Contour Entertainment

Contour appears to be defunct. Don Allen Holbrook and his dishonest, dirtbag sidekick Chris Brown just can't stop bragging about Earthquest as if it is a done deal. The website for Contour, that hasn't been updated for several years, shows the Earthquest billion dollar theme park as "our work." The pretty picture is all the taxpayers have to show for the 24 million spent (much of which lined the pockets of scammer Don Allen Holbrook and Chris Brown.) Disgusting!

Contour Entertainment has not updated its Facebook page for almost 5 years. Numerous comments asking about Earthquest over the years have been completely ignored and not answered, but not removed. Contour Entertainment is long dead. Before Holbrook, Contour had done a few single attractions and set-ups for shows. All kinds of fantasy was sold to Frank McCrady and dirty EMCID board that had a great time with millions of tax dollars traveling the world and spending like ultra wealthy on our dime!

Judge calls amusement park '''taxpayer tragedy'''