a 2005 Quixtar (Amway) internal management report, out of 10,000 participating IBOs, only 414 remained in the business after the 5th renewal. That’s a 95.9% dropout rate in only five years for the largest of all MLMs – truly a smoking gun!

    Melaleuca at one time claimed to have the highest retention rate in the MLM industry – 94.5%. But in a Texas court case, it was revealed that instead of an average attrition rate of 5.5% per year, it was 5.5%per month, for an annual dropout rate of approximately 66%! That’s a huge difference. Prepaid Legal also revealed on its annual report that half of its customers and distributors quit each year. Nu Skin and Excel Telecommunications also reported such high dropout rates. (Robert Fitzpatrick, 10 Big Lies of Multi-level Marketing).

    In sharp contrast, one nationwide survey of small businesses showed that over the lifetime of a business, 39% are profitable, 30% break even, and 30% lose money. Cumulatively, 64.2% of businesses failed in a 10-year period. (William Dennis, Nat’l Federation of Independent Businesses, reported by Karen E. Klein in Business Week, September 30, 1999).
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me: soapboxmom@hotmail.com

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  5. #180
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    More from our dear colleague, Dr. Jon Taylor:
    5. Prices for MLM products are not competitive, so MLMs depend for sales revenues on personal consumption by participants, who are lured into purchasing through misleading income and product claims.

    Having to support a bloated hierarchy of “distributors,” MLMs price their products too high to compete with standard retail outlets. I conducted an MLM price survey, comparing prices of multi-vitamins products offered by ten retail outlets – with an average price of $11.22, with those offered by ten MLM companies – with an average price of $61.22 – over five times as much. Even at wholesale, after adding taxes and shipping, MLMs prices were more than triple the price of products from competing outlets. Based on initial checking, a similar price disparity is evident also for exotic fruit drinks, which are flagship products for many of the newer MLMs.

    Whenever abysmal average earnings of MLM participants are disclosed, the DSA/MLM cartel argues that most recruits sign up to buy the products at wholesale prices. When one makes price comparisons for comparable products from competing retail outlets, this argument is obviously bogus. Why would a person pay $46 wholesale (including retail tax and shipping) for a fruit drink when one can buy a drink with equivalent benefits at a supermarket for $12? Our correspondence with MLM victims suggests that most people quit buying the products from the MLM after dropping out.

    Of course, the MLM promoter will claim unique features that justify the high prices, but laboratories that have analyzed the ingredients have found such claims misleading. Many pitches for MLM “potions and lotions” are the modern equivalent of “snake oil peddlers” of a bygone era.
    It is not my purpose here to expose numerous misleading product claims of typical MLM companies. For those who are interested, Dr. Steven Barrett, sponsor of quackwatch.org and mlmwatch.org has posted on his many web sites extensive evidence of misleading product claims for “potions and lotions” which seem to be endemic to the MLM field.

    People buy to qualify for commissions and advancement in the pyramid of participants, enticed by prospects of easy money from building a downline. There is little evidence of a significant customer base, with the possible exception of party plans. The distinction between buyers and sellers is blurred. The sellers are the buyers, and the buyers are the sellers – to themselves and their family. This is called “personal (or internal) consumption” a key legal distinction in proving illegality in some court cases. Commissions from purchases of huge downlines primarily enrich founders and TOPPs. James Kohm of the FTC refers to such schemes as “little more than a transfer scheme, dooming the vast majority of participants to financial failure.” (Letter to Neil Offen of the DSA, January 14, 2004)
    In a typical MLM, if no commissions were paid on downline sales, the company would fold.
    So, just where are those tax returns from Ronnie Branch? Why isn't he responding to us and proving us wrong?
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me: soapboxmom@hotmail.com

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  6. #181
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    So let me get this straight. She talks to 20-30 people per day, but in 13 years she only had 15 views. She sent out 1,000 voice broadcasting videos, but only got 20-30 calling her back. She claims this is successful? Seriously? That's a dismal 2-3% return rate. The average direct mail response rate is 5-7%. A voice broadcast should be doing 10-15% minimum if it is any good. Says a lot about the content of her voice broadcast videos doesn't it. What a tool.
    Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.com

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  8. #182
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    1,357 Ways YOU Can Make a LOT more Money* than in MLM - MLM-TheTruth

    This is for Ronnie. 1357 Ways You Can Make a Lot More Money Than in MLM!!!
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me: soapboxmom@hotmail.com

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  9. #183
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam



    20 hours ago

    Since you had a conversation with "Jesus Christ," did he tell you that you're a pseudo Christian that is also a huge grifter and con artist? Hey Ronnie, the proof is there. So how did that police report work out for you? And BTW, how many scams and MLM failures have you been involved with? Possibly you should start selling Bibles on the internet. Bet you'll remove this comment.


