Major Raymond st Clair. ( Part 0ne.)

Remember the name,(also known as Raymond (Lord) st Clair,) for there is every chance you might one day come across him in the course of business.He has traveled all over the world relieving unsuspecting people from their hard-earned cash.
He has been involved in just about every dodgy type of deal imaginable.these range from false charities to bogus churches,to network marketing ,multi-level marketing and the Internet lottery.
Many of his “shell” companies are currently running,all publicized on the world-wide web.
He is a computer guru in the true sense of the word,or if you prefer a “geek”.He is a past master at conning people from all walks of life,not just the ordinary man in the street,and has absolutely no scruples or morals and if given half a chance will leave you penniless.
I shall reveal on this thread many of his nefarious dealings both past and current. Stand by to be amazed at his antics!
Who knows you might enjoy the story—!