Now this is rich. I went to their website to have a look around. I noticed at the bottom they had their Quick Links so I decided to click on them Only one problem....NONE of them were active links!! Maybe they need to find a real web developer who knows how to make links that work.

Nothing like an illegal cash gifting scam trying to make itself sound legal. After all their claims they are not this and that, one thing is for sure they are not is LEGAL!! I give this about 2 months before it collapses. They don't have the major pimps onboard for this to have any staying power. If they can get a couple of the big boys and girls to pimp it, they might make it to November.

You have no clue where you are in their matrix, which means that all their closest friends and their family, as well as themselves, hold all the top positions and the only ones who will make any money. Anyone falling for this deserves to lose their money, and lose it you will.