    4 hours ago (edited)

    Have people like Heather put up your information online only to get weird comments like this and see how it works for you. No I'll prove you wrong I won't delete this comment as long as its normal civilized dialog or positive dialog, but attacks on me will be deleted so I'll let the first one slide but anything future will be deleted. Information posted from the Stalker heather was 10-12+ years ago and some of the info was false and twisted words for her sick pleasure. The Police report is the first step to bring awareness about this Lunatic along with this video to warn others about her along with other law enforcement agencies in general so it served its purpose.

    As for what I involve myself in is nobody's business. If you think its your business then why not expose your income records,photos and past deeds to stalker folks like Heather and get random weird comments like this unless your one of the few Heather's Followers. If you wish to know what I do freely look at my other videos on my channel as to expose the myth I am a con artist. Con artists don't take care of their woman that cannot feed themselves for over 10 years so your either not intelligent or this is just a personal attack or your a follower of heather being a supporter to bully's in general. Wonder how well you'd sit when someone calls you a wife beater and think its cool when I am not even married another false statement about me from her forum. Con Artists do not contact Law Enforcement agencies in fact they do just the opposite and avoid them. Con Artists usually con people without their photo and have many aliases I do not. Con Artists do not put themselves out there much at all and if they do they cover their tracks at least smart ones do.

    A man or woman that tries things in the past does not label them as a Con Artist, It is a process of growing and to continue to get better and better overtime as to avoid past things and devote towards good things and that is what failure and success is all about. I have mentioned quotes about this in my other statement. Con artists do not build a successful income in a few MLM businesses and work it for years with hard work and supporting folks and making thousands of calls to make it work, but instead they are to busy promoting their next fast paying scheme and not giving support to their teams which scams in general are unfortunately endless online where as Con artists are looking for quick dollars vs real leaders take their time and successful have built things in the past.

    Con artists do not expose other scams as once upon a time I used to do this, but decided it is not a good way to drive traffic and get exposure as it is unwanted traffic and not good. Wracking up lawsuits and making everybody angry is not a good way to build a business, but Heather seems to love wracking up complaints and lawsuits just so people will visit her website as to think it is popular when clearly with 5 friends on her profile is living proof her website is not well liked or appreciated for over a decade since her site launched.

    She will continue to do so for years unless she gets professional help from a Doctor as I mentioned getting hospitalized would do her well. Or she could do this on her own without professional help or eventually the bad road she walks will likely just keep getting worst for her.

    Con Arts have many lawsuits and complaints online and love to hide vs Heather has many Lawsuits and complaints about her and will keep getting them even complaints locally as well and those links are posted above the video description. Because I unlike Mentally deranged people like Heather know how to take care of my life along with working out fitness wise and eating semi good to and treat people with respect. Meaning Heather was given a opportunity to work things out in a civilized way, but she loves just being a Drama Queen.

    Finally Con Artists do not do surveys for income for years, in fact they are looking for 100-1000's in payments which are sent fast. So this is what happens when u read about others and that Defamation of character is a serious problem online from the words of others. This is why people like Heather needs to find professional help before she gets into serious trouble in the future either from law enforcement or others in general as the path she walks down is a dark one indeed.

    Heather hides behind her keyboard with no photo or videos online of herself along with her few followers and writes about people all the time even her neighbors locally have filed a rip off report about her and she has endless complaints and lawsuits about her. People who do not have a video or a photo means they are hiding something a hidden agenda and this is typical how scammers operate. She is not a true scam buster as real ones have nothing to hide at all. She is an emotional drama queen that sounds like she has a mental problems and likely got scammed bad in past only to lash out on others because of her failures without getting real facts about someone instead of copying paste things from internet. A smart real reporter goes to the source before blowing their horns to make themselves look bad.

    A real person will take responsibility for their failures as to not repeat them and not lash out on the world posting their information online and label themselves as an expert at what? Nothing but a Drama queen and getting in trouble with lawsuits and complaints in my view. Again as I mentioned before heather was given the opportunity to talk, but she does not want to talk on the phone she would rather just troll and write about things about people on a routine basics for years. The offer always will stand on the table because yes I am a christian man that knows how to work out things and when she is ready to work out her issues in a civilized way I am open to talking on the phone not broadcasting things on the internet acting immature in so many ways. Should she decide to workout her issues one day I will be happy to update the public so we can actually get something positive spoken about her instead of endless complaints u find on the internet about her.

    So hopefully that clarify's everything. If not leave your phone number and pm me and ask valid general questions on the phone instead of attacks or asking about my personal info as Stalkers unfortunately attract other sick people in general so I'll be able to determine the outcome of the call fast if your a civilized person or not. If I wrote anything more then once typically people in general need to hear something more then one time to register info in their minds. Its nothing personal its just how people are wired in general.

    Unless you have anything neutral or positive to write I will be forced to remove such content unless it contributes value to the video content and I will deem you a supporter to stalkers and cyber bullys in general trying to twist words and go off subject to point things about me when I was the victim to people like Heather and her few followers for years. I wouldn't put it past a lunatic like heather to use random alias names to write comments using fake youtube channels without a profile photo or a single youtube video about herself or tell her few followers to aid her. If you'd like to be a man and contact me personally we can talk over the phone anytime about your issues in general and keep it civilized of course minus any name calling. Typically face to face or sometimes over phone people do not speak in this way because it is easy to write nonsense over the keyboard without having a photo or a video of yourself. So sure, feel free to tell me this stuff over the phone and we can talk in a civilized manner if your capable of that.


    1 hour ago

    @ronniebranch5609 I am not a friend or follower of Dobrott. Your video popped up when I did a search on scammers. Now, you state: "As for what I involve myself in is nobody's business." It is when you're attempting to con people out of their money and join forces. Again, I will ask you, how many ventures have you been involved in and how many have failed? Or better yet, how many have been a success? Or why didn't you address the question about the police report you filed and what happened with it? When I did a search on Dobrott, I see where she won the lawsuits. I can't find any judgments against her, but I was able to find where nearly every MLM and other scam is no longer in existence. What do you have to say about those facts? One more thing, how come you're the one with so many YouTube channels? When I do a search, I see that you've removed the content on most of them. Too many failures to add to the growing list?


    1 hour ago (edited)

    @kevindelaurentis8666 I see thanks for that input. When I said what I involve myself in yes that remark is for Privacy purposes, but generally speaking I am not involved in any business ventures for over 10-12+ years. I am responding as a means to defend myself which I have that right. As for the Police report I have not received any news, but the purpose was for mainly branding to bring self awareness which that goal was achieved. I've had a handful of successes over a decade ago, but decided calling people all the time I had grown tired of it when a company folded along time ago having invested a descent amount of time in it. I've tried a handful of random things out there and realized they are not good programs to invest my time or name, but have given favor to some of my old followers as a means to support them since they wanted to support me in a handful of other programs... Of course to succeed in any type of MLM it takes a lot of work and devotion meaning knowing how to stay committed. Heather won the lawsuits because unfortunately the law is not kept up well to deal with how she behaves online as people who sue others where it could just lead to liens and then statue of limitation eventually kicks in etc so people who wanted to sue her do not follow up much of that and she takes full advantage of that.

    Shaklee my old company still doing well today as a company itself, the fact that was my serious last MLM clearly states a man of integrity if ever I built any MLM it would have to be a reputable company like this one with over 60+ years existence having seen instead of startup company's that will fold eventually it is part of the growing process. Shaklee is a strong product oriented company minus income hype which I Love and have experienced the benefits in the past for many years with their products. I am not active in it right now, but once was over a decade ago. I just got tired of dealing with all drama associated with some people rather recruiting marketing, cross line sponsoring where other people take your downline members etc and enjoy doing things that involve people less these days. I have had different youtube channels because I wanted to keep the content focus to be focused on what was being shared for that specific channel. As for content being removed due to privacy reasons due to stalkers and gossip in general and fact I have not been active for over a decade it is pointless to keep some old content up. Some content was not removed, but is set as private for privacy purposes should that content ever be needed again. As for failures and success well I wrote some good quotes from the internet I found about failures and success you can read them in one of my other comments to get a idea. Anyways hope that answers some or all your questions and thanks for letting me know your stance and being reasonable.

    This is a interesting read about Con Artiststs: Something Heather should take notes on as to be self aware of many small details. https://portal.ct.gov/dob/consumer/consumer-education/how-to-spot-a-con-artist A few ones I like are below.

    Rule Number 1: Con Artists Do Not Like To Be Found - I am found easy online

    Rule Number 2: Con Artists Dress For Success - Been along time since I dressed for success lol - Go watch some of my survey videos :) But working everyday people rather at home or a Brick and mortar business also need to Dress for Success anyways.

    In Conclusion there is no need to go over details on this really anymore folks can read between the lines and decide what to add and avoid in their lives. Just remember I don't have local complaints unlike Heather, I don't write 100+ posts about someone and other people without their permission as it is wrong morally. I am respectful and Civil and Heather is not when given the opportunity to work things out over the phone having spoke to her before recently where she hung the phone up on me when I called the Police on her and all of this could of been avoided as she was given that option when we spoke on the phone to be civil.

    Read between the lines folks and lets keep the internet a safe place for your info could be compromised since Heather could care less if u found success and got scammed or found success and retired moved on or if u where a victim in a scam as to be scammed asap as to call you a scammer without getting the facts first for she has no problem with posting any or all related info about you as this is how lunatics are they are not wired correctly mentally to be civilized and work things out since she is a Drama Queen. Heather likely got scammed bad in the past and as I mentioned lashes out endlessly towards others where as I have taken responsibility and moved on like a responsible adult should many years ago. The real problem lies with Heather not myself since I enjoy simple things these days for over a decade and Heather involves herself in drama on a routine basics and sadly likely will continue down this path. Hopefully she will get help at some point in the future for I do have a sense of compassion for mentally ill people like this.
    Ronnie Branch is the only drama queen around these parts. He thinks he can rewrite history. Just because Ted Bundy may have regretted what he did as he sat in the electric chair doesn't erase what he did. You, Ronnie, cannot erase all of your participation in scams and schemes that were uneconomic and likely illegal. Ronnie is also to dense to see that the majority of the early posts on this thread were by numerous other members of Realscam.

    There is not one thing that he has quoted and proved to be false. Most of the posts were direct quotes of him and some quite witty commentary on said. Ronnie is a liar and con artist and we do not remove posts here unless they contain provably false information. Ronnie chose to make his life public and got what he deserved on that front!
    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me: soapboxmom@hotmail.com

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  10. #184
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    Anyone needing assistance please feel free to use this e-mail in addition to the PM system here to contact me: soapboxmom@hotmail.com

    Dallas College Richland Campus Music Advising Derrick Logozzo / Melissa Logan / Not NASM Accredited / Out of State Tuition Nightmare!

    Love some Bunny! I do!

  11. LMAO Hockey Fan LMAO
  12. #185
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    Some quotes of what people have said about Ronnie Just a moment...

    Dude you seriously are wacked in the head,i watched your retarded video day 47 of 77 and that was 5.5 min of wasted life i will never get back.
    PLEASE go get some help and stop making videos of absolutely wacked out nothing.

    Not your friend in truth or light

    Speaking of queers. He is taking a shower with a man in his bathroom and reading his bible while taking a shower and then wearing womens clothes. Looks like another queen in this forum.
    WTF did that have to do with any of his scam MLMs?

    ronniebranch is a major loser. watch out for him.

  13. #186
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    Re: Ronnie Branch....god fearing or scammer?? Shaklee Scam

    Quote Originally Posted by Soapboxmom View Post
    Serial scammer and total failure Ronnie desperately trying to push MLM scams. Notice this self-professed leader and big money maker has almost no views on his scam lead promoting videos.
    his silly website http://www.ronniebranch.com is non existent as well


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